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Friday, August 10, 2007
New drawing!
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Well i finally finished my drawing of tokyo mew mew! I forgot how much fun it is to draw the mews and their cute outfits.
please go check it out!
 Full Power Mew Attack!Hosted By
Ill be doing a drawing request of one of my friends of TohruXKyo soon. Hopefully itll come out ok since its my first time drawing characters from Fruits Basket....
1.Do you like tokyo mew mew?
2.Out of all the mews (as shown in my drawing) which one do you like the most?
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Sunday, August 5, 2007
Anime Festival!!!!
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Sorry for not updating in a long while -.- ive gotten lazy with these things....
Anyways, yesterday I went to my first ever anime convention!!!! It was an Anime Festival. I had so much fun! There were loads of people dressed up, my favorite cosplay was this group of people who dressed up as the evee evolutions in pokemon! It was awesome. They had stands were you could buy things from your favorite shows and I bought a poster of Tsubasa Resevoir Chronicles, its so beautiful! I have no idea were ill put it in my room since its covered in posters -.-;
1.Have you ever been to an anime convection?
2.Do you have any anime merchandise? (example:posters, dolls, figures, etc.)
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Thursday, July 26, 2007
After a long time.... it is a post!
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So sorry for not posting for quite a while. I've been busy trying to complete my Pokemon Diamond Version game. I had forgotten how addicted I can get to pokemon @.@
Lately, I've taken a liking into jogging ever since I took summer school and they made us jog every morning! Makes me super hyper while jogging makes my friends sleepy. Strange huh?
In the drawing news, I have decided to submit Tokyo Mew Mew Fan Art since I haven't done so in a while (a year??). I may even make a background with this awesome idea i have!
I'm also working on this original art that I'll submit soon of my character Hikaru.
Random Question:
1.What was your best grade level ever? (for me it was second grade, it was fun!)
2.What is your favorite smiley on the comp? (mine would be ^.^ or -.-)
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Thursday, July 19, 2007
new drawing!
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hallo my dear friends!
today i have posted my drawing of takuto and mitsuki taking a moonlight stroll on the beach. please go see it and comment on the flaws because i want to get better!
 Strolling The Beach On A Full MoonHosted By
Inspired by the moonlight stroll i took when i went to the beach on vacation.
Random Question:
1.If you watch Full Moon, What pairing is better TakutoXMitsuki or EichiXMitsuki?
2. If you watch Fruits Basket, which pairing is better KyoXTohru or YukiXTohru?
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Monday, July 16, 2007
New layout
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Ive finally put a new layout. this time its card captor sakura. i havent done that anime in a while.
The background is actually my latest wallpaper that ive made. please go check it out.
Wallpaper:Among the Cherry Blossoms
1.Do you like the new layout or did you prefer the other one?
2.What theme should i do for my next one?
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Saturday, July 14, 2007
Im Baaaaack!
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im back! hello there! ready and refreshed to draw.
well, i was going to draw during my vacation but i didnt have the time. instead im going to draw this inspiration that hit me when walking on the beach at night with stars. its going to be my first original drawing or maybe ill do it with full moon on it. i dont know well ill just ask you guys.
1. Should my next drawing be of full moon or an original character?
2.Do you prefer to draw original characters or just fan art?
im thinking of also changing my layout. ill be working on that soon!
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Friday, June 29, 2007
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sorry i havent posted guys.... summer school is exhausting fun, i miss it already (today was our last day). i wont be able to post for the next two week because ill be going on vacation (literally). first going to the mountains then the beach!!!!! i can work on my messed up tan because right now the only tan things are my arms and legs and everything else is white -_-
Random Question:
1.What is the most exotic animal youve ever touched?? (for me it was a sloth, tucan, and a ray as in the water one)
2.What is the most exotic animal youve seen in the wild? (a llama, a manatee, a tucan, the list goes on because of my travels to the rainforest and stuff)
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Monday, June 18, 2007
Summer School :S
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wow, i just had my first day of Team Sports I and i cant believe how tired i am! first we ran 1.5 miles, then we played hockey, basketball, and football. Its not that im tired, its just that i feel sore. sigh, to think that im actually going to have to do this everyday for two weeks.
1.What is your favorite sport? (i like soccer and basketball)
2. What sport do you like to watch? (if any) ( i like to watch soccer or cycling i know im weird
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Saturday, June 16, 2007
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Impressive on how some people can be obsessive no? Well, let me tell you guys my story. I told my friends a while ago that i liked someone who i met in one of my friends quinceañera bday party. so then one of my very curious friends marches over to the quinceañera a few days ago and asks her to tell her all the guys that went there and they actually made a LIST. I also told them that my crush and i would have the same summer school class. so then my friend tells everyone she knows that has the same class to spy on my flirting! !!!! i know obsessive huh? so i decided to tell this curious frined of mine who it was on the condition that she would dismiss her spies.... i know, sad. -_-
Really Random Question:
What is your favorite animal? and why?
(cats cuz theyre adorable at any age ^.^)
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Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Mermaid Mitsuki!
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I've added a new drawing today of Mitsuki as a mermaid.
 Mermaid Mitsuki (fmf Club Contest)Hosted By
I would appreciate it if you guys would go check it out. This drawing is also for the FMF Club Contest that supposed to be summer related. Mitsuki is shown taking a dip a summer afternoon as a mermaid!
Tell me what you think about it!
What is your favorite mythical animal?(mine is the dragon hehehe)
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