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myOtaku.com: ImaginaryPrincess

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

   Busy, Busy, Busy
Don't get me wrong - I love having stuff to do. But lately the only time I've had for drawing is during maths class. Between, well - let me make a list!

M's Stuff To Do
1) H------ Youth Orchestra
2) Prepare for All-County Orchestra Auditions
3) Prepare for All-State Orchestra Auditions
4) Youth Mass (I play violin for the music bit)
5) Regular Violin Lessons
6) Practice the Violin
7) Kung-Fu Lessons
8) Practice Kung-Fu
9) Write the Great Novella
10)Babysit ($)

Well, you can see where School ranks on my list of priorites. Ach, but I love being busy. I just wish I had more time to spend on my art... I painted some flowers on the weekend, that came out really nice. Kinda impressionistic, but I like Monet!

Oh, just throwing this out there: If anyone enjoys reading half-way there fantasy novella manuscripts and providing useful feedback, PM me!

*yawn* Y'know what show I really like? Pushing Daisies. It's really cute, and a lot like Rohld Dahl. I'm gonna go watch that - abc.com - then go to bed. Cause I'm a sleepycat.

So, that's all. Thanks for listening!

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