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I work for myself. On the computer. Total freedom! Only drawback is I don't get paid.
Real Name
Not getting a tan in Hawaii. ^_^
Anime Fan Since
If Pokemon counts...1995 (even if it is horrible anime, I liked it at that age.
Favorite Anime
FLCL, Inuyasha, Kenshin, Yuyu Hakusho, other stuff...
For my friends' and my band to get somewhere besides playing in clubs (When we get that far)
Playstation 2, Gamecube, Gameboy, tv, computer, music...
Sitting around the house all day like a lazyass and being on AIM for 14 consecutive hours a day.
| imacrimsonspaz
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Monday, June 14, 2004
Yayness! Prettyful new layout.
^_^ I'm happy with my layout now. Thankies to Dyne for the intro piccy, it looks great. Took a while to get the colors changed though... But I like it ^_^ Tell me your opinion please and post feedback.
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Sunday, June 13, 2004
Layout Obsessioin
Hmm... I like the colors and stuff, but I'm not so sure about the Chobits theme... I might change it to BoA, we'll see. Help me out here, would ya? =P
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Music:You're So Last Summer-Taking Back Sunday
New layout! ...Ish. MyOtaku is being really bitchy about the color change...or maybe that's just my internet browser. I'll just go to an HTML thing later to change the colors...
I saw HP PoA yesterday. It was really good! Even though they left out some crucial stuff, they did the movie well... Sirius was really cool, and so was Prof. Trelawny, even though she scared the hell out of me... lol. And it was cool how they managed to incorperate all the stuff that happened during the time turner part to connect with things that happened when the actual part of the movie happened.
I don't really have much else to say... So I'll try to change the colors later. Bye!!
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Saturday, June 12, 2004
Those extra goodies from Dyne's blog I promised...
I | Innocent | M | Meek | A | Astonishing | C | Cool | R | Rare | I | Innocent | M | Mischievous | S | Strong | O | Odd | N | Nice | S | Skillful | P | Perfect | A | Astounding | Z | Zippy |
Name Acronym Generator From
NOTE: z | No smoking around imacrimsonspaz. Thankyou for your co-operation. |
 Who Would Slaughter You in a Horror Movie? Find out @ She's Crafty
 Would you survive a horror movie? Find out @ She's Crafty
 What's Your Problem? Find out @ She's Crafty
That made me feel so wonderful about myself...That's all for now...
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Music-Love and Honesty-BoA
Thinking of changing my layout... Like Dyne, I'm also tired of mine, even though I haven't had it for long.
Slept over at Skye's last night, and Janina was there too. Janina didn't keep us up until 2 am this time (Rachel couldn't make it) We watched School of Rock and then talked until midnight...
I was thinking about Maxine/Victoria not being here next year, and I wrote some semi depressing poetry... I'll type it just for the hell of it. Although why some of it is about love, I'll never know.
Frozen in time
These moments I hold dear
Something slips down my face
I think it's a tear
I've locked this moment
Deep within my heart
So I can be with you forever
And again we'll never start
Deep inside lost within
The darkness of my soul
I can't chase away
This consistant nagging pull
Dragging all your lies
Across the sadness of this realm
Creeping up on me
Is the ship of death's helm
Diving into spirals of confusion
Overwhelming stress on my head
Striving to understand the purpose of it all
Insanity turns my vision red
Eating at my insides slowly and constantly
Screaming to understand this inner fight
Forever raging within my soul
As I disappear into this endless night
A thousand words are not enough
A thousand smiles not worth a tear
Especially if it's to see your face
That's my only fear
Yearning to look into your eyes
Your sweet voice to once again hear
I can't let myself give in now
That's my only fear
Yeah, that's pretty much it... Depressingish I know, but *shrugs* And now for surveyness, all stolen from Dyne ^_^
Name:: Rose or Rosy...
Age:: 13
Height:: 5'5 or 5'6...
Hair Color:: Dark Brown.
Eye Color:: Dark Brown.
School Life
What's your school's mascot?: Panther (I still say the Lost Carrots stole our mascot..)
School color(s)?: Black and white, which is actually pretty cool.
G.P.A.?: Not sure yet...
Who is your favorite teacher?: Ms. Gold... Even if people say she didn't teach us as much, she was still fun.
What do they teach?: Language Arts/Social Studies.
Is this your favorite class?: No... My favorite class is lunch. :)
Do you use any instant messengers?: Duh
If so, which ones?: AIM, MSN, and occasionally YIM
About how many hours a day do you spend online?: ...16 or so?
Do you have a digital camera?: My dad does...
If so, do you post pictures of yourself online?: No
Do you play any instruments?: I used to.
If so, what one(s)?: I used to play the violin in 3rd grade. I quit after 3 weeks...
3 Favorite Genres Of Music:: Mostly Rockish...I'll listen to almost anything that has a guitar, a drum, and a guy screaming into a microphone...
3 Favorite Bands:: Mmm... Good Charlotte, Blink 182, and New Found Glory...
Do you go to concerts and/or shows?: I almost did... But it got cancelled :'(
What is the most you've ever spent on a concert/show?: My dad spent about $80 on the tickets... But returned 'em.
What is the least you've ever spent?: $0?
Do you think buying merch at a concert then wearing it there is corny?: *blinks*
Do you listen to any bands that you'd be ashamed to admit to listening to?: No. Fuck what other people think about my music.
Did you notice the grammatical error in question 29?: No...
Word Association
Blue:: Ocean.
Camera:: Stupid pictures
Boy:: Die.
Pretty:: BoA
Pants:: Baggy?
Music:: Calming
God:: I dunno...
Sweater:: Don't wear sweaters.
Live Journal:: Confessions
MTV:: Die.
Do you think labels are dumb?: Yeah, but sometimes it's kinda hard to describe people without 'em.
Why or why not?: How else would you describe Louisa and them other than "The sluts"?
What do people label you as?: Goth, Punk... I think poser by some people.
How/Why did you get this label?: Because I wear black all the time... That doesn't make me punk/goth.
Which Is Worse?
Physical Pain/Emotional Pain?: Emotional.
Blink-182/Good Charlotte?: I love 'em both...
Being Deaf/Being Blind?: Deaf.
Being Bored/Rushing around because you have too much to do?: Boredom.
Losing your dominant leg/Losing your dominant arm?: Leg... I couldn't type/play video games without my arms.
Do you believe theres a difference between "love" and "in love"?: I dunno.
Is it better to have loved and lossed than to have never loved at all?: Yeah... At least you had the expierence.
Are you romantic?: Not really...
Are you in a relationship now?: ...No.
If so, for how long?: ...Didn't I just say no?
If not, how long have you been single?: All my life...
What song describes your love life right now?: Uhh... ICP-Homiez... Nothing to do with love, but part of the song says "If you don't like me you can fuck off" and that describes me...
War - Good or Bad?: They say violence doesn't solve problems, and yet they teach us that war solved all of America's problems... Until now. I don't remember where I heard that, I just remember it.
What do you think of designer labels?: I prefer big black baggy shirts with cool pics/sayings on them.
Who's skankier - Britney Spears or Paris Hilton?: They should both stop being skanks and just date each other...
What is it with guys and cars?: Can we say obsessive?
Do you sing?: Of course.
If so, what part (Soprano 1,Alto 2, et cetera)?: ...Wha?
Kiss or hug?: Both, I guess...
What color is your room?: White x.x
How old is your mom?: No idea.
Black and white or color photos?: Color... Brings the picture to life.
Who cuts your hair?: I cut it myself...
What color is your toothbrush?: Orange.
What color is your hair brush?: The color of wood?
What kind of hair products do you use?: Shampoo/Conditioner
Is K-Mart just the poor man's Wal-Mart?: Isn't Wal-Mart cheaper than K-Mart? I don't go to either of 'em.
Are you sexy?: Define sexy?
What color to people tells you looks nice on you?: My friend said red, once...
What color do you think looks nice on you?: Black.
Clothes shopping or grocery shopping?: Clothes shopping... A chance to spend more of my dads money.
Who do you sit with at lunch? ...What kinda stupid question is that?
Do you like the sound of your own voice when you hear it played back?: Not really... Some of my friends say I have a cute voice though.
Who has the nicest speaking voice that you know?: I really like my friend Erica's voice... I think she hates her voice though.
What is the website for one of your favorite bands?: Only because it's an easy place to look at the video for It's All Downhill From Here.
Do you prefer to date people younger, older, or the same age as you?: How the hell should I know/care?
Do you listen to songs on repeat often?: Yeah.
Who was the last person you hung out with?: Skye/Janina
What did you and that person do?: Talked/Video Games...
Do you use internet shorthand (i.e. "lol", "brb", "jk", et cetera)?: Yeah...
Are you a people-pleaser?: Fuck what people think of me...
Do you dye your hair regularly?: No, but I think I'm going to dye it bright orange over the summer, kinda like BoA's in the Amazing Kiss video.
What about your eyebrows?: Who dyes their eyebrows??
Do you wear makeup?: No.
If you answered "yes", to #96, are you female?: What if I answered no to question 96 but am a girl anyway?
Do you buy CDs edited or unedited?: This meaning...
Can you beatbox?: o.O
Does your mom like the song "Hey Ya" by OutKast?: This is the most retarded question I've ever seen.
More later, my computers stupid.
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Thursday, June 10, 2004
Lazyness in updating..
Music:Love and Honesty-BoA
YES! SUMMER! NO MORE SCHOOL! NO MORE SUFFERING WITH EVIL MRS. LAUGHLIN! Well, technically summer started on Tuesday, since I ditched on Wednesday, our last day... lol. Of course, it turned out that they did take attendance, so it's a good thing I didn't pick up the phone much x.X So all I did that day was sleep in until 10:45, go on my computer, and... Skye came over after she got out of school, and left around 6:30, so I went back on the computer...
Last Saturday I spent the night at Rachel's house, and Janina was there too. Skye was there for a while, but she had to leave after we went to Bill's Place for dinner. Then we went to Fulton Playground and climbed the fences and played basketball and stuff. It was fun... Then we stayed up until 2 am because SOMEBODY *cough*Janina*cough* kept us up by coughing or saying something. So me and Rachel kept hitting her, and they poked me for 20 minutes after I fell asleep... >.<
Of course, Mrs. Laughlin gave us homework for the last two days. What kind of sadistic teacher does that??? Not that I bothered getting Tuesday's homework since I wasn't gonna be there, and she can't change our grades anyway.
Tomorrow I'm gonna sleep over at Skye's house, and Janina is gonna be there, but Rachel is busy... So yeah, I haven't updated in a while, or been to blogs, but... oh well, lol. I'll try to be more consistant in updating. Bye!
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Friday, May 28, 2004
Mood-Neutral (if there is a such thing)
Music-Wind Nocturne-Lunar Silver Star Story
(When I said Kind in my last post, I meant King. I always make that typo for some stupid reason >.< Kind FAR from describes him. Especially because he stuck a vibrating black box down his boxers today... Janina put it well by saying "King, could you try to get your hard-on somewhere that isn't in public, in front of us?" But whatever.)
So school was pretty fun today, despite the hellishness of cleaning out our lockers and such. LA/SS...Meh. Math...well, nothing exciting actually happened, lol. Science we watched The Goonies, but unfortunately, us Yosemite people missed the beginning >< And I love that movie... And Gym was the most pointless class of the day. Everyone wouldn't shut up (we had a sub, and ended up staying in with Mr. Canata's class), so we pretty much just talked for 15 minutes, then he started to organize us into lines again, and after 20 minutes of indecisiveness and switching everyone around, it was time to go inside. But we're starting self-defense next week, so that's a good thing. And being the spaz that I am, I completely forgot about second homeroom, so I just walked out of school right after gym, and on my way to the bus stop, the word locker popped into my mind, and I remembered second homeroom... I came this () close to screaming "OH SHIT", but I didn't, just ran back inside and ran up to the 3rd floor... So locker check was a stupid, pointless waste of time, and then I went home, came online, blahblahblah... So that's it for now, I might post later! (Although every time I say that, I never get around to So bye!
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How Wonderful Life Is...
Music-Whatever song is playing on Moulin Rouge right now, lol.
New layout! But obviously you've noticed that, lol. I even got a song! My friend showed it to me, and I really liked it, even though it's a lot lighter and mellow than what I usually listen to lol. So then I went out and tried out the image hosting (Thanks very much Dyne! ^_^) and got a new Spirited Away layout. (Also thanks to Dyne for the color ideas! ^______^)
Only 8 more days of school left! Only 8 more days of Mrs. Laughlin... X.X Then on to whoknowswhat evil teachers next year... But until then, free for the summer, and until then, evilness last 8 days of school...
Alex and Kind seem to want to make my last few days of school miserable, but fuck them, they wouldn't know a good insult if it slapped them in the face. Not that they'd feel that... Feelingless bitches. Lol. So everything up until science was boring (I actually did my homework not at lunch/before school starts, yay). In science, we disected the owl pellet, which was...odd o_o''' Digging through an owl's throwup isn't the best way I'd like to spend science... And at gym, we had to do "trust walks" or something, where you were blindfolded, and had to trust the person that was leading you around. Well, Janina "accidently" (according to her) ran me into a bench, and now I have a huge bump on my knee. And she said "uhh, we're going down stairs" .0000000000000000000000000000001 seconds before we actually went down them... But I got my revenge ^_^ So I came home, blahblahblah, went on the internet... And my dad was so kind to mention that Moulin Rouge was coming on VH1, so I'm watching that right now. So I'm going to go back to that for now, see ya! ^_^
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Wednesday, May 26, 2004
Music-I'd Do Anything-Simple Plan
Sorry I haven't updated in a while, I just got REALLY pissed the morning after I got back from Yosemite because I spent half an hour writing a post and my internet stopped responding before I could add it >.< So look at Dyne's blog for Yosemite stuff, and I'll have my piccys posted as soon as I get them developed/scanned. Lol. So today was normal, got people to sign yearbooks, blahblahblah. I'll have a more intricate post later, lol. Byebye for now!
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Saturday, May 15, 2004
Wating is Antoganizing...
Mood-Waiting, waiting, waiting... Screw this waitingggggggg
Music-I Hate Everything About You-Three Days Grace
Yeah, I know I spelled antoganizing wrong...Meh.
Waiting for tomorrow sucks! I've finished packing, pretty much finished getting everything, except I still need a camera (possibly a Polaroid), and lunch, which my dad is going to take me to Cala in the morning before he drops me off at school. So I'm just stuck here waiting while my parents go out to dinner with their friend from Florida. He's staying here tonight, and he'll get a hotel tomorrow... I already had dinner, so I'm not going. Time sure goes by slowly when you're anticipating something...
Of course, it's worth it to get away from certain things for a week.
1.Mrs. Laughlin!
2.King and Alex...and Lawrence. I AM NOT A GOTH YOU FUCKING RETARD.
3.School in general.
So yeah, I'll be going now... I'll probably post later, bye!
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