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Sunday, August 15, 2004
Today I watched the olymipics alot!
it was cool
USA rocks yay
from what i saw
1 gold medal
2 silvers
1 bronze
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Saturday, August 14, 2004
after the last post my friend Adamn and I had a very long arguement about how cheese is made and i won. he said it was mold...Wrong its acctully curned milk. just thought you all should know that.

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I have one thing to say...
::clears throat::
i like cheese
it is muy deliciso
yum yum
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Thursday, August 12, 2004
Got my classes today! since it seems like the 'thing to do' I will post them here whee!
1- Biology
2- Math
3- Spanish 2
4/5- 1 semester Pe
2 semester health
6- Lunch
7/8- Orchestra
9/10- Modern Western Civs
11- English
whee my wonderfull school life
oh boy ::sarcasium::
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Wednesday, August 11, 2004
So um this is gonna be a question entry so a few days ago while shopping with my mom and sisters we went to Big Boy to go eat. While i was in the bathroom I looked at the wall and saw the words "Here I sit broken hearted, came to sh*t but only farted" I thought it was kind of funny. so um have u guys ever seen something werid written on a wall?
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Tuesday, August 10, 2004
ugh, just got surgrey, my mouth is so dry and my throat is so sore.
lol all ice cream will be accepted
wow its like 1 in the morning
goodnight ;-)
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Saturday, August 7, 2004
This is my new song about guess who? HIEI!!!
::sung to the tune of rudolph the red nose reindeer::
Hiei the retard
had at 12lb head
he was 2 foot 3
and he said to me
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I went to twins day today, it was so much fun! there were twins everywhere! it was rare to look around and not see a twin. The twins were all dressed a like too and some where in funny costumes ((there were these two guys dressed as lighthouses!)) There were a lot of spinny rides I got sick on this one that was like a ferris wheel but it spun upside down. Can't wait till next year!

Im the proud aunt of baby girl twins!! ((yea the picture is big!! sorry i chouldnt re-size it!))
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Tuesday, August 3, 2004
Hmm hoping the owners of my otaku wont give me a nice beating for this but my sis and I got a kick outta this. FIND YOUR MEAN ZODIAC!

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Monday, August 2, 2004
 Cutesy Goth
What Kind of Goth Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
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