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Saturday, November 12, 2005
Another Day
Animation of the day:

Hay everyone!! ^^ Thanks for all the comments yesterday. I love my background its so cute! ^^ i love fruis basket it rocks! Its uo, tohru, and hana. I dont think i spelled uo right but o well. Well tonight is anime night ^^ the night everyone looks forward all week lol well i do. Please if you dont like the music i have on my site please tell me alright. I myself like it from naruto. I have other music i will be changing. If you guess want the youtube things and dont have to listean to music when you come on the site please tell me alright... i just want to make everyone happy. Well tonight i will be watching; zatch bell, naruto, one peice, IGPX, inuyasha, and fullmetal alchemist ^^ yeah well everyone have a good weekend!!!!
Edward and Alphose pictures!

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Friday, November 11, 2005
Another Day
Animation of the day:

Hay everyone! ^^ today was an alright day. We had an veterims thingamaiji its was really boring! But i missed math and gym class ;p this weekend it anime night!!! cannt wait ^^ my mom is watching some kids i dont know who today so i will probebly be load... so i might not be on the compter very long lol well i think i am going to watch fruits basket when i am done ^^ this weekend i am getting 10 more dollars, which means i have 20... so in like 2 more weekend i can order the Invader Zim Gir bed spread!! ^^

Its so cute i cannt wait to get it!! ^^ well everyone have a good weekend!!!
My drawings! ^^

Comic 4

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Thursday, November 10, 2005
Another Day
Animation of the day:

Hay everyone! ^^ today is a half day and marik2112 is over. I got on the computer because shes playing resident evil lol she really loves that game. I dont know what to really talk about sorry. We has this very stupid thing today and it was really boring! Tomorrow we get another assebly that will be just as boring T.T stupid town! well tomorrow is friday than saturday. And saturday is anime night so thats something to look forward to! lol well everyone have a good day!!
Ed and Other:

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Wednesday, November 9, 2005
Another DAy
Animation of the Day:

Hay everyone. Sorry i didn't update yesterday i was working on my histroy project all day T.T i got it done and it was alright. Man i really didn't want to do it! Well today, tomorrow, and friday i have half days because of parent eacher conferences and stuff. Yesterday i got my Report Card and i pased everything ^^ my lowest was like a 74 in English. i got a 91 in history and was really happy. I dont know how i got that! lol What else to talk about.... hhuuumm... yeah i have to get my math homework done and stuff, i get hw over a half day >.> teachers! Well is november, only a month until christmas! yay i cannt wait! i put like all anime games and gif cards to all the places i could think of that sold anime stuff lol Man i cannt believe its wed. it feels like Friday! eerr... well everyone have a good day!!!!
Ed Al or Other:

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Monday, November 7, 2005
Another Day
Animation of the day:

Hay everyone! i love my background gir rocks!!! i so far only have like $10 for my gir bed spread, i cannt wait until i get it! ^^ today i should be getting my fruits basket volume 2 dvd, i neede to get the laundry, and i am going to play around with my poster, get ride of some and stuff. because when chirstmas comes around i am going to get wallscrolls so i need room. And my walls are slanted so thats a problem T.T the atric has its disadvantages lol ^^ i have like today and tomorrow to finish this big project thing that i really dont want to do T.T its stuff about the revolution and crap, histroy is evil and i really dont like that class. I dont know why some people do, but whatever. Well i have to get busy with my homework, everyone have a good day!!!
Other Anime

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Saturday, November 5, 2005
Another day
Animation of the day:

Hay everyone ^^ ANIME NIGHT TONIGHT!! ^^ i cannt wait to see fma because its going to be sweet. I already saw it in japanese but is one of my favorite epoisdes ^^ when ed and greed fight. Greed helps help ed and tells ed how to kill the humunculis before he died. Hes cool. You will also see a little more of Marta. My friend melissa is coming over today to sleep over so shes going have to watch it too. lol i cannt wait to watch igpx too it looks like a cool anime show. And the new naruto ^^ so i am going to watch : zatch bell, naruto, one piece, IGPX, inuyasha, and fullmetal alchemist :3 lol Tomorrow i will not be updating because i will be at my grandmothers going to the apple festival with melissa, which should be fun ^^ well everyone have a good day!!
My favorite pictures ^^

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Friday, November 4, 2005
Another Day
Animation of the day:

haye everyone ^^ if you look at the youtube vidoe on my site it shows some parts of the Fma movie. i really want to see the movie so bad T.T i would do anything to see it.... seeing the last eposide and all i want to know what happens next! lol well nothing really interesting happened today i have a very boring life. I had three tests today, and while in spanish class the marching band was going throught the halls and everyone was watching through the door way and my one guy friend (not a very close friend) was yelling the oposing side or whatnot. He just loves to anoy me and get me embarrased >.> Well this Sunday me and my friend are going to a festival. This will be the first time i get to take my friend somewhere far away lol well everyone have a good weekend!!
Sorry for some people that cannt see the background... i cannt see it well either.
The 7 Sins

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Thursday, November 3, 2005
Another Day
Animation of the day!

Hay everyone ^^ today is thursady and tomorrow is friday, than saturday YAY lol ^^ i love the music on my site it rocks! i can listean to it all day, and i might lol well nothing really interesting happened today but when we entered the lunch room today i saw people holding there ears than all of a sudden i heard this really load screaching noise. It really hurt my ears, but i just walked to my table which is like at the end of the room and just walking normal as in nothing was going on lol it soon stoped after like 5 minutes. but it really hurted. lol Ok so heres the deal. I am going to change my background to whatever i like once and awhile but my theme is still going to be fma ok! ^^ lol because i am running out sometimes. lol well i think thats really all for now sorry i didn't right alot today, everyone have a good day!!
Military pictures

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Wednesday, November 2, 2005
Another Day
Animation Of the Day:

Hay guys! ^^ not much to say today because not much happened. The first quarter of my school is done and only 3 more to go. Hopfully if will go quick. Tomorrow i have something called weight training, and it has something to do with weights and stuff. I just hope i am not the only girl lol ^^ well if you nowticed my background is one peice, it was really cool looking so i wanted to put it up ^^ i like it. Since everything i kinda want is on my christmas list since my family shop early i wanted to get something i didn't think of and i found it ^^ i am going to save up for an Inzader Zim Gir bed spread ^^ its really cute, more and more my room is become more anime and less dolphin... o well i dont care ^^ well i really cannt think of anything else so everyone have a good day!!!
Ed and Alphonse!

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Tuesday, November 1, 2005
Another Day
Animation of the day:

Hay everyone! ^^ i got a really bad picture of me as ed but i will show you it anyway! lol next to me is Laura / marik2112 well here it is:

So yeah ^^ i only have one glove because laura couldn't find the other one lol ^^ well yesterday i didn't update because when i got home i went to the mall, than i took a shower, than did my homework so yeah ^^ i had a great time at the mall i got cool stuff! and i will show you!
An ed action figure!!

An ed Pillow!!

I also got 2 little action figres that come in the box and you dont know which one you get, i got 2 roy mustangs T.T lol and i got a kurama plushie, I got the plushie for laura and gave her one of the little roy action figures. ^^ but now i am going to save up got a inzader Zim bed spread ^^ well i think thats enuff for now, everyone have a good day!!
Comic 3

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