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myOtaku.com: igneouspiritfeonx

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

Only one guestbook signature per user. You must be registered with myOtaku.com to sign my guestbook.

Guestbook Entries:

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Wowie (09/08/06)

Hey !
I like your art, bold and colourful ^^
And thx for commenting on my art !

- Wowie

sakurastar68 (09/05/06)

Thanks for checking out my art and complimenting and stuff :D
I really appreciate it!

bbast (08/31/06)

Hey, thanks for commenting on my pic! I really like your site and your art and stuff! I'm gonna add you as a friend, so hope you don't mind and feel free to do the same!

Skomie (08/28/06)

Hey there. Thanks for commenting on my art. I know, I'm wicked behind on signing your guestbook. Oi...sorry about that. ^.^;;

Anyway, I really appreciate the comments. :] Your art is really cute.

Anyway, see you around. ^_^

Fading Starburst (08/26/06)

Just wanted to say thanks for the comment on my art, and to say I like yours alot as well. I envy your coloring skills. I'm gonna add u as a friend.

~Fading Starburst

shuichi2cute (08/25/06)

hey thanks for signing my guestbook. you have a nice site i really love the colors.

Reenigrl (08/22/06)

Thanx for sighning My GB you have a great site ^_^

Nika Tanaru (08/20/06)

wow nice site......... it's very creative meow! =^_^= me likes your art to! ^_^ keep it up!!!!! ^_^

Inferno Wolf (08/19/06)

Thank you for the nice guestbook signature ^_^
And you're welcome for the vote and comment, your art is awesome ^^
Your site is really cool, I like Rurouni Kenshin, and Kingdom hearts too ^_^
I'm gonna add you as a friend too.
Thanks again, and I'll talk to ya later ^____^ **howls**

Karura-chan (08/19/06)

Heheheh! Thanks for signing my guestbook. :3 I didn't tought I would get so many votes in the first day, and so many comments xD ( I think I get more than DA) anyways, I got the 3 featured, and that surprised me too.! Want to be friends? I add you.

*Goes and sees your art*

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