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myOtaku.com: imasyon

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

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Guestbook Entries:

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MissKoaru1236 (03/06/07)

hey thanks for signing my gb I love your back ground it rocks ED AND AL ARE AWESOME I'm adding you

Yukino Tokisaka (03/04/07)

hello^^. just came across your site and i have to say, it's really awesome XD. FMA is awesome ^o^! anyways, i like your art as well :). wellll, i hope it's alright if i add you to my friends list^^ (if it's not, let me know and i'll change it^^;). lol, well, see ya later =3!


forkandspoon (03/01/07)

Hey...i really likr your site...i just signed up yesterday here. i like drawing to and wish i could become a mangaka, but dont know where to start. anyway check out me site sometime (if you feel like it) ^____________^

kittykatangel (02/28/07)

Hey, thanks for signing my guestbook! I like your site, I love FMA ^^ If you need any help, just ask.

I took a look at your art, it's very nice. Keep drawing!

Aw, you're studying Japanese? I'm so jealous of you T^T I'm taking it next year in high school though XD

Anyways, of course you can add me as a friend. I'll see you around ^^

P.S. My background is from Spiral. It's such an awesome show.

hackermimiru (02/28/07)

hey there cool site i really liked it you've done a very good job with it wow! i totally love FMA i've never missed any episode but i still have to see the movie well plz drop by my site sometime it's nothing too gr8 but i'd like it if you'd come by and leave a comment or sign my gb
well see ya around


Gadriann (02/21/07)

Cool site!! The theme is awesome!!

And I like your drawings, you're really good in drawing bg, groups and the clothes! XD
I'm adding you as friend, if u don't mind, harharhar!!

Talim-of-the-Wind (02/20/07)


Thanks so much for signing my GB!! *hugs*

Of course you can add me. ^_^

Awesome site!! I love the FMA theme. ^_^


Kanimi (02/20/07)

hello there. i really lik ur site ann and ur bg is so kool. and u study japanese and ur university,lucky. i know alittle japanese but not alot. i added u as a friend, well see ya later^^

LoKiLoKi55 (02/19/07)

love the site, i also could help u with the site if u want me too! drop by sometime, and pm me plz!,

Angel Zakuro (02/16/07)

Hiya!!! ^^ Thanks so much for signing my gb! *hugs* I'm glad you like my site, I think yours is really cool, too! Wow!! You're studying Japanese at your university??? That's awesome!! I'm taking it right now in highschool...and unfortunately the university I'm going to doesn't offer Japanese. *sob* Oh well. Anyhoo, I'll add you as a friend so come and visit/comment on my site sometime, ok? Thanks again!

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