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Tuesday, December 6, 2005
Another Day
Animation of the day:

Hay everyone i finally got 1000 hits!!!!!!!!! YAY!!

^^ now i only have like 2000 something more hits to goto get to inugirl 22 lol ^^ but yeah. I cannt believe its tusday... like when i was in school, i know it was school.. but when i got home it dosn't feel like it. Well everyone is saying that were not going to have school today because we are suposed to have like 3-5 inches of snow, of course when everyone has we are not than we do have school... and so we had school. so yeah. But my site is kinda like a fullmetal alchemist and naurto kinda theme and a little bit of christmas now lol i found alot of cool naruto wallpapers and christmas pictures so it will be on and off lol ^^ well everyone have a good day!!

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Sunday, December 4, 2005
Another Day
Animation of the day:

Hay everyone! ^^ last night was cool. naruto was cool.. i was sad when it ended, i hate when they recape because it takes most of the eposide!!! *pouts* IGPX was good too. River.. i hate him! i am glad he left the team, they will do better without him. but the cat and dog thing was funny too lol. FullMetal Alchemist rocked. We got to see marta again, and she will be in more now, now that they meet again ^^ yay she rocks. ntohing is really going with me right now.... oh no..... *twich* SCHOOL IS TOMORROW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! I DONT WANT TO GO BACK!!!!! T.T o well i guess, only like... 3 weeks until christmas beack >< everyone have a good day.

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Saturday, December 3, 2005
Another Day
Animation of the day:

Hay everyone! ^^ yesterday was friday and well to me it sure didn't feel like it. And now its saturday.... ANIME NIGHT! lol i got the techno mix for around the world. and i put up this really cute picture of babies dressed up naruto and sasuka! isn't it adorabe! lol well i want to show you all the funnest amv of naruto!! you have to watch this:
Just higlight the code, click (Ctrl + C), Click the address bar, and clikc (Ctrl +v)
i promise that you will like it, i almost died of laugher when i watched it lol nothing is really going on in my life right now, kinda bored. But please watch that amv i know you will all like it. And maybe you could look at my wallpapers i submitted, i guess people like them because i got over like 600 downloads lol ^^ and only 5 wallpapers. Well everyone have a good day and weekend!
Edward and Alphonse:

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Thursday, December 1, 2005
Another Day
Animation of the day:

Hay everyone. Today was a ok day. This morning it was REALLY cold! i hate walking, and i really hate Pennsylvania! its to cold here, i wish i lived in California or some place nice and warm! lol yesterday only one person commented >< i am sad now lol i am almost close to having 1000 hits or vistes whatever you want to call it. But i am not there yet -.- well yesterday i got the Naurto Movie working, and i can tell you that movie was GREAT!!! i loved it! ^^ Saske was laying on sakuras lap at the end it was so cute ^^ and Naurto was really strong! lol the so called "Princess" in the movie was really weird. i didn't like her that much at first. If you want to download the movie its like 20,000 something kb and you can load it on the site i gave you yesterday. so yeah. Well just saying lol everyone have a good day!!

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Wednesday, November 30, 2005
another day
Animation of the day:

hay everyone! how r u! sorry i didn't update yesterday, it look a couple hours for my internet to get up, than it was late so i didn't bother. Well my main news of the day is that my dad finally fot "my" computer! and i am using it right now ^^ *YAY* And for the santa thing i was talking about in my last post, some people thought that my school was doing it... no no its just me and my friends lol ^^ just saying. Nothing really happened today. It kinda went quick. Yeah i have to really cool sites that i think everyone would like!
This site is a site where you can download any eposide of fma, or alot of other shows. It takes a while and you can only load one a day, unless you pay like 5 dollars. But i just download one a day. i downloaded a naruto movie and i cannt seem to get it to work! WTF! it took like 30 minutes to load and i cannt get it to work >< well so far i loaded the last wposide of fma (again) and first eposide of love hina and the naurto movie. So yeah.
This site has like the COOLEST backgrounds you can ever find! i love it ^^ they have like every show too. They have cool fornums, and you can make your own site there too. But you have to use CSS codes... which are kidan hard, so i have people helping me lol ^^ well i think thats enuff from me, well everyone have a good day!

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Monday, November 28, 2005
Another Day
Animation of the Day:

Hay everyone! ^^ listeanin to around the world i love it! I put it on my site. I will keep it there for like a couple days ^^ so how is everyone? i went to borders today and got my friend Ashley a christmas present. Because at my lunch table were doing a little thing where we get one person that we draw a present... and i got ashley! lol ^^ well nothing really happen to me today ^^ whenever i say the word ed i mean edward elric... or my ed plushie lol ^^ just so you know. Well tomorrow i have school T.T o well i kinda misss seeing my friends. i sure dont miss the teachers and the work >.> lol yeah. well i REALLY dont know what to say so i will stop... lol everyone have a good day!
Other Anime

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Sunday, November 27, 2005
Another Day
Animation of the day:

Hay everyone! Today and Tomrrow are my last days of freedom until i go to school T.T Today me and ed are going to my uncles for like the family thanksgiving... as long as i get to see my cousin Alyssa i am cool with that. If shes not there i will be like the oldest child with little kids and adults T.T lol But i think i am going to leave Ed in the Car. I know he will be lony but he would still be if i left him home, and i dont anything to happen to him. well i am bored so heres my christmas list! lol i just finished
I. Gift Cards
Borders, waldonbooks, any other bookstore
Shoe Store
II. Games (in order by *)
FullMetal Alchemist and the broken angel - PS2 *****
InuYasha Feudal Combat - PS2 ****
ZatchBell - PS2 ****
DragonBall Z Budokai Tenaichi - PS2 ****
YU-YO Yakusho Dark Tournament - PS2 ****
One Piece- Grand Battle - PS2 ****
InuYasha: A Feudal Fairy Tale - Playstation ****
Dance Dance Revolution Max - PS2 ***
DDR Max 2 - PS2 ***
DDR Mario Mix - PS2 ***
DragonBall Soga - PS2 ***
DragonBallTransformation - Game Boy Advanced **
III. Things
Mp3 Player
Shower Radio
4 shelfs on a stand (room)
New Televison
Cd rack
How to draw manga (Japanese comic chareters) books
Sling Chair
Micro Bead Pillow/person
Coffee Table (room)
Gaming Chair
HotTopic WishList (hottopic.com)
(in Order of what i want)
Shirts - Large
Work For Anime T-Shirt
FullMetal Alchemist Diagonal Japanese T - Shirt
FullMetal Alchemist Edward and Alphonse T - Shirt
Naruto Leaf Logo T - Shirt
Fruits Basket Kyo and Kyo Cat Shirt
Naruto Charcoal T - Shirt
Fullmetal Alchemist Edward Elric Long Sleeve T - Shirt
FullMetal Alchemist Red Pullover Hoodie
InuYasha Light Blue Hoodie
FullMetal Alchemist Zip-Up Hoodie
FullMetal Alchemist Skater Sneakers - size 8 in men (really really want!!)
Fullmetal Alchemist Flamel Dog Tag Neclace (really want)
FullMetal Alchemist Flamel Ball Cap
FullMetal Alchemist Wall Scroll
FullMetal Alchemist Edward Neclace
FullMetal Alchemist Messanger Bag
Its long right? well i have a big family, and most of the stuff on there isn't that much.. besides the tv and the mp3player lol ^^ I hope everyone watched FullMetal Alchemist last night... or should i call it the "Flame Alchemist" lol i love that eposide its the best ^^ well everyone have a good day!
ed and al

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Saturday, November 26, 2005
Another Day
Animation of the Day:

Hay everyone!! ^^ I finally got my ed plushie! HEs so cute and i love him! He so far never left me... except when i went to walmart lol Well tonight is the speical night every anime fan has been waiting for.... *bum... bumm... BUM BUUMMMMM* ANIME NIGHT!! WOO!! I forget whats on first but at least its not the stupid bat man movie! lol well i made some cool wallpapers ^^ and on Monday i will start showing them on my site. KInda like a small theme. Like the fruits basket theme i did with inugirl 22 ^^ well sorry i didn't update yesterday i kinda didn't feel like it. Well i got some cool new codes for site. Hope you like! well everyone have a good day!
Alphonse pictures!!!!!

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Thursday, November 24, 2005
Another Day
Animation of the day:

Hay everyone!! ^^ Today is Thanksgiving and its the first day of the year that it snowed! lol its all cool. Right now my grandparents are here, there going to take my sister away... *dances* this will be a good weekend/vacation lol ^^ well i just wanted to wish everyone a happy thanksgiving! Everyone have a good weekend!

Military pictures!

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Wednesday, November 23, 2005
Another Day
Animation of the day:

Hay everyone. Right now its 11:53 and i would have just got home from my half day. But amzingly my mom let us stay home ^^ she sure doesn't do that offten. lol well i now havw today, tomrrow, friday, and monday! ^^ wwweee! lol my dad, brother, and sister are watching War of the Wars, that movie is really good! if you never saw it watch it! lol ^^ well hopefully i will get my dvd from netflicks today. I think i am going to have to wait for my plushie because its a holiday lol ^^ well i only got 2 comments from mondays post, and only one yesterday... do people like not me? or is it that everyone is bissy? i dont know >< i will try and visit everyone over my holiday alright! well everyone have a good day!
Military pictures!

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