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myOtaku.com: ima2Dluva

Saturday, March 3, 2007

Quote~:~:~ O.M.G. Hi!!! ~ Carly

Currently:Going to my freind's house.
Thinking;Venus Kitty your sooo silly.
Listening to: Linkin Park-Carousel
Eating: Ramen ^ ^

HI!! I told you I'd tell yuo what happend on Sunday that broke my heart, and I will.
So I went out with my whole family to go shopping and I buy the book 'Rise of the Ogre', right. And I'm sooo happy I finally got it. So when we get back into the truck I read about 2D -that's the only reason I wanted the book in the first palce. But since my dad doesn't like Murdoc, he told me he was gonna look at it to see if it was inappropriate or not. So when we get home he tells me to give him the book and I do so.
Two hours later my dad wants to talk to me about the book. And when we start talking he sounds a bit mad, so I didn't think it would go well, but it gose WAY better then I expected. But he told me the book didn't show anything good at all, so he thorws- more like slams-it on the trash. That's what made me cry.

~¢�� Samara ¢��

It's Me!!

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