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the volcan of Ranuria
Member Since
studying Japanese at University (yay!)
Anime Fan Since
I first saw one on TV...
Favorite Anime
best anime ever...phew (too many to write them down): FF Advent Children, Mononoke Hime, Naruto, Inuyasha, Yugioh (not all seasons), Trinity Blood, Macross Zero...(but as I'm collecting more mangas than Animes I suppose this list would be much longer...)
be the best mangaka, posses all the mangas and Animes I want to have and achieve something in my live - but I'm content with having friends and being healthy anyway ^_^
drawing manga, read and collect them and other books, writing stories and listen to loud music... I like to see the pictures in artbooks, too...^^
Saturday, March 10, 2007
well, since I have holidays, it's not really special, but I consider this the last weekend I can really enjoy, 'cause on monday I'll get the book for my work, have to read it as soon as possible, and then (sooner than ever possible) I have to write my work...
so, this will be kinda special weekend for me. I'll spend it drawing (if my parents let me...they always have something I have to do for them...aaargh, so annoying). The manga I'm doing right now is developping, I'm so eager to do it, it's really strange XD (I think I never wanted to do a manga as much as I wanted to do this one - and stranger is, I don't have many names... strange, because normally I begin with a name (mostly the main character, 'cause he's the important guy, anyway) and then I'll draw the story around this name. This time I made the story first (writing down ideas), drew the characters, but the main cahracter was always HP (stands for Hauptperson - main character)...). Well, I hope sometime soon I find a name for him...*laughs*.
I hope I can scan some pics, and if so I'll upload some. I uploaded a pic today, but it's nothing special. But I like it (like most of the times), hehe. Anyway, I hope I can scan something!!
I just continued downloading some songs...yeah, it's really cool (I love anime music - this time it was the .hack//SIGN OST 2, it's kinda special, like OST 1 reloaded, hehe). I'm listenting to it all the time now lol
so, hope you guys are doing well, and see ya!
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