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• 1984-08-24
• My swivel chair
Member Since
• 2007-05-28
• The corner on my room writting stuff down
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• Its a mistery!!!!!! Dun dun dun dun!!!!!!!!!!!!
• Hmmmmm.....I got an A in Algebra....Hey It's harder than u think!!
Anime Fan Since
• I seen Pokemon
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• naruto, tenjo tenge,blood +,bleach,trinity blood ,Code geasetc
• Tis a mistery!!!!!!!
• Le gasp!!!! Idk!!!!!!!!
• Omg!!!!!!! Idk!!!!!!! Mbm!!!!!!!
| Ihjiry Yamaguchi
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Tuesday, June 3, 2008
I'm soooo bored!!!!!
I have nothing to do!
I wonder if I spin
on chair and fly
off if it would hurt
Couldn't hurt to try
Yah it hurts-______-
I'm still bored
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Saturday, May 31, 2008
Hi hi!
I havn't been on for a wiol so what's up pepolz>.<
not much has happened.
Really the only exciting thing that happened is
when I weant to the park for te eith grade picknek. And of coarce the actual graduation.
My mum took pic's of me. I acctualy havn't seen them...I'm bored. I need to have a conversation with some one!!!!!
well w-aever.
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Sunday, March 30, 2008
I look down and see the eye's
of my tears starring up at me,
making tears of their own.
so sad,and so alone
wondering where to go, where to turn, where to hide
and I realize I can't abid
by the rule's of this fucked-up worl
whith everything going on in my life
from the abuse to my dad's fuked-up wife
I can't take it any more,and I'm worred I'll never see the day
that I finally get out of this shit-hole,and find a new way
to live my life on my own,with no rule's,not so alone
where I can be happy and stare up at the stars
and be clean of this sadness,clean of thes scara
grow up.get married,have my own kids,
watching them re-live the dumb-ass thing's that I did
from jumping off of roof-tops to almost getting killed'
I knew that I always had that will,
to stay alive,and never die
so I can guide my frends down the path of ther lives
I know we will never be together forever
but well alway's have those memories forever and ever
and well look back on owr childhood-lives
and we'll realize how we dealt with things
from brbreak-ups to bad grades
and we look at owr lives and realize
that we are old with spouses and kids and bills
and were filling out wills,taking all these pills,
but though things may seem different,
nothing has chnged
your still a kid at heart...
- Amber
(One of my best frend's wrote this for me Iwa a bit supprize at how much she knew about my life but then I realized that we were more alike than it seemed she made this poem about her life and it ended up being my life as well like owr lives are some how intertwined we know so much about each other and neither of us know it shes a true frend and I love her poems cuz they always seem to get part of my life it every one)
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Monday, March 24, 2008
man I'm soooooo bored I'm home alone till 9PM which sukes cuz ther's absolutly nothing to do so I have been working on pic for people I don't know when I'll be abul to post cuz my stupid scaner's broken and my mom won't look for the disk that will fix it *sigh* man I'm still sooooo bored I nead some one to talk to >.< hehe I just had tacco's ^-^ well till next time mabyps yah I'm STILL sick! man I hate being sick -____-
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Wednesday, March 12, 2008
waaaaa I can't coment on anything man my computor
suke's I can't wate till I get a new on
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waaaaa I can't coment on anything man my computor
suke's I can't wate till I get a new on
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I'm still sick and I still feal like crap I'll probubly be sick this hole week -____-*waaaaaahhhhh*I don't like being sick and I an't realy do much like hug my frend's or they'll end up sick *jiji nead hug-_____-*well untill nex time (maby if I don't die from my sickness
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Sunday, March 9, 2008
oh god I'm as sike as a dog(cough cough)I feal and look like crap(cough cough)I can hardly breath(and still I'm on the interweb)I have snot all up in my chest and it hurt's to breth>.<(cough cough)I nead to get sum slep so I'm wont be on that long today I can barly stumac surtan food uhhh!!>.< I hate being sick(cough cough)
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Friday, March 7, 2008
When iI come to the end of the day
And the sun has set for me
I want no right to a gloom filled room
Why cry for a soul set free
Miss me a littl,but not too long
And not with your head bowed low
remember the love we shared
Miss me, but let me go
for this is a journy we must all take
and each must go alone
I t's all a part of the maker's plan
steap on the road to home
when you are lonly and sick at heart
go to the frend's we know
and bury your sorrow's in good deed's
Miss me, but let me go
I n loving memory of
Sherri Lynn Baldwin
(I'll put the rest of the poem on tomarow I didn't make this poem and it's not about me it's about a frend of my frend that died and I wanted to put this on my site for personal reson's and nothing eals so if you have a problum with it well then you can*warning this part is full of foul language and is not sutibol for people under the age of 19*you buttmunching butty raper>.< so ther )
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Thursday, March 6, 2008
I think I finally figured all this new vershion vibrant crap out and actualy it's preatyy dame AWSOME!!!!!!!!:g_emo: hehe me emo sometime's >.<
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