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My swivel chair
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The corner on my room writting stuff down
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Its a mistery!!!!!! Dun dun dun dun!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hmmmmm.....I got an A in Algebra....Hey It's harder than u think!!
Anime Fan Since
I seen Pokemon
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naruto, tenjo tenge,blood +,bleach,trinity blood ,Code geasetc
Tis a mistery!!!!!!!
Le gasp!!!! Idk!!!!!!!!
Omg!!!!!!! Idk!!!!!!! Mbm!!!!!!!
| Ihjiry Yamaguchi
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Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Yesterday >,
Ok I didn't put anything on yesterday
tellingwhat happened at and after
the mall*grunt's*
Ok well I was towed along for a non stop serch
4 cloth's. My sis keep's on trying to chang me!!
She want's me to be girly and act more like a
girl....If ur wondering most of the time I
act like a boy^^
My mum think's it's becaus of meh friend's><
She dosn't like them!!! Well only one of them
but I don't like her that much.>,<
Well anyhoo I was there 4 three hour's.
Suprisingly short to tell the truth.
She (Older sis) usualy keep's us at it
4 like.....the hole day!
My feet were killing me when I got home.
My friend Kat wasn't there(My mum and sis don't like him either)
He came back and my sis kept glaring at him.
Poor Kat<,>
They maid me slean up the shit in my
room*I have a baby chiwawa that poop's a lot*
*grunt* Thety wouldn't let me watch Gost ship!!!
It's not even scarry but I like it^^
I'm bored.....Anyone have any ider's about a
yaoi storeh? If u do plz Pm me!!><
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Tuesday, August 5, 2008
I'm bored.
I have no one to talk to><
If anyone whant's it here's my # 204 3417
Hahahaha if u want my sid # u'll have to pm me
hahaha I'm evil!
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I'm going shoping today-_-
Unlike most girl's I don't like going shoping.
I don't get what I wanna get cuz my sis think's
it's ugly or geto or funkky(she's a girly girl)
She want's me to get pink stuff. Hmph that will never happen-_-
I'll pobubly be gone the hole day so yah.
I will not be on that long-__-
*sigh* Oh well...I still need help with meh storeh.
I need a coupol and a senerio.
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Sunday, August 3, 2008
Ok I'm staring a new story right now but
it's funna be a long term one so it won't
be put on my yaoi world for a wiol.
Ok I want to write another one. I need a
paring and a situation. If anyone can help
use teh comment's or pm me plz><
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Saturday, August 2, 2008
I'm bored.
I have nothing to do today.-_-
I might go to teh library but that's just a maybe.
I hope so but I probubly won't go so that sucks -_-
Dose any one have any ideas for a yaoi story?
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Tuesday, July 29, 2008
 Evil Is My Middle Name - Which Villain Are You? Hosted By Anime and Fandom
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Ok yes I did get drunk but it wasn't intentional.
My friend Kat slipped some vodka into my drink.
I get drunk easy. Now if you plz. I shall
go beat up Kat now because I have a killing migrain. >.<
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Monday, July 28, 2008
Lol Ok I thought today was going to be borin.
Then my friend Kat got drunk and maid everything fun^^
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Sunday, July 27, 2008
I am angry today. Mainly at my mum but I'm also mad at my friend Kat.
He's being an ass and won't ell me somthing.
*sigh* Sometime's gay boy's can be even harder to deel with than girls-__- That's not verry good!!!!
I feel really depresed. I wasn't able to see my cousin (five month old babay) Before they pulled the plug(He choked whan he flipped in his car seet.It was the mom's fault)
On his breathing toob thing.
And I also can't go to hs funiral!!!!
I feel so sad and alone-_-
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Saturday, July 26, 2008
Bla Bla Bla Bla Bla Bla Bla la BlBla a Bla Bla
Bla Bla Bla Bla Bla
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