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myOtaku.com: ifrent

Thursday, September 15, 2005

OH my gosh! Being a friggin' sophmore is stressing me out! ahh! Also I had a stupid test that was 11 pages long! stupid thing! Then there is the Hurricane and stuff and just hearing about it makes me all ehh... >< Band is sressing me out 'cause it's getting to a point where it's all makin' me all messed up and stuff...I have all my freshman friends though. That made me happy. I got my yearbook today. I was happy about that too. ^^ It was cool. I'm tired all the time now. I have so much homework I havne't been able to study for Japanese. That I don't really need it but hey I should anyway. Then. There is the thing that I don't get much drawings in anymore, or the fact that I don't get to write my storys for my friends as much too. >< (with makes me upset. Writeing makes me feel better.) Then I got a new Cd and a drawing from my lovin' brother! Witch that both made me happier. (oh so much happier.) So i'm doin' better..But my poor RP character John, is sick. It's the bad sort of sick. Then one of my other ones is going though hell 'cause the person he loves can't fell anything the weiste down. Witch sucks. So I hope that that problem gets fixed. But other then that. Everything is peatchey. ^^;;; But lets see...other then that. I still have failed to get anything on theotaku. *sigh* But I will eventually! ^^ Mark my words!
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