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myOtaku.com: ILuvKyoKun

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

   another day
Animation of the day:
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hay everyone! how r u! sorry i didn't update yesterday, it look a couple hours for my internet to get up, than it was late so i didn't bother. Well my main news of the day is that my dad finally fot "my" computer! and i am using it right now ^^ *YAY* And for the santa thing i was talking about in my last post, some people thought that my school was doing it... no no its just me and my friends lol ^^ just saying. Nothing really happened today. It kinda went quick. Yeah i have to really cool sites that i think everyone would like!


This site is a site where you can download any eposide of fma, or alot of other shows. It takes a while and you can only load one a day, unless you pay like 5 dollars. But i just download one a day. i downloaded a naruto movie and i cannt seem to get it to work! WTF! it took like 30 minutes to load and i cannt get it to work >< well so far i loaded the last wposide of fma (again) and first eposide of love hina and the naurto movie. So yeah.


This site has like the COOLEST backgrounds you can ever find! i love it ^^ they have like every show too. They have cool fornums, and you can make your own site there too. But you have to use CSS codes... which are kidan hard, so i have people helping me lol ^^ well i think thats enuff from me, well everyone have a good day!

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