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myOtaku.com: iceprincess4792

Wednesday, March 9, 2005

   omw, i posted!
wow............srry 4 not posting, ppl.......grounding takes its toll again......well wat happened this time waz that i waz out w/ nate and my dad didnt tell me i wasnt allowed out NEWHERE...
speaking of nathaniel, things are not goin 2 well....4 some reason, he has started accusing me of a liar and that i cant b trusted.
wtf??? i would never lie 2 someone that i will most likely end up marrying!
i dunno if ash is doin 2 good, either.....she didn't speak 2 neone yesterday. we have a 2 hour delay right now, so im writing while getting ready 4 skool. (i KNO i spelled that wrong, but i do NOT care!)
and if neone noticed that i started posting in ash's chatterbox thingy as Fallyn Angel, it is for a reason:well, some groups of friends, have clubs, some their own nicknames, some their own wayz of doin thingz. we have nicknames, and we thought it would be kewl if all of ourz started w/ Fallyn or sumthin like that.....mine iz Fallyn Angel, ash's is Fallyn Starr, blackangel55's is Fallyn Rayne.....yeah, stuff like that. ash HATED the idea, but stuck w/ it newayz...as 4 me, i love it. i waz almost gonna change my username to Fallyn Angel, but i'd hafta delete this old account 2 do that, but i like my syte as it iz...
i g2g now, my bus is comin &m i hear it. Bye!
"Tis better to have loved and lost to have never loved at all...unless your filthy stinkin' rich!"
-Beverly, 1-16-05


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