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Under your stairs ( Nah It's FL xP)
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I'm a Dinosaur-Robot-Transformer-Batman-Applesauce-Cow
Real Name
Sămără™ Morgan (and I'm foh real too),♥ 
I don't really have any except learning to draw like I do. ♥
Favorite Anime
Right now it's Hello Kitty, Naruto, bleach, and The Boondocks
Write my own graphic novels and screenplays for a career.
drawing, and writing horror stories
Drawing the way I do and my imagination! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Friday, June 29, 2007
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Thursday, June 28, 2007
Good Morning!
How's everyone?? Today my family and my neighbor's family are gonna all go 'raid' Grant's house.
Actually, we're just gonna go swimming with him at his house. ^ ^
His mom said we could, even though he has his cousins over and stuff.
1.) Freddy or Jason?
2.) Samara or Alessa?
3.) Fave South Park character?
4.) Dogs or Cats?
~Samara Answers˘â~
1.) Jason
2.) Personally Alessa.
3.) You should know.(Kyle)
4.) Uhmmmmm, I'm not sure.
Comments (2) |
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
TY GUYS!!!!!
^ ^
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Monday, June 25, 2007
Pooh Bear!! ^ ^
I'm Srry I feel random dis morning!! ^ ^
I was up watchin season 8 of South Park all last night!! YAY! ^ ^
My mom just informeded me that I've got a Dentist appointment this week. Awww, my poor teeth, they were waiting for it....what? They tell me things!! ><
I know, I scare ppls!
1.) Kitties?
2.) Sterotyping?
3.) Cows?
4.) Birds?
5.) Pie =3
~Samara's Answers™~
1.) ^ w ^
2.) BOO!!! HATE IT!
3.) YAY!! My fave animal!
4.) ....
5.) =3 YAY!
Comments (3) |
Sunday, June 24, 2007
Currently bored!
Yesterday I didn't eat lunch or breakfast and only alittle dinner. I just wasn't hungery. I don't knowe why either. I just didn't wanna eat...I feel like that today too.
I staied up last night and watched 'The Ring 2' and 'Freddy VS. Jason' on the little portable DVD player (don't ask me why). ^^
I'm totally missing Grant. =C
1.) Have you ever had a day when you just couldn't eat?
2.) South Park?
3.) Freddy or Jason?
4.) Alessa or Kayako?
5.) Pyramid Head?
6.) BYE?
~Samara's Answers™~
1.) Yep I just typed it down earlier in my post. xP
3.) Uhm, Jason is cooler I guess.
4.) Alessa.
5.) YAY!! ^ ^
6.) BYE?
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Saturday, June 23, 2007
Hi-yas!! =P
Yesterday, I didn't do anything that was very exciting. I was bein boring. xD
I like the new song that Timbaland sings called
'The Way I Are'. I don't know why but I just like it!! ^ ^
i got a Deviant Art btw!!! =P
Here's the link:
~ Questions~
1.) Have you heard the son 'The Way I Are'yet?
2.) Boohbahs or Teletubbies? xD
3.) Fav Teletubbie?
4.) Elmo?
5.) Roller Coasters?
~Samara's Answers™~
1.) Yeppers.
2.)Teletubbies (Boohbahs scare me XC)
3.) The little red one...Poe I think her name is.
4.) YAY!!! ^ ^
5.) TOTALLY!! v ^ ^ v
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Thursday, June 21, 2007
Yes I got color back into my posts!! =3
Wel the reason I wan't on yesterday was because we wnt shopping till 5. But I did get some cool stuffs, including one of my favorite movies!! ^ ^ YaY, I got Silent Hill!!! And I watched it again last night. xP lub it!!!!
Here's my fave creature!!
Mr. Red Pyramid!!
You gotta luv him!! xP
And I also bought some South Park buttons at 'Spencer's' and ended up puting them all on my shoes laces. ^ ^ And I also got a Hello Kitty sticker set!!! YAY!!
~ Questions~
1.) If you've seen Silent Hill what your fave creature?(answer even if you haven't)
2.) Scary movie fan?
3.) Do you shop often?
4.) Hot Topic or A&E(american eagle)
5.) Do you listen to Slipknot?
~Samara's Answers˘â~
1.) Red Pyramid ^ ^
2.) TOTALLY! I'm even trying to bulid my own scary movie collection.
3.) Off and on I do.
4.) Hop Topic ALL the way!
5.) All the time!!!!
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Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Hola PPLS =]
I went to the bech yesterday, and I didn't swim but oh well. XP
But like as soon as we got there I noticed dark rain clouds coming towards us. I didn't say anything until the were like REALLY close. Then I saw some lightning. NOT cool. XCCC
But right after we left it started pouring!! OMG and I mean POURING!! I got soaked and I was only out for 20 seconds. XC
Grant's back from vacation BTW. I haven't seen him yet.. =C
1.) Do you prefere summer or winter?
2.) HAve you been though a tornado before?
3.) What's the worst hurricane you've ever been though?
4.) Which is better, a roller coaster or water slides?
~Samara's Answers˘â~
1.) I guess winter, but then summer...IDK!! XC
2.) NO I don't think so.
3.) I believe Isabel back in VA.
4.) Roller Coasters ALL the way!! XPP
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Sunday, June 17, 2007
Like the new song?
I love it lol
I went to church this morning. I feel a lot better, cos well I haven't been to church in awhile, and it's good to know God's there when you need him ^ ^
So how is everyone?? I made both of my bgs btw!! You like em?
My site scares me sometime though..... I don't know why. I guess cos I made it.
Oh well. I still like it. XP
1.) Like the new site??
2.) Like the songs?
3.) Who's creepier, Samara, Alessa, or Kayako?
4.) Have you seen Silent Hill?
5.) Played the game?
6.) Too much questions??
~Samara's Answers˘â~
1.) I do! (duh!)
2.) Yeps!
3.) Personally, Alessa.
4.) I only have seen it 6 times.
5.) A little bit of it.
6.) I guess.
Comments (1) |
Saturday, June 16, 2007
To those who commented yesterday..I'm SRRY about the yelling crap. ^ ^' But it hurts a lot being a girl. lol
I'm in a waaaaay better mood today.
I still haven't heard from Grant yet. =CCC
My mom is getting F*ckin pissed for some gay reason now...I g2g clean now it sux. XCCC I hate my parents sometimes. =CCCCCC
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