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Tuesday, November 22, 2005
Another Day
Animation of the day:

Hay everyone! ^^ its tuesday and i really hate it T.T i only got like 2 comments yesterday i am sad now lol well today is Queen of Animes Birthday and i made her something already and gave it to her:

So happy birthday queen of anime! lol i also have a new banner made from yorokobi-kun for the darkside club:

So yeah ^^I cannt wait until netflicks comes because i ordered invader zim ^^ that show is sweet! its really cool ^^ i wonder why they took it off... i know tons of people that liked it. I LOVE GIR!! lol gggrrr... i am sooo impatant! i want my ed plushie doll! its only been like 1/2 days but i want it T.T Marik2112 let me read the first volume of Gravitation and they kissed 2 times, and she said that the second volume had a little bit more "action" in it lol so i got on my knees and beged her lol of course shes letting me ^^ so tomorrow i should have it... SWEET!! ^^ i love yaoi i cannt help it, its hot. i showed 2 boys that sit nexted to me in spanish the yaoi and they were disterb, i said they would like yuri and they agreed lol were all differnt. lol well everyone have a good day!!

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Monday, November 21, 2005
Another Day
Aniamtion of the day:

Hay everyone!! ^^ today is monday. and i hate mondays! I have like three tests tomorrow because on wednseday i have a half day, than thrusday, friday, and monday i have off. So yeah ^^ i guess its ok. Nothing is going on here, spanish was fun ^^ Marik2112 let me read Gravitaion ^^ i didn't get far i will have to read the rest today. i am sooo happy though. My mom ordered a Ed PLushie!! ^^ Its a foot long and it ed from the movie/last eposide so YAY!! ^^ it should be coming from 1-2 days, but on the thing it said 4-16 >.> i hope it comes soon i really want it! ed is coming EVERYWHERE with me lol ^^ people were asking what i did with my hair, well i cut it so its short in the front and it goes long in the back. It only goes to my shoulders so yeah. but i really like it, i might keep it this style, if not i will grow it out and put it like eds lol well i said enuff for today, everyone have a good day!
Ed and other:

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Sunday, November 20, 2005
Another day
Animation of thr day:

Hay everyone, today is Sunday... T.T i really dont feel like going to school today. Well i asked my mom yesterday if i could get an ed plushie online and she said she will think about it. Its ed from the movie and hes like a foot talL!! ^^ i want it sooo bad! hopefully i will get it. Today i am going to get my hair cut so yeah i will be gone for a while. My new computer i cannt use until he hucks up all the stuff to the computer.... which said it will be done in a week... BUT I DONT KNOW WHY IT WOULD TAKE THAT LONG!! T.T o well as long as i get to use it. Ok well the Harry Potter movie was alright. but it wasn't as good as i thought, there was alot of parts missing... like where did the dragon go after it fell? why was drakos (sp) father at the grave yard and didn't say anything? How was harry potters name put in the goblet of fire? why was that kid in the maze possest? what happened to the girl in the maze? They didn't even anonwce Harry Potter the winner of the Goblet of Fire! come on! thats what the entire movie was about and you think they would do something at the end *rolles eyes* to many loss ends to that movie. My favorite part of the movie though was the dragon!! i love dragons ^^ lol ok well i complained enuff for today, everyone have a good day!

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Saturday, November 19, 2005
Another Day
Animation of the day:

Hay everyone today is going to be a quick post. I am going to to see Harry Potter today and not tomorrow... i also have great news!! I GOT MY OWN COMPUTER!!!! WWWWAAAHHOOOO!!! lol my dad got it for me, but for now he has to get all the parts b4 it will work. so yay! its a dell and it looks really cool ^^ i cannt wait until i get it to work! lol well tonight is anime night!!! YEAH!! not good news ^^ cannt wait. well everyone have a good weekend!
I have new banners!!
T.O.W.I.Y. Club!

Obessed with anime

DarkSide of Myotaku Club

Heres another picture from halloween! we r by my house ^^

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Friday, November 18, 2005
Another Day
Animation of the day:

Hay everyone and thanks for coming to my site ^^i changed it a little... like i always do ^^ but i am going to keep my avi for a long while... because i love it!! lol well i come to my site and now i am getting 14 pms... b4 it was like 3 or 4 ^^ on my inugirl i would get 20 - 30 pms ^^ so i am getting there lol not that i entirely like answering 20 pms... but whatever. thanks for the comments yesterday ^^ yeah i like my first banner for my club a little better than the other 2.. but o well!! guess what!! TODAY IS FRIDAY!!! ANIMA NIGHT IS TOMORROW!! I AM GOING TO SEE THE HARRY POTTER MOVIE SUNDAY!!! I LOVE ED ELRIC!!!!!!!!!!!! WWOOO!!! lol dont mind me i am weird. but yeah i cannt wait until tomorrow for fma... why the hell is tonami showing bat man?? i hate bat man!!! >< why not like a movie i like lol like spiretd away, i like that movie ^^ Sunday i am going to see The new harry potter moive! i sooo want to see that dragon lol i love dragons! (not as much as ed ~_^) lol in spanish Ken was asking me how many ed shirts i had because i was wearing one yesterday and one today, and i said "two..." and he said "it seems like you wear one everyday!" ... man i wish i had that many ed shirts lol!! O yeah, when i came home today.. my mom got me pajamas with blue flames!!! I LOVE BLUE FLAMES!!! i am wearing them now :3 lol i dont really know why! lol o well, well thats my day and stuff... so everyone have a good day/weekend!!!!

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Thursday, November 17, 2005
Another Day
Animation of the day:

Hay everyone ^^ yesterday it was raining and i hade to walk home in the rain!! T.T my mom is gone now so i am alone for like an hour ^^ YEAH! well b4 i go on, on what went on with my day i would like to show you 2 new banners for the Darkside of myotaku club:

So yeah ^^ so far we have like three members thats a good start, hopfully we will get more. Well my day was boring but in spanish it was the best!! Ken that really hot guy i like to talk about well in spanish he was hitting this one kid name matt that sits next to me... and well behind mat is a closet and ken took a plastic fork and went back to his seat and started chewing on it and bit it into peices.... he took them out and back in then clerk said "o great its in the place it shouldn't be" ken started laughing, than when he was taking a listeaning quiz clerk the other kid that sits next to me, he took kens pen, when he came back i tryed to throw it to him, and it went right to the floor... than the second time i kinda hit his face and i almost died of laugher it was soo funny, i felt bad.. and imbaressed... than the third time i got it to him... After he got it he took the platic pen and bit in half... it was sooooo funny!! it was like he didn't even try! i couldn't stop laughing!!! he said "i am missing some peice" it was funny. Than i went up to take the test and all of a sudden i hear a "CRACK" i found out it was ken bittin another pen... to bad i didn't see it lol o well. i love my spanish class. i have it at the end of the day so it kinda something to look forward too lol well thats my day everyone have a good day!

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Wednesday, November 16, 2005
Another Day
Animation of the Day:

Hay everyone ^^ its raining today and nothing interesting happened. Yesterday i was kinda busy. i Got volume 4 dvd of fruits basket, my anime magazine and homework... so i was doing that all yesrtday. Me and Yorokobi-Kun Made a new club! i am the founder and all your masters! lol ^^ its called "The darkside of Myotaku" its for evil dark people! (like myself) and the words that have everyone joining are: "come to the darkside... we have cookies!!" lol i made a site, we have no members, if you would like to join please pm me or the co-founder ok!! heres the site:
The button:

Thats the banner! ^^ i hope you like. i will be making more. Evny is like the main role for the site for now. Until i find someone more evil lol ^^ well i guess thats all for now!! remeber pm me if you want to join! Everyone have a good day!!
Anime pictures!!!

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Tuesday, November 15, 2005
Another Day
Animation of the DAy:

Hay everyone. Today was an ok day... it was suposed to rain but it didn't (thank god) At lunch i got some peritty werid news... i dont think you want to know but i will say anyway..
This Kid names Fred Baker that used to sit at our table (we all wanted to kill him he was soo anyoing!) and i freind said that she got a call from her little boy friend (there not going out there just frends) and she said e was crying saying he was raped.. and i think this boy was like 6.. Than she told us that Fred Baker was in Jail for Raping 2 boys... and fred is a guy! so hes gay and in jail... its disterbing... so my friends r kinda happy hes in jail because we all hated him...
BUt thats the news of the school lol ^^ tonight is like the harlond wizards basketball team or whatever.. i dont think i am going. well i dont have really anything to say, i have laundry and homework to do! everyone have a good day!!
Comic #5

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Monday, November 14, 2005
Another Day
Animation of the day:

Hay everyone. Today is monday... mondays r evil! i dont realy like them. I feel so tired and i dont do well in school. O well. I relly like this song that is on my site. Its called Dream a Dream. hhmm... not muhc to talk about really. My cd player this morning i was in school and i couldn't get it to work. i had 4 battteries and none of them worked, than i try my friends and they work, so i guess my brother put dead batteries in the thing agian.. i really want to hurt him, but i will get in trouble T.T i hate being the oldest child... I WANT TO BE AN ONLY CHILD!! why me.. my brother has ADD so hes just plan anyoing, and my sister can be nice at times... but she loves to argue and never listeans to me, saying i am not the boss... and yet she even says that to my mom. But her favorite words are "thats not fair!!" EVERYTHING IS UNFAIR TO HER!! ugh siblings.. >.> dont you like my background, i like it ^^ i changed my site a little, hope you like. well everyone have a good day!
The 7 Sins:

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Sunday, November 13, 2005
Another Day
Animation of the day:

Hay everyone!!! Last night was bad... the fma last night... well... I NEVER SAW IT BEFORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! how could this happen... i guess i kinda skiped it (not on perpose!) but it was really sad!!! but i knew from the like the middle how it was going to end. Lust doesn't have a real stone, so i knew that everyone was going to die. But i thought they were going to explode lol i guess i was wrong XD Naruto last night was really sad too!! i cryed like crazy... And IGPX i was kinda suprised at the end! lol one peice kinda scaryed me... giant man eating bunnies...... yeah. I also cryed in Zatch Bell too... i cryed alot last night lol ^^ well today is Sunday which mean school is tomorrow... WEEKENDS GO PAST TO FAST!!! lol past and fast.... well nothing is going on in my boring life... so everyone have a good day!
My Military Pictures!

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