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Tuesday, October 18, 2005
Another Day
Animation of the day:

Please if you pmed me at least 1 to 4 days ago please pm me again, i deleted them b4, sorry about this!
Hay everyone. Sorry its so late in the day that i am commenting but my computer broke and my dad had to get a new power supply so i went in my room and dusted it and watched the fma eposide i recorded last night, i really dont know why i bother recording them because i seen them all... i guess because i like to watch them hehe Well i have 2 really big test in History and English tommorrow and i think i am going to fail them T.T there my worst subjects and i am almost failing them.... and i didn't bring my stuff home to study because i forgot, and i have both of those subjects first thing in the morning!! T.T ugh, i hope my mind will help me here! well i guess thats all for now! Everyone have a good day!
Ed pictures!

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Monday, October 17, 2005
Another Day
Animation of the day:

Everyone! if you gave me a pm or answered one of my pms please send them again, because i axidently deleted 8 of my pms! sorry about this!!!!!!
Hay everyone! ^^ today was an ok. It was hot out walking home and really cold in the morning T.T O yeah!! My mom got really made at my costume so she asked if i wouldn't mind changing it so this year i am going to be ed elric!!! WOOT!! lol next week *starting on saturday* will be great!!
Saturday or Sunday: i am going to dorney park
School is having spirt week!
Monday: pajama day
Tusday: Hawaii thing day lol
Wednsday: Costume day and trick or treat night
Thursday and firday i forget what were doing... o well ^^
But it will all me fun, me and my cousin Alyssa r going to Dorney Park something this month, hopefully this weekend!! hehe And my uncle might come too ^^ so yeah. I dont have alot of homework and all. Man my friend Laura (marik2112) says i should get aol and i tell her to get yahoo lol i dont think my dad would let me get aol.. dunno.. well thats all for now everyone have a good day!!

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Sunday, October 16, 2005
Another Day
Animation of the Day:

Hay everyone! i went to the dance and it was pritty good ^^ my feet hurt really bad after wards but i am alright lol ^^ i dont know what to really talk about it, but most of the music i didn't like or i couldn't dance to... I knew like 3 songs that i knew the dance too lol o well i had fun and i got to hang out with my friends ^^ but yeah i had to record the anime shows last night because i was gone, and the thing is stupid! it copies teen titans! i didn't want that! and because of that i couldn't watch one peice! stupid thing... o well i got to see naruto though ^^ inuyasha was cool, poor bankotsu, i beat inuyasha would have let him go, but o well his falt! and fullmetal was cool too ^^ i am glad to see them in english, i go so used to the japanese voice of wrath that i was like.. wow that wraths voice! and i kinda forgot lol ^^ well enuff for now! everyone have a good day!
Thanks everyone for the 700 visits and 140 guestbook sigings!!

Ed and Al as kids:

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Saturday, October 15, 2005
Another Day
Animation of the day:

Hay everyone! i am at my grandmothers and its kinda weird with this stupid computer! *kicks it* but at least it lets me go on yahoo mesanger! :3 and i told my mom about how my friend melissa was going to be sad that i was going to homecoming and my mom was like "homecoming?" and i am like "yeah, the homecoming dace" , mom "when is it?" , me "its tomorrow" , mom "well why didn't you tell me?" , me "i did and you said o well" , mom "o... well if you still want you can go, we will just have to leave your grandmothers early" and me "yeah!!" and now i can go to homecoming, but my mom dasn't know when it is, so i go to the school site and they didn't even have the time! how stupid is that, so my mom is going to have to call... stupid school! but i get to go!! I just missed the football game, o well. Well i dont have any background or i would change it, or alot of pictures, so please forgive me! everyone have a good day and weekend!

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Friday, October 14, 2005
Another Day
Animation of the day:

Hay guys! ^^ finally firday! The pep ralley was really fun, i enjoyed it. But... i cannt go to the game or homecoming T.T which sticks. O well, right now i am just waiting for my siblings to get home so i can go to my grandparents house, i got my fullmetal alchemist volume 5 (dvd) today, and now i all i have to do it wait for the 6th one to come out *i saved it* and than i will have all of them until they have more lol i dont know why i bother though because i have all th eposides in japanese o well!! the more the happy i am i say lol ^^ I also got my anime magazine today, and they have a thing on alchemy in it! yay i want to read it, i will when i leave i guess ^^ well everyone have a good day and weekend! i will be back on saturday!
Some more movie pictures:

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Thursday, October 13, 2005
Another Day
Animation of the day:

Hay everyone! i dont want to write to much today so ok its raining!!! I still dont like rain T.T i still get sick when i eat breakfast!!! its so uncool! My friend said i was alergic (sp?) to breakfast lol i wonder if i am... i mean i had breakfast all my life.... o well. Well i am going to my grandmothers tomorrow so i will try and post, if not you know why alright! ^^ ok what else... o well cannt think of anything to everyone have a good day!! :3
Ed and Roy pictures:

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Wednesday, October 12, 2005
Another Day
Animation of the Day:

Hay everyone!! ^^ Today was alright but i was so afraid on what to eat this morning because it seems everything for breakfast makes my stomach upset upset.... i eat dry cerial and i still got sick. Of course i stayed in school, but it still hert T.T why me. well for school nothing really happened... T.T This friday i am having picture day and the prep ralley! ^^ hehe that will be fun. And in like 2 weeks were having sprirt week when i can wear my pajams one day, hawaiian day, costume day, and some other stuff ^^ i cannt wait! ^^ Huuummm... what else can i talk about. o yeah!! i love ed!!! lol no yeah i cannt think of anything so everyone have a good day!
My best friend Melissa made this on photoshop isn't it cool! i want photoshop T.T

The 7 sins:

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Tuesday, October 11, 2005
Another Day
Animation of the day:

Hay everyone. Nothing really happended to me because i came home not feeling well... my stomach was feeling bad (and still is >.>) and i felt like i was going to throw up... so i came home, and my mom let me on the computer ^^ lol well ok what happened to the people in fma?
7 sins:
Greed: Died first, by ed
Lust: Died second, by wrath
Sloth: died thrid, by ed
Pride (the fururer (sp)): died fourth, by Roy Mustang
Gluttony: Died last, by a girl that i forget her name (sorry)
Wrath: Leg and arm taken away and winry gave him auto-mail, ran away
Envy: Was sent to the gate, turned into a dragon form b4 entering the world
Roy: damaged his eye fighting Pride
Riza: Taking care of Roy
armstrong and others: doing fine
Scar: Died, Archer took off his left arm, and he gave al his right arm, he makes a transmutation that makes al the Stone and dies
Russel and Flecher: were captured by the milarty for useing eds name, was soon release.
Yoki: died, by lust
Winry: Going to make the best Auto-Mail ever made.
At the final end:
Ed is killed by envy, Al brings him back since hes the Stone, Ed gets his arm and leg back. Ed brings Al back into his 10 year old body with him not remembering anything anything. Ed is sent to the other side of the Gate with his father, determined to get back to the real world. Al goes with teacher to learn more alchemy to see his brother again.
The truth about eds Father:
Eds father is really 400 years old! He used the Stone that he made waaayyy back then to keep him alive. He feel in love with Trisha (eds mom) and left them because his body was rotting and didn't want them to find out.
Hehe and thats all i can really tell you! ^^ hehe

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Monday, October 10, 2005
Another Day
Animation of the Day:

Hay everyone... i am really sad right now. because i watched all the fma epsoides, but you would think that would be so cool... but..... its so sad!! i thought endings were suposed to be happy and end yup like what everyone wanted but not in FullMetal alchemist, i dont know if you want me to tell you the ending or not, just say if you do or dont in your comment alright. Man i started crying since like 2 and its almost 3 T.T its so sad!!!!!!!!! but i did like it, and now all i have to do is watch it all in English lol well i have tooooooo many pictures so i am going to show you ALL my pictures of the fma movie and stuff thats in it... O yeah everything that you see in the movie really happened in the show. Roy lost his eye *not saying how :P* Ed is on the oposite side of the gate *not saying how or why :P* but yeah. But the big dragon thing is envy because the gate took him in and he was transforming into different forms and he transformed into the dragon and entered the world, and theres no alchemy in the world that ed is in i dont think because thats what they said.. or something. Of course i am not really sure until i watch the movie. But whatever everyone have a good day.
This is what ed and al looked like at the ed of the show:

Movie pictures:

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Sunday, October 9, 2005
Another Day
Animation of the Day:

Hay everyone! ^^ its finally stop rainging my both my siblings and one of there friends went fishing so its kinda quiet... Me and my mom are trying to make the pants for my bankotsu costume and its really hard.. since we couldn't find the costume online we have to make it different so i have to make belly dancer pants things and where the pants... but its not every easy because its not telling us what we need to know! its so stupid T.T and all confsing! Well yesterday i watched 5 fma eposides in japanese and everything is making sence ^^ man Greed was only in like 5 eposides and ed kills him and ed gets sad, because greed tells ed how to kill the other humuclilious (sp) and well greeds cool lol ^^ Last nights inuyasha was cool and i got to watch eposide 30 in English lol ^^ well i hope the costume comes out allright.. >< well everyone have a good day!!
Some of my Ed and Roy pictures:

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