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Thursday, December 13, 2007

Um.... my feet are cold... and my sister is singing off-key H. Montana in the shower... and my retainers hurt. And I am procrastinating.

(m:um, yeah. Who gives a d@mn?)

... I'm leaving! For real this time! And I'm never coming back!

(m: Just by the way... we're the same entity.)

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Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Birthdays are...
Terrible days to lose half of one's beloved work-in-progress.
Run-time error + saving error = angsty artist.
I don't know how I'll rewrite it all... and that makes me pissed.

Y'know what else I don't like? Idiot girls in my gym/health class. I should get some sort of medal or trophy for the marvelous show of self-control I put on every other day. I swear, one day I'm gonna go pyscho.

~*M's Mind Theater*~
E: Fwah, fwah, fwah! Let's mock M! We're just so clever! Fwah, fwah, fwah!
M: I... don't think I'm in the mood for this today.
E: Oh, she thinks she's so smart! Fwah, fwah, fwah!
M: Maybe you should stop... yes, I think that's a terrafic idea.
E: Fwah, fwah, fwah! Fwah, fwah, fwah!
M: (Casually) *horizontal punch*
E: *gasp* Fwahfwahfwah!
D(E's sidekick: Fwah! Fwah! Fwah!
E: *attempts to punch M back*
M: *grabs wrist, sidesteps, turns, applies pressure*
E: Oh sh!t. My arm is now broken.
~* The End*~

But for now, I'll keep thinking my Bible stuff: Love your enemies... Love is patient, Love is kind...

Today is my 14th birthday.
My mum baked me a cherry cake.
I have a $15 iTunes g/card.
And now I've gotta go to my violin lesson.

Question: Should M get an Evenacesnese (sp?), HIM, Linkin Park or MCR album?

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Thursday, December 6, 2007

Note: M's voice should be that of an angry child.
My, M. You look very angry.

M:Dat's cuz I am!

Why are you so angry, M?

M: Cuz I can't win Linkin Park tickets!

Why can't you win Linkin Park tickets, M?

M: Cuz then I'd hafta lie and say I was eighteen and if They found out that I was lying I'd be convicted of fraud and forced to pay a heavy fine!

Here, M. Pet this cat. Lots of studies show that animals make you feel better.

M: I hate animals! All animals!

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Wednesday, December 5, 2007

   Good and Bad
Bad Things
1. A certain C is being an angry shouting idiot.
L: "Boil some water?"
C: @#$!@#$W%^#$TERG%^*^$&$#%^@$%&!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*kicks L*
M: *sigh*

2. My leg is sore. And I don't know why.

3. Kung-fu isn't open... T . T

Good Things
1. SNOW = I got home at 1:30! (In your FACE, private school! j/k!)

2. I have English homeworks- write a poem. Our teacher is kinda... out there. So she's like "Write a page!"
"About what, Mrs. D?"
"Whatever comes from inside you! If it comes from inside you, then it must be true! Let the spirit move you!" And I just so happen to be fond of poetry. Maybe I'll post it?

3. I shall bake brownies! Once my homework has been vanquished!

4. My sister bought me a Christmas present! I have no idea what it is, but still- a Christmas present!

Thus- the good has defeated bad! Cookies for all!

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Friday, November 30, 2007

   My Smiley Is Grey for a Good Reason

This is awesome for several reasons.
1) It means I am moving up in the world of Kung Fu.
2) Everyone knows that white is the lowest and black is the highest, but they generally don't know about the rest. So perhaps they will assume that I am better than I really am.
3) I get to learn a round-house kick! *smash*

However, they picked a terrible date for it. My sister has a basketball game, my brother has an academic thing and some New York people are visiting. Such busyness.

This weekend is not so busy. I might get to sleep.

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Monday, November 26, 2007

   Sick Day (To Be Read in a Melodramtic Voice)
Well. Here it is- 11 AM on Monday morning. Yet instead of learning French, I am at my house, on theO. Why?
Because I am sick.
And that, my friends, sucks.
Yes, my throat is sore, my head hurts and my sinuses are screwed up. A slight headcold, if you will, that has plauged me since Thanksgiving and has gotten increasingly irksome.
Experineced veterans of illness would tell me that I am a fool, to skip school for such slight symptons. But they would be very wrong. Why?
Because this is the worst cold I've had in three years.
The mere fact that I've been riddled with this ailment for more than a day qualifies it as such.
Alas, when one does not fall prey to germs on a regular basis, it tends to be all the more frusterating when they do.

...Though I must admit, it is somewhat pleasing to have the day off.

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Friday, November 23, 2007

   Happy November 23rd!
WEll, well, well.
It certainly has been a while since I posted, hasn't it? What's new with me...
I didn't make it into All-State Orch, but I just barely got into All-County. Literally- I'm last chair Violin 2. But I got in!
I'm going to see that Enchanted movie tonight with my mum, little sister and cousin. And probably someone else will glomp on by the time we go. That's fun.
Also, I had a sore throat. Woke up at 4 in the morning and barely could swallow. But it's getting better!
Amm... I drew some stuff, but the girl- J - who's gonna scan it for me is on a cruise. So probably by the end of this month I'll have some new pics.
Thanksgiving was fun. We went to our uncles' house in D.C.
(I LOVE THE CITY!!! Actually- I love ANY city. I do not love Suburbia, a litte niche of Purgatory here on Earth.)
Yeah... everyone's always "YES! FOOD! ON THANKSGIVING!" ...but I don't really like Thanksgiving food. I ate the squash and coleslaw just to be polite. The stuffing was nice. And everything smelled good. D went to culinary school.
I too want to go to culinary school.
I also want to go practice the violin, since everyone is at my aunt's house. I didn't go,for fear of making M and S (my little cousins) sick.
And... that's about it.

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Wednesday, October 24, 2007

   Busy, Busy, Busy
Don't get me wrong - I love having stuff to do. But lately the only time I've had for drawing is during maths class. Between, well - let me make a list!

M's Stuff To Do
1) H------ Youth Orchestra
2) Prepare for All-County Orchestra Auditions
3) Prepare for All-State Orchestra Auditions
4) Youth Mass (I play violin for the music bit)
5) Regular Violin Lessons
6) Practice the Violin
7) Kung-Fu Lessons
8) Practice Kung-Fu
9) Write the Great Novella
10)Babysit ($)

Well, you can see where School ranks on my list of priorites. Ach, but I love being busy. I just wish I had more time to spend on my art... I painted some flowers on the weekend, that came out really nice. Kinda impressionistic, but I like Monet!

Oh, just throwing this out there: If anyone enjoys reading half-way there fantasy novella manuscripts and providing useful feedback, PM me!

*yawn* Y'know what show I really like? Pushing Daisies. It's really cute, and a lot like Rohld Dahl. I'm gonna go watch that - abc.com - then go to bed. Cause I'm a sleepycat.

So, that's all. Thanks for listening!

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Wednesday, October 10, 2007

I've gotten one hundred visits to my site! *claps* So I just thought I'd celebrate! With cake!
(m: Hmmm... just how many of those visters were you?)

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Wednesday, October 3, 2007

   Mixed Blessing!
There was an emergency at the office, so Edward didn't get back until it was too late...

but because of that...


That translates into I can now post pictures! YAY!

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