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Sunday, March 4, 2007
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Saturday, March 3, 2007
Currently:Going to my freind's house.
Thinking;Venus Kitty your sooo silly.
Listening to: Linkin Park-Carousel
Eating: Ramen ^ ^
HI!! I told you I'd tell yuo what happend on Sunday that broke my heart, and I will.
So I went out with my whole family to go shopping and I buy the book 'Rise of the Ogre', right. And I'm sooo happy I finally got it. So when we get back into the truck I read about 2D -that's the only reason I wanted the book in the first palce. But since my dad doesn't like Murdoc, he told me he was gonna look at it to see if it was inappropriate or not. So when we get home he tells me to give him the book and I do so.
Two hours later my dad wants to talk to me about the book. And when we start talking he sounds a bit mad, so I didn't think it would go well, but it gose WAY better then I expected. But he told me the book didn't show anything good at all, so he thorws- more like slams-it on the trash. That's what made me cry.
~¢¨ú Samara ¢¨ú
 It's Me!!Hosted By theOtaku.com.
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Friday, March 2, 2007
Thinking:Silly Rabbit....NVM
Listening to:Queen-We will rock you
Todays on the bus one of my friends Sean -he's Mr.IGETTOOMANYREFERALS- tells this 8th grader named Grant -he calls me otomatopeia for some reason- that I hate him. And I don't hate Grant. Grant is a cool person DDDX
Sean was lyin too! And Grant just says to me "I ahte you too Bitch." And I broke my poor wittle heart. XC I'm mad at Sean now. And now Grant's gonna hate me XCCCCC
~¢¾ Samara ¢¾
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Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Currently:Hyper and Stupid! LMAO!
Eating:McDonalds ^_^
Drinking:Diet Coke
Listening to:Gorillaz-Rock the House
I wasn't on cos I was lazy. XP
But Murodc has ruined my life once again.... I'll tell you Saturday why, and it was heart-breaking.
Fan Art~
 Samara!!Hosted By theOtaku.com.
 Omg!! Chibi Carly!Hosted By theOtaku.com.
~¢¾ Samara ¢¾
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Monday, February 26, 2007
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Saturday, February 24, 2007
I was gone!!
Muds got me in trouble -_-'
And yes the GOrillaz one too. Cos me dad watched the MTV cribz thingy and found out that I showed my sibs that and he said I waz grounded....
¢¨ú Samara ¢¨ú
P.S.~ Go to this URL(if you can)
It's a bunch of Gorillaz comics and stuff:
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Friday, February 23, 2007
I was gone!!
Muds got me in trouble -_-'
And yes the GOrillaz one too. Cos me dad watched the MTV cribz thingy and found out that I showed my sibs that and he said I waz grounded....
¢¾ Samara ¢¾
P.S.~ Go to this URL(if you can)
It's a bunch of Gorillaz comics and stuff:
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Friday, February 9, 2007
Currently: O________O ZOMBIEZ.....
Doing: Listening to Sean Paul's Get Busy and shakin my ass off
Thinking: I'm a goofy gooder yea!! LMAO
Drinking:Dr. Peppa FOOL!
Latest Movie Seen:Pulse
I love you, you love me-
* Carly wazn't feeling good. DX
She had a sinus problem....But she was still in a good mood.
*OK, this 8th grader on my bus named Grant gets on my nerves big time.>_<
Carly says he probably likes me or likes to annoy me. I don't know which but he's annoying.
Cos everytime I pass by him on the bus -We've got assigned seats and thank God I sit in the very last seat- he'll say:
"Hey 'Onomatopoeia' I love you."
Onomatopoeia is his pet name for me since I never told him my real name XP
So yea....
He's still my friend though.
Randomness Pics:
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Wednesday, February 7, 2007
Currently: O________O ZOMBIEZ.....
Doing: Listening to music.
Thinking: 2D....*nude pic pops up of him* O_O *drools*
Latest Movie Seen:Pulse
I LUV you guys-like brothers and sisters!!! *glomps*
I'm a weird person and proud of it!!
*Today at school Carly had runny-nose right. And so in 7th period sice we went to the computer lab for language arts there were NO TISSUES *gasp* So Carly walks over to the teacher to get her prgress report and she has one hand covering her nose and one hand holding her binder and so she has to grab her progress report. And guess what she does, she take her hand off of her nose and snot drips on the floor! LOL
Poor Carly~Chan!! XDDD
She also drew this bird-thing on her hand and called it an 'EMO bird'! And yes she wrote ' EMO' in big letters!!LMAO!She's so silly!!
Randomness Pics:
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Sunday, February 4, 2007
Currently:Going to Carly's house.
Doing:Eating my lunch. LoL
Eating:Nachos X33333
Drinking:Kool-Aid X3333
Latest movie seen:Saw (FINALLY!!)
*Carly wanted like 5 of us to come over yesterday and I didn't go so I'm gonna visit her today!!
*Anyone know who the heck Kumi is? Venus Kitty....
* You wanna know what I just found out? That the users on YouTube can ern MONEY!!!!! MONEY!!! I mean wow!! Real money!!
2.)Do you think I'm touched in the head? XDDD
3.)South Park or Family Guy?
4.)2D or Murdoc?
5.)Fav anime?
6.)Do you think I should change my theme?
7.)BYEZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *waves*
OMFG!! This picture is cute!!!

This one is too!

¢¨ú Samara ¢¨ú
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