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myOtaku.com: imasyon

Saturday, June 30, 2007

   Back again ^-^
hi there…itīs been nearly a month since I last posted…well, it mostly was because I had my exams last week...and I had to learn. Not that I really DID learn so much, but well, fortunately I passed all the exams and now the first year at university is over. It was a really cool time, I have quite a bunch of new friends and collegues and the best is, most of them share the same hobby: manga and anime ^____^
a week before the exams Linkin Park had their first concert in Switzerland and I was there with some friends of mine...it was AWESOME!!! ^___^ They played some songs of the new album and some of the old ones....it was really cool...and me and my friends were nearly in front of them.,..hehe...well, it was sure a cool experience there. I was really lucky to get a ticket, because when my friends told me, there wasnīt any more available, but I could get one through ricardo.ch (you could say a version of ebay in Switzerland). So, luckily I could get a ticket and went to the concert *_____*
well then I watched a lot of anime lately...I finished some 10 series or so...whenever I got tired of learning, I watched anime...and as you probably know, when you watch an anime series, an episode often ends leaving you thinking: WTF? Wanna know what happens next!!! So you just have to watch more until you nearly watched the whole series...and then I realised: oops, I shouldīve learned...-_- but anyway.
The exam week was horrible. First was grammar. Grammar is the horror of every language, I never managed to be good in grammar, no matter what it was, German, French, English...nah. But I passed this exam, like I said. This exam was from the birdy teacher (as you may know, I hate her quite a lot). The assistents of the japanese studies realized, that in the old exam (the one we had last semester) was very difficult and way too long. Some 40 % didnīt pass the exam back than (I fortunately did). So they decided to do a part of this exam now, it was in a multiple choice way, so you could spare some time. So everybody thought, cool, now I at least can have one third of the exam without porblems. But then comes the birdy teacher, with a huge grin from one ear to another, and tells us, we wouldīve been better off with her exam, because one error in her exam is -0.5 point. An error in the exam part of the assistens will cost us 4 points. We were really shocked...just imagine, the questions of the assistens may be easy, but what if you have a blackout or just happen to be so nervous you answer incorrect? Then you lose 4 points!! It was really mean. And you could see it in her face, she really was enjoying it. The other exams were OK. Though I have to say, I passed Kanji with the minimum of points you could have. My teacher told me, she gave me some points (so theoratically, I wouldnīt have passed this exam), because I was good during this semester and I was really good in the last exam....She is really a nice teacher!!! If it wouldnīt have been because of her, I probably would have had some exams to repeat...(and I have to say, I really didnīt learn ANYTHING for this exam. Itīs a miracle I donīt have to repeat it...this teacher really must like me...hehe, but then again, she is really an angel, I can tell you!).
So now I have holiday...itīs really strange, since now I donīt have to go everyday to Zürich and learn all the time. But now I have to search a job, because I want to go to Japan next year...I thought of going to a language course or something like this, for at least two or three weeks. So it wonīt be much time I will spend there, but Japan is expensive, so Iīll have to collect some money until then...I hope I find something for this vacation...At least now I have some time to draw again. I was really sad because lately I couldnīt draw anything bacause I was busy with grammar and translation stuff for the exams...u_u I had a lot of ideas (this is always the same: when I have time to think about it, to draw and to write down everything that comes to my mind, there is no idea anywhere. But when Iīm busy learning for exams or doing something, there they come...!!!).
Hopefully I sometime soon can upload some pics...(not that there would be a lot of them, but anyway, it has been a while since I last uploaded a pic...).

I hope you guys are doing fine, Iīm sorry I didnīt comment on your sites for such a long time, I certainly will comment again, and donīt think I forgot about you...in fact I caught myself thinking, ah, what does this and this person of myo at the moment... he or she is surely doing this and that...it was really strange. Hmmm...well...this is a long post I just realized (itīs always the same when Iīm off for such a long time).
So, have a good time and see ya around (hope you didnīt forget about me) ^_______^

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