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Saturday, June 30, 2007

   Back again ^-^
hi there…itīs been nearly a month since I last posted…well, it mostly was because I had my exams last week...and I had to learn. Not that I really DID learn so much, but well, fortunately I passed all the exams and now the first year at university is over. It was a really cool time, I have quite a bunch of new friends and collegues and the best is, most of them share the same hobby: manga and anime ^____^
a week before the exams Linkin Park had their first concert in Switzerland and I was there with some friends of mine...it was AWESOME!!! ^___^ They played some songs of the new album and some of the old ones....it was really cool...and me and my friends were nearly in front of them.,..hehe...well, it was sure a cool experience there. I was really lucky to get a ticket, because when my friends told me, there wasnīt any more available, but I could get one through ricardo.ch (you could say a version of ebay in Switzerland). So, luckily I could get a ticket and went to the concert *_____*
well then I watched a lot of anime lately...I finished some 10 series or so...whenever I got tired of learning, I watched anime...and as you probably know, when you watch an anime series, an episode often ends leaving you thinking: WTF? Wanna know what happens next!!! So you just have to watch more until you nearly watched the whole series...and then I realised: oops, I shouldīve learned...-_- but anyway.
The exam week was horrible. First was grammar. Grammar is the horror of every language, I never managed to be good in grammar, no matter what it was, German, French, English...nah. But I passed this exam, like I said. This exam was from the birdy teacher (as you may know, I hate her quite a lot). The assistents of the japanese studies realized, that in the old exam (the one we had last semester) was very difficult and way too long. Some 40 % didnīt pass the exam back than (I fortunately did). So they decided to do a part of this exam now, it was in a multiple choice way, so you could spare some time. So everybody thought, cool, now I at least can have one third of the exam without porblems. But then comes the birdy teacher, with a huge grin from one ear to another, and tells us, we wouldīve been better off with her exam, because one error in her exam is -0.5 point. An error in the exam part of the assistens will cost us 4 points. We were really shocked...just imagine, the questions of the assistens may be easy, but what if you have a blackout or just happen to be so nervous you answer incorrect? Then you lose 4 points!! It was really mean. And you could see it in her face, she really was enjoying it. The other exams were OK. Though I have to say, I passed Kanji with the minimum of points you could have. My teacher told me, she gave me some points (so theoratically, I wouldnīt have passed this exam), because I was good during this semester and I was really good in the last exam....She is really a nice teacher!!! If it wouldnīt have been because of her, I probably would have had some exams to repeat...(and I have to say, I really didnīt learn ANYTHING for this exam. Itīs a miracle I donīt have to repeat it...this teacher really must like me...hehe, but then again, she is really an angel, I can tell you!).
So now I have holiday...itīs really strange, since now I donīt have to go everyday to Zürich and learn all the time. But now I have to search a job, because I want to go to Japan next year...I thought of going to a language course or something like this, for at least two or three weeks. So it wonīt be much time I will spend there, but Japan is expensive, so Iīll have to collect some money until then...I hope I find something for this vacation...At least now I have some time to draw again. I was really sad because lately I couldnīt draw anything bacause I was busy with grammar and translation stuff for the exams...u_u I had a lot of ideas (this is always the same: when I have time to think about it, to draw and to write down everything that comes to my mind, there is no idea anywhere. But when Iīm busy learning for exams or doing something, there they come...!!!).
Hopefully I sometime soon can upload some pics...(not that there would be a lot of them, but anyway, it has been a while since I last uploaded a pic...).

I hope you guys are doing fine, Iīm sorry I didnīt comment on your sites for such a long time, I certainly will comment again, and donīt think I forgot about you...in fact I caught myself thinking, ah, what does this and this person of myo at the moment... he or she is surely doing this and that...it was really strange. Hmmm...well...this is a long post I just realized (itīs always the same when Iīm off for such a long time).
So, have a good time and see ya around (hope you didnīt forget about me) ^_______^

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Saturday, June 2, 2007

   Pirates and new friends
hi there! today was really fun! Well, at the beginning I had a little quarrel with my mum, but well, it wasn't so grave so I doesn't bother me anymore.
I went to Zürich today and met with one of the group I met in Geneva and some other people. I think we were some 7 people...they're really nice guys!!! ^-^ I didn't know anybody, but they introduced and it was like we would have known each other some time ago lol
they're all from a community called animexx and they are all anime and manga fans, so well, I was with people who have the same interesses like I have...

so, Pirates of the Caribbean was real fun! I don't like Keira Knightley and Orlando Bloom, but Jhonny Depp was awesome! You just have to see it because he's there! He really made me laugh all the time loooool
and the little monkey...kawaiii!!! ^____^
I really enjoyed myself and I think our group
was laughing loutest in the cinema...muahahaha...
they're all a bunch of strange poeple, like most really animefans...hehe. So now I have some poeple in Switzerland who gather some time to see a movie or to draw or they go to conventions. The communities site is really cool, you always know if there is an event coming, and you can see, what poeple will go there...(poeple who you know or who are in your contact list). ^___^

so...you see...I did my best not thinking about grammar and kanji today, and I totally succeeded...hehe...
Tomorrow will be the Comicbörse, I'm really looking forward to it!!! ^o^
Some of the people I met today will go too, yay!

So, I hope you guys will have a nice weekend too...see ya around!

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Friday, June 1, 2007

   yay....some good things at least....
well...I still have A LOT of kanji and EVEN MORE grammar to do, but it wonīt hinder me to go see Pirates of the Carrebean 3 tomorrow with some friends *yay*...As it will begin kinda late, Iīll stay at my aunty (sheīs really happy I visit her ^-^) and then, on sunday, I will go to the Comicbörse!!! (as this wonīt say anything to you, probably, Iīll explain: the Comicsbörse is held one or two times in Zürich every year. People from Switzerland come and sell their mangas or comics they have bought - in other words, second hand...and well, Iīll see if I find something I wanna have ^-^ If there arenīt any interesting manga, Iīm sure Iīll find some poster or anything else...I went last year...and bought 8 mangas, 3 posters, a postcard, one DVD and one CD...and my little Picachu and a book for my father...it really is worth going, since most of the articles seem like new ^-^

so, have to go now, have a great weekend and see ya around!! ^_______^

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Wednesday, May 30, 2007

   what if....conditional beats me...argh.
hi there. Well, this week hasnīt been really interesting. Only more grammar I donīt really understand, more translation to do, and last but not least, more kanji to learn. I really nearly have no time to draw T____T
for those who requested something, please forgive me, I will try to do it as soon as possible!!! Today I wanted to draw at one lecture, but we had to do some "active" work, well, we had to go to library and then we had to present an encyclopedia in two-person-groups. Well, it wasnīt really difficult, but well, since you were there only thing you could do was looking at you encyclopedia, chitchat a bit about it with your partner (and a lot of other things, of course), and then present it in less then a minute at the end. One hour for nothing. nah.
Then in the afternoon me and a collegue of mine tried to do some homework about conditional and temporal expressions in japanese...and well... it sucks!!!! we didnīt understand anything thanks to our birdy teacher (she has a voice like those birds who get on your nerves...and this is no joke, she sure has a really horrible voice!). This woman really has no idea how to explain something in a way a normal human person could understand her! (ok, many linguists have this problem, since they learned to do everything in schemata...but really, with her, you get more confused than if you hadnīt read anything about this topic....). Argh, I hate it u_u I really schould look up these things in my little yellow grammar book...I hope there is some explanation to such phenomena called conditional...hmmm....well, and then there are so much kanji to learn...I should really do something about it. I probably will spend tomorrow some time with it, since Iīll have some time at the afternoon...hopefully.

so, I wish you guys have a great time!!! heard that some people are having graduation now or soon, so congrats on all who will have it!!! ^__^
see ya!!

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Sunday, May 27, 2007

   boring sunday...more homework...blood+ shines now at the end of the tunnel
ok...this sunday is really nothing special at all. I had to do ironing this whole afternoon, now I sent my essay to my Japanese tandem partner, and if Iīm lucky she can correct it until tomorrow, so I can give it to my teacher on Tuesday. Ah, you never imagine how difficult it was to write it, and I know, I made a whole bunch of mistakes ~thinks guilty for sending it to tandem partner this way~. And then there is some homework I still have to do...well, itīs not so much. But I should begin to concentrate on Kanji learning and grammar. Grammar is really the hardest thing of all. I mean, translation isnīt that bad, since somehow you can catch the idea of the text (Well, sometimes you do not, but it is still much easier, than write it down yourself...). I still lack so much of the grammar we studyied, that Iīm really a bit scared. I will have to make some resumees of the things we did, check it in the book and then doublecheck it in a really marvelous book entitled: A dictionary of basic Japanese grammar. It became my best friend lately. Really, itīs my PRECIOUS...~glares at everybody who could take it away~...little deja-vu with lord of the rings lol
ok, so now I have all episodes of Blood+. I really am enjoying this series. Iīm at episode 39 right now...itīs really becoming interesting ^__^ How I like vampire stories (when theyīre well made). If you could have seen me when I saw Blade...I love all of the three movies (still only own the third...have to buy the first two...).

Ok, since there really isnīt very much to comment today, I wish you a nice (longer than usual) weekend (at least for most peaople, I believe), and see ya around! ^____^

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Friday, May 25, 2007

   essay (work in progress)...bank holiday...Blood+
so. bellyache vanished, and Iīm feeling a lot better now. But yeah, this essay really sucks. I mad a rough outline of it in the train home today, now Iīll see what I can make out of it. Nah...it really sucks. You just hear everybody aks: hey, did you do the essay? well, to my defense I can tell you most poeple havenīt done it yet :p
Ok, monday is bank holiday here so I have three days to write it. Hope I can do something...hmm...acceptable...
Then I have absolutely to do something about the kanji. Now weīre receiving the last pages, so I think I should concentrate on the old ones right now. Iīll also start with this verb list with my collegue and then Iīll do some translation...ah. Horrible. Lenguages really get on your nerves when your near the exams. They told us now that if you donīt pass the first exam, the second one will be nearly double as difficult as the first one. I donīt really care about most exams, but the grammar one will be hell on earth!! I really fear that if I donīt pass it the first time..the second...x_x have to repeat some grammer too this weekend...

so, now some secrets revealed about myself...some people asked me if I am German (īcause I tend to mention books I read at the moment...hehe). Well, this is not the case. Actually I have a bit mixed family tree...(what concerns nationality). So, on of my grandpas was Swiss, the other Portuguese and both happened to emograte to Venezuela (so both my grandmas are/were Venezuelan), where I was born btw. Then, when I was about one year old, my parents emigrated to Switzerland and I grew up here. Until now Iīve only been two times back to Venezuela and only for short time. So I learned German, English and French at school, speak Spanish with my parents and speak Swissgerman with my collegues (Swissgerman is sorta modified German...like really old German...hm. Itīs more a dialect. Every Kanton (a Kanton is like a state in the US)has its own dialect, even some regions have, and then there are some Kantons where there are two lenguages spoken (German and French), as the four lenguages spoken in Switzerland are German (and Swissgerman when you speak with a person), French, Italian and Rhaeto-Romance). My French is hmm...average. I mostly kept it up because of the mangas...theyīre sometimes chepear in French than in German...lol But Iīd hate reading a book in French, I prefer German and English...I like reading in Spanish, but itīs not so easy to find a good book in Spanish, because there are not so much Spanish bookstores in Switzerland (though there are some good ones). Well, my English is like what I write down here, so it isnīt that good but I think you can understand it? :p German is the lenguage I have the most experience with it, since itīs the lenguage we use at school. But I have to say that since I study Japanese and am seeing so much animes translated in English I sometimes look at a word in German and ask myself: Is this really written like this? Or I have to think about how to write a word....o_o but there are other people in my class saying this happens to them too, seems like an overdose of lenguages lol

ok, have to go to the Iaido class...and after taht Iīll probably watch some more episodes of Blood+ (you sure asked yourself why it was in the title when I didnīt mention it such a long time, huh? :p). So, have a great time and see ya around!! ^_____^

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Wednesday, May 23, 2007

   LUCIFER...skipping classes...compostion...what a cruel world!
ah, I imagine nobody can really understand why the hell I wrote LUICFER, huh? well, itīs because Iīm reading a book entitled with this name (Lucifer, Träger des Lichts)...not that it would be satanic, itīs rather the opposite, Lucifer is therein the nice guy and other angels are trying to destory the universe...I bought it the day before yesterday (er...was it called this way? meaning monday...) and now Iīm nearly through it, Iīll probably finish it tonight...ah, itīs awesome (if you wanna give it a try, itīs by Catherine Webb and the original title is (Germans always have to change the titles īcause they think the original ones just sound stupid or not interesting enough...same goes with movies...really annoying...an Swiss publisher just copy it from the Germans or import it them to begin with...): Waywalkers. Hm, ok, maybe the German title is a bit more accurate about the content of the book, but anyway. Translation is always bringing some problems, no matter from what language you translate into another.

ah, skipping classes...not that you think I would do this usually, I never skipped them until now, even if weīre allowed to, sometimes. I just was having bellyache (ok, sorry guys, but this sounds REALLY funny in English...hehe...no wonder I couldnīt remember it...you never learn funny words at school (even if here the meaning is everything but funny). Hm, I went to classes at midday but then about 3 oīclock a felt sick so I went home then and skipped one lesson. Nothing really rare (only rare thing about it is that Iīm nearly NEVER sick...(please note that I donīt count hay fever as being sick - you only feel like you were)). I was touched about how my collegue cared for me, she was really worrying about me. She even gave me a medicament she had there: THANK YOU!! ^-^ Sheīs really a good collegue of mine even if I met her only when I began at university, so this was last year...

ah, and then there is this composition. Horrible. It hast to be in Japanese, entitled: Why are you studying Japanese? and has to have 800 to 1000 symbols. Horrible, everybody is desperate not only ībout the lenguage but also about what to write (so do I, I have no idea what to write...I canīt really say: anime ga daisuki kara, daigaku he nihongo no benkyou shimasu - because I like anime Iīm studying japanese at university). Ah, itīs really annoying. This task came from my lovely birdy (when she talkes she reminda me of the birds who always gets on my nerves in the morning waking me up before my alarm clock rings) grammar teacher (you may not the sarcasm...).

ah, well, have to think about something to write...so, have a good time...I hope somehow I will survive this and next month...exams are being held in 3 weeks time or so u_______________u

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Monday, May 21, 2007

   again having hay fever...more kanji than ever...but some anime shine at the end of the tunnel...
so, the days of rain were awesome, I had no problems. But yesterday and today were so HOOOOOT!! so you can imagine...hay fever again. Today I tried a medicament and it seems to have had some effect on me...it wasnīt as bad as I already have experienced these days...ah, at least there seems to be some hope cocerning this hay fever (also, itīs raining right now...but who knows how long this will last...-_-).

ok, kanji...Iīm really thinking of only study kanji this weekend. I really have to...there are so much I canīt remember! Well, a collegue of mine and I will make a verb list, so hope I will remember some of them through this practice.

We had grammar lessons today...it was horrible. Our professor tried to explain "tame ni" and "you ni", when you need them, etc., but only short. Then she explained relative sentences, something not so difficult to understand (but still, she could confuse everyone with her explenations...hopefully these sentences arenīt that difficult). And then, finally, she tried to explain all the conditianal forms...this was just...hmmm....CRAP. Nah, have to reread it in the book...I didnīt really catch the thought of all different forms. I hope we wonīt have any grammar after this semester. (Iīm afraid of the grammar exam, it will be HELL!!!!).

So, but there were also good things this weekend. I finished watching s-CRY-ed and Demonbane...both really nothing special, but funny...(seems like I had to have a little bit of distraction of all these grammar and kanji homework...brrr....).

So...really not so much time to draw right now...;____; and also not very much time to write down ideas (I nearly forgot one, and only remember half of it...I was really angry when I realized I forgot parts of it....>_<).
I have to do something for my mother tomorrow on the computer downstaires, so maybe I will have time to scan two pics I made some time ago (when I still had time), so hopefully I can upload them!!
If there is still time, Iīll comment on your sites...please forgive me again for not commenting all this time! (warukatta!!)
see ya around and have a great time!!

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Monday, May 14, 2007

   hay fever, kanji and anime...
so, there I am. Sorry for not having commented on anybodys site for so long...I had some problems with internet access. Seems like there was a problem with the IP adress but now everythingīs OK again (fortunately).
Another thing is, that since last week, I have hay fever...and well, itīs hell. I was surprised that in Zürich the "attacks" if you may them call this way, are havier than where I live (countryside). As the weather was so good in April, many people are suffering because of the hay fever...you see people and sometimes you think, heh, do they have the flu? (I felt worse than in winter...really). And the eyes burn all the time...ah, itīs horrible. Hope there will come some rain...to wash all these pollen away.

I couldnīt draw anything lately, and less upload pics...hope Iīll get some time soon. The kanji list is growing bigger and bigger, weīre at some 680 kanjis right now...ah.
Ok, I know, I shouldīve learned more...but well, ergo proxy was kinda more interesting...(Iīm at episode 17 right now and want to see more...then I started to watch Black blood brothers...ah, you know, these animes always make you wanna watch more and more...Iīm really happy I hadnīt more episodes on the computer, otherwise I wouldnīt have got any sleep...lol
anyway, I hope I can watch some more episodes tonight, but Iīll surely do the kanjis I have to learn for tomorrow. There is also a little interview I have to do with a collegue of mine, asking each other what we wanna do in our future (like I would know), and so on. But we have time tomorrow, so I guess weīll do it then.

ah, weekend wasnīt so bad. I wenīt to Tivoli (shopping center in Aargau or Zürich, Iīm not so sure which Kanton it was...). There was a tiny exposition of Japan. I bought a Duruma (sp?) for my aunty, hope her wish will come true ^-^ and participated on a competition for winning a flight to Japan...Iīm not really optimistic on winning it, but well, you may never know and it doesnīt hurt anybody to write down his address, does it? :p Then I bought an o-bentou, it was really delicous ^-^ I talked with the women who was selling them and there was a girl there too, and now guess what: as I spoke with the women she comes and asks me if I draw mangas. I said yes, asking myself how she could know about it or if it was a guess out of the blue...but then she told me, she saw me in the Japanese journal my former Japanese teacher gives out all four months (itīs called Grüezi, for Japanese people living in Switzerland). He happened to write about my final work of High School about Mangas and there was a photo of me there too...so she recognized me from there!!! I was really astonished....O____O it was really funny lol
ah and then there was the highlight of the day, two koto player, it was really beautiful (even if I didnīt consider it as Japanese music at first...). From there we went to Ikea where I got a new lamp for my room (yay, finally I will get light for the whole room...). Have to install it yet (this will be a bit of work). Ah, furthermore I visited my aunty in her new appartment, itīs really nice, very bright and there is much more room then in the apartmen she was before with her brother, his wife and son. Now there is enough space for all of them, there are busses until 12 p.m. or so, so if I want to stay at her appartment it wonīt be a problem (ok, the only problem is, it is in Aargau, still near to Zürich, but you have to change busses and trains, if Iīm not mistaken...but anyway, Iīm used to such things, as I live 2 hours away from university, I have to change from bus to train to tram...).
Last week I finished reading "Wächter der Ewigkeit", it was awesome *___* how I love the books of Lukianenko. So some of you asked me, if these books are available in English too. I googled a little bit around and the English titles are "Night Watch, Day Watch, Dusk Watch and The Last Watch", in case you would like to read them ^____^

so, have to go and learn some kanji, hope your doing fine and sorry again for not commenting these days...u_u

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Wednesday, May 9, 2007

   really busy...
argh, itīs getting tough with japanese studies...
we reached the 660 mark at kanji studying, so now we are like 3/4 of all the kanji we have to learn...Iīm really forgetting many of them, I have to start a remembering project...hehe.
well, I have to start it this weekend...same goes for grammar, I just donīt have a clue what we did these weeks so far, have to reread everything...(passice, desirative, potentialis...and so on and so forth...argh...ugly, I can tell ya).

so, at the moment I wonīt comment so much since Iīm really busy, hope to comment as soon as possible! (so please forgive me if you donīt see a comment of mine...T_T...)

have a great time and see you around...

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