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Thursday, December 13, 2007
ok so this is my fan fiction. i haven't came up with a name or anything, but here is chapter one, spell checke and stuff, but sorry if there is any errors, just igore them. ^_^ oh and sorry its not all that long.
Chapter 1 -
Kiba sat on top of a hill looking down at the village below, with Akamaru laying loyally at his side. Laughter floated up from the outskirts of town as Kiba gazed down. Hinata sat next to Neji as he said something Hinata found humorous. Kiba blew out a long sigh as he gazed with envy at the pair.
"Well, boy," Kiba said to Akamaru who eagerly wagged his tail, "Time to get back to the village."
Kiba and Akamaru slowly made their way down towards where Neji and Hinata sat. Akamaru ran ahead to greet Hinata and licked her happily in the face.
"Oh!" Hinata laughed in surprise. "Hello there, Akamaru, where did you come from?" Hinata looked up and spotted Kiba, "Hey, Kiba."
Hinata gifted kiba with one of her dazzing smiles and Kiba found himself lost in her sparkling eyes.
"He... Hey..." Kiba stuttered, and blushed in embarrassment.
Just then Akamaru decided he had to go, and go he went on Neji's leg. Neji let out a roar of anger and started chasing after Akamaru.
"KIBA! Get your damn dog before I kill him!"
Akamaru ran and licked Hinata's laughing face before running off to chase a squirrel. Neji stormed off in a rage leaving Kiba and Hinata alone.
"So, Kiba, where did you just come from?"
"Uh... Th...That way..." Kiba mumbled as he pointed in the direction in which he came.
"Oh, well i guess i am gonna head back into town now," Hinata replied with a giggle as she jumped up to leave. "Bye, Kiba, see you later."
Kiba watched Hinata leave damning himself for his stupidity.
Meanwhile in the village as Hinata made her way home she spotted Naruto and Sakura arguing. Hinata rolled her eyes at the two because everyone in the village new they were meant for each other; everyone but them could see it.
"Naruto, your so stupid!" Sakura was yelling at the now pouting Naruto.
"Aw, c'mon, please?" Naruto begged.
"No! Now go away! Oh, hey there, Hinata," Sakura said just then noticing Hinata standing there. "What are you up to?"
"Not alot, was just thinking about going to get a cup of ramen, want to join me?" Hinata replied smiling. Sakura readily agreed, but mostly to get away from Naruto. The two girls walked away giggling, leaving a confused Naruto behind.
Naruto began walking on his way and eventually crossed paths with Kiba who was looking slightly dazed. Akamaru fallowing close behind.
"Hey, man, what's up?" Naruto called out.
"Not much, just thinking about how girls are so confusing," Kiba replied.
"Yeah, your telling me." Naruto said looking up at the sky when thunder rumbled. "Looks like bad weather, we should probably get home now. I don't know about you, but I have a hot cup of ramen calling my name."
Kiba laughed and playfully punched Naruto in the shoulder, as the three walked home.
Later that night while in his bed with Akamaru lying at his feet, Kiba began to the think of the days events. He began to think of Hinatas smiling face, and dazzling eyes and she gazed up at him. He couldn't help but like her. She was so amazingly gentle and sweet. Hinata was just the thing to tame the wolf, the beast inside of him. She turned him into a babbling puppy again.
A loud booming of thunder sounded and Akamaru raised his head.
"It's alright, boy, it's just a storm," Kiba said scratching Akamaru behind the ears, but never the less getting up to gaze out the window. His bare feet padding softly across the hardwood floor.
There was something strange about the stormy, but what couldn't be explained. Akamaru began to whine, sensing something terribly wrong.
Just then a clash of lightening broke across the sky with thunder fallowing behind. The thunder shaking the room and silencing a scream from outside that no one heard.
Akamaru began to howl, and Kiba made his way back to bed to comfort his dog. The storm raging on outside and every unaware.
- End of Chapter
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so i've kinda decided to write a fan fic. i have two pages done, but since i am sick and feel extremely dizzy i may not get it posted until later tonight. so yeah. hope everyones day was ok. ^_^
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Wednesday, December 12, 2007
YAY! so UniqueSideEffect did a request for me, and it makes me soooo happy. btw people i am in love with kiba, i think hes really hott, and i also really like hinata, so its a perfect pairing! this is the request amanda did:
 Secret Lovers! Hosted By
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ok i decided to make my own original character and i did, kinda. i haven't worked out all the bugs, but his name is kio and here he is:
 Title Goes Here Hosted By
i will probably add stuff and what not, and yeah...
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Tuesday, December 11, 2007
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Monday, December 10, 2007
Thanks for all the gifts for my tree! ^_^
anyways i posted a picture and should be posting at least 2 more in a little while. so check it out and vote!
 Seduction Or Lust? Hosted By
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Sunday, December 9, 2007
EDIT: i forgot to mention, i put a new icon up ^_^
 Cynical Ed Hosted By
Yeah, new picture, the coloring is alot sloppy, but its all good. anyways leave me a gift under my tree below *points down*
i made a pathetic looking plushie doll in which i named Emily. i actually like the way she turned out considering its my first. i will post a picture of her when i am completely finished with her. i also made my mom a small christmas tree snowman ornamet with the scraps.
this is the last week of school so i am happy. but anxious b/c of this is the last week i have to pass one of my classes. >_< i know i can do it.
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Saturday, December 8, 2007
so today started off as grim, i had to go the funeral of my aunt, and just the sadness of it all overwhelmed me. the part that made me break down was when my aunts grandfather was asked to make a prayer, he could barely get the words out from crying.
but when that was over and done with i went back to my normal chipper self. but my parents wanted to go christmas shopping and i rode along so i could get some mange, which i did, i wanted to get vampire knight 2, but i couldn't find it and ended up getting Black Cat 1 and 2. that manga is SO AWESOME!!! and we went to circuit city, and my dad got my a TABLET!!! (a graphic board). sad thing is i can't open it until christmas, i'm not sure if i can make it >_<
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Friday, December 7, 2007
today, my friend refused to show me a picture b/c it was yaoi, yes amanda i'm talking about you, well anyways she said "no you don't like it." it kinda annoyed me b/c just b/c i don't draw picture like that doesn't mean i hate it, if you notice i barely post anything. so yeah.
today has been a long day. it was interesting in some aspects, but long. thats about all i really got to say.
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