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Saturday, September 30, 2006
YAY I can post today
at meh cousins house...and yeah...lol....tired and YAY pizza soon...^^ mmmmm pizza...anyway..as I was just now yelling at my cuz,....b/c he was all like they only have one size BIG...and yeah...anyway....just sitting here and I was in doubt that I would have been able to post today and there is also that slim chance you any of you reading this today...but yeah...and yeah....thats about it
see ya
YAY Urahara^^ lol

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Thursday, September 28, 2006
heres how it goes...tomrrow...before we have some sort of break and we're supposed to have school I will not because of some reason that I'n not going to speak of..lol..its not bad or anything just dont feel like talking about it...unless you go to my school.....lol...then you would know hopefully if you remember...anyway...yeah
YAY ...sorry my friend just gave me steps to get into a folder so I can watch anime during school...^^...YAY...lol...anyway....yeah nothing new is going on except today I had to stay after school and take a test and one of my friends and his friend stay for me.....and then when I was done we just sat outside and yelled and stuff and was wondering why people would take soo many sports for school....cause its a computer school...common...lol....anway oh yeah! so stupid idiotic girl left trash in the lobby (which is where we all sit around) and becasue of the idoit...we have to go either sit outside or in the cafeteria...and we're all like screw that we're sitting in the lobby anyway...but yeah....grrrr....shes soo..freaking.....fhsdikghkig....anyway yeah ^^
I gotta go eat food now so I'm gonna go
P.S.: please go see
because she is new and my friend...and yeah soo go meet her!! like right after you do whatever....please...lol...
now bye!
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Wednesday, September 27, 2006
in DD class nothing is really going on....bored out of my mind though and yeah...have a nice day....bye
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Tuesday, September 26, 2006
spanish class
omg I seriously dislike learning spanish *cries* this is soo not cool...in the class right now...and yeah....lol...^^'...but yeah and nothing new has really been happening but I'm not going to be at school on fri YAY...lol..and also I have like a little bit til we get out and stuff....soo yeah...thats about it...nothing new and such..and yeah have a good day
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Monday, September 25, 2006
dont know
I do not know if anyone will be able to hear this...but yeah...and yeah listening to nightwish...gotta love them...lol...and yeah
does anyone here listen to nightwish???
well probably but I was just seeing who does...and yeah...
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Sunday, September 24, 2006
hi,...and thats about all I have to say
heh...pic bigger than the post bigger than the other posts but the other picture:

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Friday, September 22, 2006
trying to type up an essay in second period is totally not fun at all!! but when ever has it been..?....anyway....I'm bored out of my mind and very hungery...but thats not the points....happy cause its FRIDAY!! YAY no school for 2 whole DAYS! then after next week is a week off for us...YAY for that too....lol...but yeah I seriously hope that you all have a good day and weekend since I doubt that I'll be able to post anything...but yeah...hehehe....

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Thursday, September 21, 2006
well hello...to the people who read this or are reading this/ going to read this...anyway...yeah either a bunch of stuff is happening or nothing at all cause I'm too lost to figure it out...but at school....its just crazy people yelling out random things at lunch and stuff like that I would quote some things...but I dont think it would be the same. Anyway....my one friend amanda might move and she has no idea where and niether do her parent.s....sooo its weird...and yeah.....besides that I'm actually starting to do some hw except for yesterday...lol....and such......other than that its been same day routine...and such......well yeah thats about it.....and yeah.....uhhh
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Saturday, September 16, 2006
well yeah I'm posting now because I have a ton of homework this weekend -_-....but yeah,....so I hope you all have a good weekend and such and that yeah and thats about it.....
thats about it
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Friday, September 15, 2006
morning in 2nd period......-_-....sooo not cool....but anyway almot done with...the period and today is friday so thats a good thing I suppose^^'...but yeah....I'm soo tired and hungery its not funny...but yeah sorry for complaining....and such...but yeah I hope you all have a good day and whatnot....but yeah
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