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Artist... duelist... detective (not official, but I rule at solving cases ^^)... YGO fanfic writer, definitely...
Real Name
uh... let me think... ok, I got a few. Learning some Korean, Japanese, German and Italian (which I'm giving up a lot of time to study) and joining the official Rex Raptor fanclub.
Anime Fan Since
after the first 10 Yu-Gi-Oh aired on AFN
Favorite Anime
Yu-Gi-Oh! , Fullmetal Alchemist, Inu-Yasha and Pokemon
Uh. I dunno. Slap Winry Rockbell which sadly will never happen.
watching anime, dueling, playing Odyssey: Search For Ulysses
Drawing anime... boring people to death by talking (I have lots of talking energy since I barely ever talk).
Saturday, March 26, 2005
Hey! I'm in a good mood today. We just got back from Edelweiss, a military resort in Garmisch, Germany. They have AFN there! While I was there, I made a friend who won 2ND PLACE in a tournament he competed in! We dueled (actually, twice), and I lost by 1200 LP (I lost by 1500 the first time).
Yay! I got 2 booster packs; Magician's Force and Rise of Destiny (which contained 3 extra cards), and got the cards Dark Cat With White Tail, Giant Orc, Raregold Armor, Hidden Book of Spell, Jar of Greed (I already had a fake one), Back to Square One, Malice Dispersion, Harpie Lady 2 (again), Fox Fire, Creeping Doom Manta, Tactical Espionage Expert, Eagle Eye (Eagle Eye, Creeping Doom Manta, and Tactical Espionage Expert all have the exact same ATK, DEF, and effect), Element Saurus (yay! a dino!), Neko Mane King (I already have 1), Anti-Spell, and Magical Merchant. There are two other cards, but I'll mention 'em after. Anyway.. I got 5 other cards, 2 being in a pack with a CD; Fairy's Gift, Yamadron, The Inexperienced Spy, Aitsu, and La Jinn the Mystical Genie of the Lamp (I already had one in Japanese). Anyway.. duh-duhn duhn-duhn.. Triangle Ecstasy Spark! and... XY-DRAGON CANNON! Omg... I'm so happy. When I called one of my friends to tell her, when she first picked up the phone, it went like this... (friend) hello? (me) Oh my gosh, Brooke! I got the FIVE GOD DRAGON! (friend) ooh... (me) uh-huh! the most powerful Duel Monster excluding the Egyptian God Cards! (friend) anyway... (me) naw, I didn't get it.. just kidding around... heh...
Uh... I'm not acting weird today, right? Anyway.. My friend... He's a bit like me. His favorite YGO character is Joey, my 2nd-favorite, and his favorite cards are Dark Magician and Dark Magician Girl. Dark Magician's my 4th and DMG's my 2nd, too.
I'm working on Pt. 13 of "Journey Into an Anime World". I'm calling it "Swap". You'll see why.. If you read my fanfiction. If you wanna read it, click the link at the beginning of this post.
Well.. that's all. Bye.
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