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Tuesday, January 6, 2009
I named my chair L o u i s e
So I'm in school right now,
chillin'. Nothing much to
do. I can't go to any pr0n
websites. There goes my
I have a 40 GWAM? I think
that's what it's called.
My typing is so loud in
this little room. I have
to type so slowly.
Crack post. . .
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Tuesday, December 2, 2008
I was realy bored yesterday so,
I sat down like any emo kid
would and wrote some poems.
I have a thing for Haiku.
The 5/7/5 lines interest me.
So I think I might post a
little 'story', I guess
you could call it, in Haiku
Don't laugh...I was bored.
(oh and keep in mind that
I'm a dork...with no life.)
'Shyness seeping through me
Blush covering my whole face
She smiles at me'
'Can she be so right?
So beautiful it hurts me?
Well...of course she can'
'Am I right for her?
Will it work out between us?
One way to find out'
'Just one way to know
Will she not want me like I
So badly want her?'
'One question to ask.
Just one chance to know the truth.
Will you be with me?'
I know. It's sappy and dumb.
Just wanted to post some
form of art.
ANYWAY! How is everyone? Good?
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Thursday, November 27, 2008
Jump for j o y
I'm back.
My car broke down. The bitch.
I'm going to get my schedule
for McyD's tomorrow. I think
I start next week. I'm a little
nervous. First job, ya'know.
I need to get out of my house.
My dad is killing me. I need
to be a teenager. GORRAMMIT!
No but really, he is putting
me on a shorter leash everyday.
I get to do less and less.
School is okay finally.
I need to post some new art on
here soon. I'll put some up in
the next few days. Promise.
So how was eveyones Thanksgiving?
Good I hope. Mine was fine. I got
to play a Wii. God I wish those
azians would come to my house and
give me a free Wii already. -shrug-
Guess I'm not that lucky.
Tunes: Zombie-The Cranberries
Tube: Garden State
Food: None
Fluid: Agua
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Tuesday, October 7, 2008
I read Char's post about the
random people striking up
conversations with her. I
thought I would share mine. xD
I was at the station the other
day and this man on a motorcycle
stopped me and asked how old
my dog (Sam was in my backseat)
was. I told him and for about
10 minutes we were there talking
about our dogs, well he was, I was
slowly trying to get away without
being rude. I learned his dog's name
was Liberty (Libby for short) She
is about 6 years old, she weighs
about 100 pounds, and her vet
says she needs to lose about 5lbs.
The man's name was Jim. He was nice.
I saw him today and he waved at me.
I gave him an 'akward grin' as Ryan
put it.
I have no clue what to do for
Halloween. I have to have my
Birthday party that saturday.
My real birthday is on tuesday.
I have to get invitations...
Nothing much else but school,
and existing.
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Thursday, October 2, 2008
I feel like I should update.
I'm applying at Burger King,
and Hardee's. I don't really
wanna work anywhere else. Uh.
I'm kinda sad tomorrow is
Friday. I don't want the week
to end. I'm dreading the
I'm tired a lot lately. I can't
seem to get enough sleep. Maybe
I need more coffee. Luckily
Bobby is my new coffee supplier.
She is paying me in coffee for
everytime I buy her lunch. It's
the beginnings of a pimp. xD
How is everyone? o:
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Tuesday, September 23, 2008
I wen over to Mobely's house yesterday after school and we wathed "Baby Mama". That movie cracks me the fuck up. lol I think it's just that one line "Bitch I don't know your life!"
I'm listening to this song Brad got stuck in my head. We were driving around town, Tori was there too. It's from the Pineapple Express? It's called All I wanna do is 'bang bang bang' and take your moneys. I think.
So my dad wants me to get a job so I won't have time to hag out with my friends. o: I guess I need to go to McDonalds again and fill out the application there. That's what everyone tells me. And I can't bring anyone with me because then it looks like I can't do things on my own. @-@
I feel like I should put a picture in here...

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Thursday, September 18, 2008
So I sent Cota's birthday gift today. I had to sneak to the post office and send it. My dad wouldn't very much like me sending things to people in California. But anyway I got there and had NO clue what to do. I asked this one lady and she just stared at me. So I go up to the counter and there was this really sweet old man (not pervy, just sweet) and he helped me with all of it. I will forever be grateful to this man. I was so proud of myself though. Usually I would have chickened out and asked Tori to send it for me, but I was brave. <3 
My hair is getting long, but I like it. I miss my long hair.
Tori: We can't do that, Hf would be devastated. And think about you and Cota. I can't do that. And your children.
Charlie: It's just that it's not fun hearing everyone talk about their loved ones.
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Wednesday, September 17, 2008
I've realized something and it's probably a weird to realize.
I'm the only single person in my family.
My brother has his girlfriend, my dad has his fiance. My uncle and aunt have each other as do my grandparents. My cousins both have girlfriends. My sister has a new boyfriend and my mum has her husband.
Tori has her boyfriend and Birt now has a girlfriend. And then there's me.
I feel like the cheese at the end of the song "The Farmer in the Dell".
'Dgette stands alone.
I'm grounded for asking my brother ask to my dad a question because my lazy ass couldn't get up. (so says my dad) I can't do anything over the weekend. I'm stuck home alone. Well not alone, but with no outside communication. Oh well.
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Wednesday, September 10, 2008
I got an unexpected suprise
today. I'm used to, when I'm
missing Char, texting her.
But today she texted me and
it made my day. I know it's
something small, and probably
really weird and stalker-like,
but I liked it. @-@
Tori's post yesterday just
about sums up my attitude about
college and what not.
I'm looking around my living
room at all the pictures of me
growing up. The earliest one is
from 1st grade. I look like a
dork. -pointless paragraph-
I was about to go to bed last
night, but for some reason I
started thinking about all the
things I hate about myself.
I was so interested by this list
that I wrote it down. It
may sound weird and a little
masochistic in a way, but it
really made me step back and
look at myself, and question
the things I was doing.
A few chart toppers:
-I'm not that talented
-I'm not pretty
-I try to be things I'm not
-I act like a child
-I don't treat my family with the respect they deserve
-I have NO selfesteem
-I'm only good at doing things enough to not make a fool of myself
-I'm too judgemental to people I don't understand
-I try not to disappoint anyone, but in doing so I always disappoint the most important person.
.....On a lighter note I applied at McDonald's.
Listening to: When The Day Met The Night-Panic!At The Disco
Drinking: Diet Cherry Coke
Eating: Nothing
Mood: Relieved
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Monday, September 8, 2008
It's fuck-damn hot again. I hate
it. But I was told the high is
supposed to be 68 tomorrow. So
I'm sweating. It's gross. I feel
sticky and I want to take a shower.
I cannot wait until winter.
I'm sick again, but not really bad.
So, don't worry.
I have nothing really to post about.
I can't type right today. There
will probably be a lot of mistakes
that I don't catch and correct.
(Char did it, Tori did it. I wanna
do it) xD
Listening to: I Will Follow You Into The Dark - Deathcab For Cutie
Watching:The Jet Music Video, What You've Done.
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