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myOtaku.com: imasyon

Monday, May 14, 2007

   hay fever, kanji and anime...
so, there I am. Sorry for not having commented on anybodys site for so long...I had some problems with internet access. Seems like there was a problem with the IP adress but now everything´s OK again (fortunately).
Another thing is, that since last week, I have hay fever...and well, it´s hell. I was surprised that in Zürich the "attacks" if you may them call this way, are havier than where I live (countryside). As the weather was so good in April, many people are suffering because of the hay fever...you see people and sometimes you think, heh, do they have the flu? (I felt worse than in winter...really). And the eyes burn all the time...ah, it´s horrible. Hope there will come some rain...to wash all these pollen away.

I couldn´t draw anything lately, and less upload pics...hope I´ll get some time soon. The kanji list is growing bigger and bigger, we´re at some 680 kanjis right now...ah.
Ok, I know, I should´ve learned more...but well, ergo proxy was kinda more interesting...(I´m at episode 17 right now and want to see more...then I started to watch Black blood brothers...ah, you know, these animes always make you wanna watch more and more...I´m really happy I hadn´t more episodes on the computer, otherwise I wouldn´t have got any sleep...lol
anyway, I hope I can watch some more episodes tonight, but I´ll surely do the kanjis I have to learn for tomorrow. There is also a little interview I have to do with a collegue of mine, asking each other what we wanna do in our future (like I would know), and so on. But we have time tomorrow, so I guess we´ll do it then.

ah, weekend wasn´t so bad. I wen´t to Tivoli (shopping center in Aargau or Zürich, I´m not so sure which Kanton it was...). There was a tiny exposition of Japan. I bought a Duruma (sp?) for my aunty, hope her wish will come true ^-^ and participated on a competition for winning a flight to Japan...I´m not really optimistic on winning it, but well, you may never know and it doesn´t hurt anybody to write down his address, does it? :p Then I bought an o-bentou, it was really delicous ^-^ I talked with the women who was selling them and there was a girl there too, and now guess what: as I spoke with the women she comes and asks me if I draw mangas. I said yes, asking myself how she could know about it or if it was a guess out of the blue...but then she told me, she saw me in the Japanese journal my former Japanese teacher gives out all four months (it´s called Grüezi, for Japanese people living in Switzerland). He happened to write about my final work of High School about Mangas and there was a photo of me there too...so she recognized me from there!!! I was really astonished....O____O it was really funny lol
ah and then there was the highlight of the day, two koto player, it was really beautiful (even if I didn´t consider it as Japanese music at first...). From there we went to Ikea where I got a new lamp for my room (yay, finally I will get light for the whole room...). Have to install it yet (this will be a bit of work). Ah, furthermore I visited my aunty in her new appartment, it´s really nice, very bright and there is much more room then in the apartmen she was before with her brother, his wife and son. Now there is enough space for all of them, there are busses until 12 p.m. or so, so if I want to stay at her appartment it won´t be a problem (ok, the only problem is, it is in Aargau, still near to Zürich, but you have to change busses and trains, if I´m not mistaken...but anyway, I´m used to such things, as I live 2 hours away from university, I have to change from bus to train to tram...).
Last week I finished reading "Wächter der Ewigkeit", it was awesome *___* how I love the books of Lukianenko. So some of you asked me, if these books are available in English too. I googled a little bit around and the English titles are "Night Watch, Day Watch, Dusk Watch and The Last Watch", in case you would like to read them ^____^

so, have to go and learn some kanji, hope your doing fine and sorry again for not commenting these days...u_u

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