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myOtaku.com: Ichi-Kun

Saturday, July 28, 2007

I feel so bad. I'm at Birt's house right now. I was supposed to go to Tori's and see the Simpson's movie, but Birt called me and invited me over. My dad never gave me an answer so I asumed I wasn't able to stay the night. I tried to call Tori a couple of times. Couldn't get ahold of her. I feel terrible. I feel like I ditched her. It would have been the first time I was with A.C all summer too! I wanted to see her so bad. I'm such a bad friend. Tori if you are reading this right now, I am going to invite you over soon! I swear it! I haven't had enough time with you this summer. I really wanna hang out with you. Well, my computer is being straight (xDD Charlie). I'm trying to reboot it but no, it's being difficult. The thing Tori told me to do worked. (Hard to explain...but It's supposed to work!) Well...I got a new puppy. His name is Sam. I wanted to name him either Darcia or Hige. But no. He's a golden retriever. I wanted a scotty dog, b ut of course no. My brother got the dog he wanted. He's so purdy though. I luffs him. He reminds me of Momiji. A.D.D. Tired, but I can't let Birt know, she'll give me crap about it. I can stay up, but I'm tired. I woke up at 5:30 this morning. i've been up ever since. ick, I need sleep. I tried to fall back asleep but my body was like, 'No...you are gonna go eat. Then....not sleep.' I hate my body.
I'm probably not gonna be on for a long time, at least until my pc starts working again. I need more memory. Birt's dad is supposed to be giving me more. Yea. kthnxbai (always wanted to say that...)

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