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myOtaku.com: imasyon

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

   what if....conditional beats me...argh.
hi there. Well, this week hasnīt been really interesting. Only more grammar I donīt really understand, more translation to do, and last but not least, more kanji to learn. I really nearly have no time to draw T____T
for those who requested something, please forgive me, I will try to do it as soon as possible!!! Today I wanted to draw at one lecture, but we had to do some "active" work, well, we had to go to library and then we had to present an encyclopedia in two-person-groups. Well, it wasnīt really difficult, but well, since you were there only thing you could do was looking at you encyclopedia, chitchat a bit about it with your partner (and a lot of other things, of course), and then present it in less then a minute at the end. One hour for nothing. nah.
Then in the afternoon me and a collegue of mine tried to do some homework about conditional and temporal expressions in japanese...and well... it sucks!!!! we didnīt understand anything thanks to our birdy teacher (she has a voice like those birds who get on your nerves...and this is no joke, she sure has a really horrible voice!). This woman really has no idea how to explain something in a way a normal human person could understand her! (ok, many linguists have this problem, since they learned to do everything in schemata...but really, with her, you get more confused than if you hadnīt read anything about this topic....). Argh, I hate it u_u I really schould look up these things in my little yellow grammar book...I hope there is some explanation to such phenomena called conditional...hmmm....well, and then there are so much kanji to learn...I should really do something about it. I probably will spend tomorrow some time with it, since Iīll have some time at the afternoon...hopefully.

so, I wish you guys have a great time!!! heard that some people are having graduation now or soon, so congrats on all who will have it!!! ^__^
see ya!!

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