Birthday • 1993-05-31 Gender •
Female Location • I am with Train Hartnet,trying to kill Creed Diskenth for killing Saya Minatsuki... Member Since • 2006-05-09 Occupation • Sweeper....Like Train Real Name • I'm Saya's little sister...Shira
Achievements • Marrying Train Hartnet from "Black Cat" the anime. Anime Fan Since • since i was 8 Favorite Anime • Jeanne, Tsubasa, and Black Cat Goals • To read over 300 different books more that once each(which ive accomplished) Hobbies • singing and drawing, and writing a lot Talents • singing, drawing and writing! ichigogirl13137
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
Birthday � 05/31/93 Gender � Female Location � I'm am now traveling the globe(any world or galaxy as well).Today I am in...the world of D.Gray-Man,hanging Allen Walker and trying to defeat The Millennium Earl. Member Since � 05/09/06 Occupation � Exorcist
Birthday � 05/31/93 Gender � Female Location � I'm am now traveling the globe(any world or galaxy as well).Today I am in...the world of D.Gray-Man,hanging Allen Walker and trying to defeat The Millennium Earl. Member Since � 05/09/06 Occupation � Exorcist
Although it was yesterday,I have something to say about Septemver 11th.
"We Will Not Be Terrorized."
Remember the troops.Remember the people who lost someone,remember your faith in God.
Birthday � 05/31/93 Gender � Female Location � I'm am now traveling the globe(any world or galaxy as well).Today I am in...the world of D.Gray-Man,hanging Allen Walker and trying to defeat The Millennium Earl. Member Since � 05/09/06 Occupation � Exorcist
Birthday � 05/31/93 Gender � Female Location � I'm am now traveling the globe(any world or galaxy as well).Today I am in...the world of D.Gray-Man,hanging Allen Walker and trying to defeat The Millennium Earl. Member Since � 05/09/06 Occupation � Exorcist
hey! srry i havent updated recently! ive been busy on this forum w/ me, my cousin, and her's a rp(roleplay for the non-abbreviators out there)forum for just six of us. it rox! cant tell u much anout it cept it rox!!!
With Smiles,
oh yea! school starts for me in two days(one day if ur reading this on tuesday)
Birthday � 05/31/93 Gender � Female Location � I'm am now traveling the globe(any world or galaxy as well).Today I am in...the world of D.Gray-Man,hanging Allen Walker and trying to defeat The Millennium Earl. Member Since � 05/09/06 Occupation � Exorcist
I had a really crappy day. I was kidding around with my dad about some things with my mom and his divorce and he took it seriously and he took me aside later and told me how much I hurt him. Now I feel like crap, I'm crying as I'm typing this, and I am really kinda mad at him because he would rather spend time with his girlfriend than he would with me and my sister. He brings her over on our weekend together and spends more time with her, holding hands and kissing. And I can't even tell him all this because he won't listen and he will just ignore what I have to say. I know he will probably end up marrying her because I saw an engagement ring catalog in his bathroom. I don't know what to do. And he makes me feel like whatever I say is wrong, and makes me feel worse than I already feel. I can't stop crying, it hurts. Now I'm seriously considering deleting my otaku and fanfic pages. I don't know what to do with my life because he makes me feel like a miniscule piece of crap.
Update Whenever,
~*Dark Wings*~
Birthday � 05/31/93 Gender � Female Location � I'm am now traveling the globe(any world or galaxy as well).Today I am in...the world of D.Gray-Man,hanging Allen Walker and trying to defeat The Millennium Earl. Member Since � 05/09/06 Occupation � Exorcist
hey guys! just to let you know,i divorced from aram of meru puri and re-married HOT JO from Innocent Venus. the certificate is as below.
Certificate of Marriage This is to certify that JO and ichigogirl13137 were married on August 30, 2007 Marry Your Favorite Character
and also, I wont be able to update much for the next little while because,
1:School is starting up and I will be busy
2:I still have summer reading to finish
3:I'm going over to a friend's birthday party from Thursday-Saturday.
4:I have to update my fanfic page because my fans are ready to strangle me for not updating for a week past when I told them I would update, and
5:I'm thinking about deleting myotaku.
If you think I shouldn't, PLEASE comment and tell me other wise. And please comment my artwork as well.
With Smiles,
Birthday � 05/31/93 Gender � Female Location � I'm am now traveling the globe(any world or galaxy as well).Today I am in...the world of D.Gray-Man,hanging Allen Walker and trying to defeat The Millennium Earl. Member Since � 05/09/06 Occupation � Exorcist
hey guys! sorry i havent been on lately! ive had to do my summer reading! urg! anyway, im so happy cuz at third friday(this like downtown party in my town)i met this guy who i used to go to church with. we spent the whole night hanging out, and i really like him. the good thing is, i think he likes me back!!! but i have a dilema. remember my 23 yr old hubbie from the play? my sis and him were working Scussical(sp?)a play up at our community college and my sis said,
"Dan, you and i have to hang more cuz my sis is like in love with you."
and he said back,
"That's cool. I would've gone for your sister were she not half my age."
so, what should i do?
Please Help!
With Confused Smiles,
Birthday � 05/31/93 Gender � Female Location � I'm am now traveling the globe(any world or galaxy as well).Today I am in...the world of D.Gray-Man,hanging Allen Walker and trying to defeat The Millennium Earl. Member Since � 05/09/06 Occupation � Exorcist
my friend from the play i was in, rachel, is still coming over tomorrow and we're gonna have our potter party as planned(with a little "rent" thrown in).
right now, i listening to the wicked soundtrack, since im going to the play the third weekend of fav song is "defying gravity" and my fav galinda song is "popular". my friend kishlove tells me that i'm alot like galinda in the beginning, u know, when she's immature. i think i can make my voice sound almost identical to kristen chenoweth(the girl who plays galinda). back to my favs.
my fav elphiba song is "as long as you're mine". it's so lovely!her falling in love w/ fiyero. i feel bad for her too. she's just trying to do good, and she ends up screwing everything up. if i was galinda(or glinda as she is known as l8er)i would stay with elphy 'till she told me to go, like she did to glinda.
down below is an excerpt form a synopsys of the show:
*"She begs Glinda to take charge now, and to let
her die in peace so that Glinda can carry on doing good, because maybe she actually will be able to achieve it. She also makes Glinda swear that she will never clear Elfie's name, because otherwise people would turn against Glinda, keeping the power with the Wizard and Morrible, and thus corruption and evil will reign. Glinda sadly promises to do so. Then Elphaba hands over the Grimmery(magic thigngy) to Glinda telling her to learn how to use it, because it will give Glinda as much power as she needs. At this final parting, the two friends say goodbye and affirm their true, deep, friendship."*
its so sad that elphiba had to die gulty, when she was innocent. *cry* anyway, if you have the opportunity to see the show or listen to the soundtrack, plz do!
With Smiles,
Birthday � 05/31/93 Gender � Female Location � I'm am now traveling the globe(any world or galaxy as well).Today I am in...the world of D.Gray-Man,hanging Allen Walker and trying to defeat The Millennium Earl. Member Since � 05/09/06 Occupation � Exorcist
~im updating my fanfic so i wont be on for too long until i get chappy 17 posted. my readers
demand more!
also...sonicandtailsrox and i were discussing my a/n's (authors notes) for my fanfic, and she said i should post them, so i think i will. btw, down below, when it refers to daisukezgirl13, thats me. that is my penname i use on you go! enjoy!
here's the a/n for chappy 16 beginning:
Daisukezgirl13: Hey Readers! How have you all been? Good I hope! Anyway, I am going to post this new chappie because I couldn�t stand the suspense anymore!
Kishhu: Finally!
Kyo: Question, why is Kish the only one who gets to do the A/N with you?
Daiuskezgirl13: Well-
Kishhu: Cuz I�m so much cooler. Duh!
Pai: HEY!!! What about us?
Taruto: Yea! We are no where to be seen!
Masaya: Why does everyone hate me?
Ryou: Because you baka, YOU SUCK!!!
Daisukezgirl13: Everyone, STOP!!! --back to readers-- anyway plz rnr!!!
Hope you guys enjoy this chappie!
Daisukezgirl13: --shuts them all in a closet and dust hands--. Please enjoy this chappie. I promise that this chappie is a little happier�well, kinda. I promise next chappy will be much happier then previous chappies. Idatakimas! Bye-bye!
and the next one from chappy 16. this one is from the end of the story:
Daisukezgirl13: I�ll post the next chappy very soon�it�s really long, the longest yet I believe.
--banging on closet door--
Daisukezgirl13: Oh no�
All Guys: AHAAA!! WE BROKE FREE! --Turn to daisukezgirl13--
--daisukezgirl13 runs away and is chased by the guys--
All Guys: Come Back Here!!!
Daisukezgirl13: --panting-- hope y-you enj-joy this cha-chappy! --guys almost catch up-- Ah! --keeps running--
and im not done with chappy 17 yet, but here is the a/n from the beginning:
Daisukezgirl13: --still running from guys-- Leave me alone!!! Please! I�m too young to be chased by anime guys!!!
-- Guys finally catch up and tackle daisukezgirl13 to the ground.--
All Guys: Ahaa!!
Daisukezgirl13: NO!!!
--Guys tie up daisukezgirl13--
Kishhu: See how you like it!
Kyo: Ha!
Masaya: That what you get for-
--Daisukezgirl13 kicks Masaya in the shin--
Ryou: Now --holds pink pen and paper in front of Daisukezgirl13-- write.
Daisukezgirl13: Do I have a choice? --Guys look at her evilly-- Guess not. Hope you guys enjoy!
Kishhu: We�ll make sure she writes more�
--Taruto and Pai crack their knuckles and daisukezgirl13 whimpers--
i think they are funny. i cant believe that i wrote them either. oh well, plz tell me wat u think!
anyway, toodles!
With Smiles,
Birthday � 05/31/93 Gender � Female Location � I'm am now traveling the globe(any world or galaxy as well).Today I am in...the world of D.Gray-Man,hanging Allen Walker and trying to defeat The Millennium Earl. Member Since � 05/09/06 Occupation � Exorcist
hello everyone! just to let you guys know, i am still taking requests/trades. and also, anyone who knows me outside theotaku, dont call me on my cell number. u all should know wat this is, i dont feel like sharing it with people i havent met in person. srry, just being catious. anyway, im grounded so dont call me.
also, im leaving @ 5:oo for my play, so dont try to pm me or email me, unless you want a reply at like, 11:oo. k?
See You All Later!
With Smiles,