Birthday 1993-07-21 Gender
Female Location Wherever you need moi. Member Since 2006-01-25 Occupation I don't think I have one.
Achievements I can kinda draw. Anime Fan Since Um let's see...Forever! Favorite Anime I'm not very sure about that.-_- I like Tales of Symphonia though!!!^^ Goals It's a secret. ^_~ Hobbies I like drawing and playing video games(Tales of Symphonia and Makai Kingdom) Talents ...Drawing and Video games! IdiotChosen
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
I feel sick now...;__;...I'm in my super easy computer class right now. I have a really runny nose(ewww) and my eyes were all teary...I couldn't play mud ball during PE cause my friends said I'd be worse...*sob* Well, I hope none of you guys are sick.*boo hoo* Okay, Peace.-__- Comments (1) |
Tuesday, March 7, 2006
I got bit friend.O_O Hand Sanitizer...
Moi.:3 Comments (3) |
Monday, March 6, 2006
Hi peoplez. Nothing happened today as usuall.-__- My friends are so depressing. I need to hang out with some other people at school now so their depressing~ness doesn't rub off me. lol. My bro also beat Final fantasy X today. The ending was pretty sad.;__; Well, I started to play Tales of Symphonia again. I'm at the part I hate most: Getting materials to cure Colette for the sickness thingy. Well, I hope your days were funner than mines, tootles. Comments (3) |
I'm bored. Anyone else bored with me??? My stomach hurts too...;__; Comments (4) |
Friday, March 3, 2006
Today, I got alot done!^^ Let's see...My brother bought the manga for School Rumble and Black Cat! I didn't get to read school rumble yet though...@_@ I did read black cat though! It's so cool! I recommend it to all you people! I also got tackled.>_< Not on purpose though. My friend got rammed by his brother and he fell. I went down with him. I landed on my face. I got that one dude's birthday too so I'll try to surprise him!^^ Next is his number hehehe...Well, I hope you people had a nice day too! Ciao! Comments (0) |
More main character than the game can handle!!!
Hi people! Tommorow I gotta go bask to school. noooooo.-___- In Makai Kingdom I defeated Etna!XD It's too bad I didn't get her as a character yet though. I also beat Castile from Phantom Brave. She was alot weaker than Etna which surprised me. I got only one of my characters past lvl. 100. I needs to try harder...-__- Oh well, see ya guys later then. Comments (4) |
Saturday, February 25, 2006
The characters in Disgaea2 seem kinda normal compared to the ones in the first one...O_O Comments (3) |
Friday, February 24, 2006
Yay~~~It's friday. I just finished taking a nap and I'm still a little tired.-__- I plan on just plan on trying to get past lvl 100 in Makai Kingdom and maybe find a beam sword or a fan in a free dungeon, lol. It's probably going to be hard because my stupid theif kept dying...-__-;; Good luck to myself. Oh yea, I found out one of my buds has cancer, sad huh? Okay, seeya later. Comments (3) |