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I work for myself. On the computer. Total freedom! Only drawback is I don't get paid.
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Not getting a tan in Hawaii. ^_^
Anime Fan Since
If Pokemon counts...1995 (even if it is horrible anime, I liked it at that age.
Favorite Anime
FLCL, Inuyasha, Kenshin, Yuyu Hakusho, other stuff...
For my friends' and my band to get somewhere besides playing in clubs (When we get that far)
Playstation 2, Gamecube, Gameboy, tv, computer, music...
Sitting around the house all day like a lazyass and being on AIM for 14 consecutive hours a day.
| imacrimsonspaz
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Tuesday, March 30, 2004
Quiz Mode...
Mood:Must Stretch...
Music:Harry Belafonte-Banana Boat Song (Thankies Dyne ^_____^)
I woke up a while ago, and my back hurts...*cracks it* Muuuuuuuch better...
 You happen to be one of the lucky ones. Depression hardly hits you. That probably means it's hard to take for any long periods. But you know that it'll get better. It's only one of those hard times life always throws. You are usually reffered to as someone who always seems cheery and you like to srpead it.
What kind of depression are you? brought to you by Quizilla
 You are an Elementalist. Your magic stems from the forces of nature. You might be a forest nuturing Druid, a storm-creating Weather-Wizard or any of the many Elementals, but one thing is sure-- your bond with nature is strong. You can rely heavily on nature to support yourself aesthetically or physically for it lends you both comfort and strength. Your instincts rarely fail you. You are vibrantly passionate but are sometimes carried away by your own emotions.
Which Magical Order Are You In? brought to you by Quizilla
 You are the Goddess of Earth. You are very stable and dependable since the Goddesses rest apon you. You are very materialistic. Somtime cold and distant, but that might be because you need to get what needs to be done, done. But yet you are everyone elses strength. You are the most Stable of the Goddesses, since without you the other Goddesses would not exist.
Other Earth Goddesses: Ceres, Cerridwyn, Demeter, Gaia, Persephone, Epona, Kore, Mah, Prithivi, Rhea, Rhiannon
Which of the Four Elemental Goddesses are you?(With Pics) brought to you by Quizilla
 You are a Siren. More adventurous than all with a voice like no other you sit on warm rocks and sing to the moon and sea. Yet sometimes shipwrecks find you and raving men want you. You are a bottle of talent and power. What the unknown is you seek to find, and a lover. You have the moon and stars as freinds. There are a very few of you, what a rare find. Will you rate my quiz, I think your voice in just beautiful?
What kind of mermaid are you? (Gorgeous Pics) brought to you by Quizilla
You are Cleopatra of the Nile. The great biographer of the time, Plutarch, wrote of Cleopatra, 'Her actual beauty, it is said, was not in itself so remarkable that none could be compared with her, or that no one could see her without being struck by it, but the contact of her presence, if you lived with her, was irresistible . . . It was a pleasure merely to hear the sound of her voice, with which, like an instrument of many strings, she could pass from one language to another . . .' You have a spark in you that draws other people to you. Indeed, you are drawn to others because you are always curious. People can talk to you; and you have a passion in life to know, live, love, and learn. Please rate my quiz.
What famous female ruler are you? (written for the girls) brought to you by Quizilla
 You are the snow fairy, she who is most beautiful, but Vain, she who doesn't care much for comfort. all you care about seems to be yourself, but it's not true, but you do not know how to express love so you leave it alone.
**The ultimate Fairy quiz**(anime pics!) for girls, but if you are a guy you can take it too! !**being improved more**! brought to you by Quizilla
That's pretty much it for now, I'll probably post later...But I feel sorry for the kids who have to go to school today for rehersal...Well, most of them. Unless I hate them. ^_______^
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Monday, March 29, 2004
Creature of the night?
Skye came over earlier, so I had to end that post really quickly...Anyway, earlier me and my dad and my mom were looking at Hawaiian cottages to rent on the Kona coast for our vacation this summer, and they were so friggin' BEAUTIFUL. There was this one that had a pool, a beautiful garden, and it was a damn nice house too... I LOVED it.
Thank god we have a 4 day weekend, I wouldn't be able to live if I had to go to school tomorrow... I stared at the computer so long earlier that everything felt like a dream when I got off...o_o Other than that, I really have nothing to say...
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Sunday, March 28, 2004
I'm EXTREMLY hyper right now! LALALA! So...umm...yeah, I have to go now. THAT WAS A WASTE OF TIME! Byebies ^_^.
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(no subject) Ha! Beat 'em!
Yay, I saw 50 First Dates today! It was such a good movie, the ending was surprising. Not that I'm going to tell you people...HAHA! Seriously, go see it yourselves lol. *rubs arm* I got scratched to death though...*cough*KIRA*cough*
Other then that, my day was normal...Not much else to say :S.
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Friday, March 26, 2004
Feeling Much Better...
*sigh* I'm feeling much better now, but still, don't bring it up, just pretend I never said it. Oh, and Ilya and Amanual were throwing pears at me, so I'll have to kill them on Wednesday. Or I could do the mature thing and just tell the counsler...Depends on my mood.
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Annoyed and Ranty....
Ugh, today SUCKED. Sort of. Drama was cool, 'cause our sub was nice. LA and SS was nothing special, same with math, except that Glenn was being a bitch. Then in science, everything was annoying as fuck. Okay, Stanley Tong can be nice sometimes, but turn into an asshole instantly, like Dyne said. Alex P. is just an arrogent asshole fuckhead that thinks all women should be slave to Alex. King...King's King, he's funny SOMETIMES. And I don't know what to say about Lawrence... Glenn...Glenn is like Stanley Tong, but Glenn's an ass more often. I PRETEND like I don't give a fuck, but seriously, it gets to me sometimes. They don't know what I've been going through since last year, only a few people do, because I haven't told that many people. May as well get it out into the open for anyone who decides to read it. MY MOM HAD A STROKE LAST YEAR. Okay?? Happy now??? And if you read this, DON'T bring it up to me, at all, because I REALLY don't want to talk about it. And if you do bring it up, I'm signing off and I won't talk to you about it, no matter what. And with classes, it's the same as Dyne, except she's smarter...people always expect me to get A's, and think it's easy for me, even my parents give me a "lecture" if I get a C. Story of my life. So fuck off, and leave me alone.
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Day-('Cause of the date thing, I'm saying the day I actually post on...) Thursday, 3/25
Mood-Feel like a color change...
Music playing-None
Where to start...
Nothing really exciting happened in drama, except for one of the groups for the play thingies made a giant hat that made them look like the Pope, so it was fun running around and stealing it when we had our free time...
Then in Mrs. Laughlin's class, we got assigned some evil sociel studies project. We get to pick it, whopee-freaking-doo. I feel so privlaged...I'm gonna do the clothing thingy, 'cause my dad has a book all about what people wore in the past. It's called...dundundun...What People Wore So that'll make everything easy ^_^
In math, we did the test prep thingy again, and got the same stupid worksheet for homework, just more problems on it. Then at lunch, it started raining like hell...Enough to have gym inside. In science, we finished watching Dr. Doolittle 2...And now we have to write a conclusion on it. What a noble assignment. And in gym, we did the stupid running game again...The stupid boys won, but only because...because...BECAUSE TYEY'RE BOYS! And if Jordan's reading this, you attacked poor Bella with that...whatever the hell we were carrying! Eh, I already bugged him about that, lol.
On a happier note...I'M STILL GOING TO YOSEMITE! WH00T! Ms. Leung called me down during science, and told me to go to Ms. Adami, and she gave me all the papers! Yay! ^______________^ A week away from Ms. Laughlin... AND we get next Monday+Tuesday off. I don't think anything could make my mood better right now... Unless my dad decides to double my allowence. Oh well, keep dreaming. And HAPPY ANNIVERSERY MOM AND DAD! Even though it isn't 'til tomorrow...(due to date changes, I'm going to actually say the day I'm talking about. Which I did earlier.) And I'm going to see 50 First Dates on Saturday ^_^. And I got The Tale of Genji from Ebay today, but they gave me the f***ed up version that cut out 5 chapters and is only 1/4 of the actual book. YOU MONSTERS! I think I'm done for now...Bye people ^_^
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Thursday, March 25, 2004
Sorry I haven't posted in a while, I've been busy...or lazy. Either one, lol. *just read guestbook* Dyne, you're special enough to be great friend/partner in crime! ^_^ Oh, and I hate it when people tYpe lEIk tHiS. It's SO freaking annoying! >.>
Some idiot (aka Mrs .Laughlin) switched Glenn...and ALEX PRESLER. It's a nightmare. He sits near me in all my acedemic classes now...In front of me in LA/SS, diagonally from me in math, and behind me in science. He drives me crazy! Thankfully, we only have 43 more days left 'til school's out! Well, 48 for most people, but I might still get to go to Yosemite in May! Whootness! ^_^
In LA, Mrs. Laughlin gave me an F on the prepositions assignment just 'cause I circled the objects and underlined the prepositions! She's such a bitch! She could have at least only taken a point off the top, but NOOOOO, she had to take the whole damn thing off. I HATE HER I HATE HER I HATE HER. *ahem* I'm okay... ...EVIL LAUGHLIN! Okay I think I got it all out.
In math, we corrected our homework, and then for homework we got this really odd worksheet that's worded in a really annoying way. We played Bago for the last 5 minutes of class...Kinda pointless really. And in science, we kept watching Doctor Doolittle 2... don't know why we're watchin' it in the first place, but I'm not gonna complain. For gym we did the stupid trunk lift. Most pointless test ever. I got 14 inches for my highest...Go me, I got beyond an A! Woo!And I can't wait until we start self-defense in gym. even though the kids we practice on have these mat thingies to protect them... Damn, and I wanted to hurt some of them too. Oh well.
I think I'm gonna change my book report book to HP5, then I can do Battle Royale for the oral book report. :D. "This book is about 42 junior high students in Japan who are forced to kill each other by the government." Well, if you want a simplified plot, that's it... And if any of my friends want a free cd player, you can have my old one...if you can fix it, I think it's beyond that. It's probably up in cd player heaven...or in cd player hell, because I made it play
Eminem a few years ago. Oh well, I just hope the cd player devil is looking after it. ...I really AM hyper. Woo! Now I just need a coke, and then I'll be REALLY wired!I really wanna see Secret Window, even though I have NO idea what it's supposed to be about. I only know it has something to do with writing. Anyway, I'm running out of things to say and talk about, so I'm going to leave for now...Ja ne! (I think it means goodbye. Whatever.)
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Sunday, March 21, 2004
Oh, and to Dyne's comment on last post: The teacher's name was Ms. Jorgenson (I think that's how you spell it). She taught in Ms. Gold's class for a while, and she's nice. ^_^
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Current Music-None.
^_^ Today was pretty cool. I woke up around 7, and stayed in bed 'til about 7:30...Eventually, I got my dad out of bed at 11 to get lunch. Bagels! Then he took me to the Wherehouse, and I bought Linkin Park's Meteora cd. The guy at the counter told me that they were coming to play at Shoreline in September, and tickets are going on sale tomorrow. My brother says he'll probably take me, because Snoop Dog is playing there too. So I get to see Linkin Park in concert! ^_^ Anyway, about Friday...
The first 4 classes were pretty much the same as always, and then science was a nightmare. We have to do this symmetry thing, and I now sit with Juliet, Svetlana, and Nelson in front of Dyne (yay ^_^), Stanley, Alex P., Lawrence, and King. >.< They are so freaking annoying! They never shut up, and constantly talk about the most annoying and perverted things... It's sooooo irritating. I'll have to learn to live with them, and block it out. And in gym, we did the last test ^_^. No more government having to study us! Well, they are going to study the scores, but at least we don't give them any more chances to than we already have.
Besides that, my weekend is going to consist of video games, computer, and tv. But Skye might come over tomorrow ^_^. Last time she came over, we looked on...some video game site...and found a bunch of really odd cheap games. Electronic or something. We found a game called Creatures! Who names a video game Creatures? *shrugs* Oh well. Well, I don't have much else to say...Bye people!
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