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the volcan of Ranuria
Member Since
studying Japanese at University (yay!)
Anime Fan Since
I first saw one on TV...
Favorite Anime
best anime ever...phew (too many to write them down): FF Advent Children, Mononoke Hime, Naruto, Inuyasha, Yugioh (not all seasons), Trinity Blood, Macross Zero...(but as I'm collecting more mangas than Animes I suppose this list would be much longer...)
be the best mangaka, posses all the mangas and Animes I want to have and achieve something in my live - but I'm content with having friends and being healthy anyway ^_^
drawing manga, read and collect them and other books, writing stories and listen to loud music... I like to see the pictures in artbooks, too...^^
Thursday, September 27, 2007
introductions....>_> .........but party tomorrow ^_____^
well....firstly: I copied the homework, so everything was all right xD (ok, it's not how it's supposed to be, but I really hadn't time this weekend, I hope I'll have more time the next weekend xD).
Today was well....full of stress, and tehn....BORING....and BORING....argh! x_X
When I woke up and saw the clock I knew there was something wrong: It was 7:15 am and I was supposed to have taken the 6:55 am, I was kinda...shocked. 'cause I wouldn't make it in time to university with the next bus. But then I heard my father was taking a shower and everything was ok again xD (but I had a shock, anyway lol). He drew me to the station (because he works in Zurich too and some angels must have had pity with me that he took exactly the train with which I would make it in time xD).
Well, the morning was like BLABLABLA....didn't understand everything, but I DID the homework this time (on the train xD).
Lunch was funny ^^ I went with a guy from my class to the canteen of the university and had some talk with him....then he showed me the canteen of the ETH (Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule, it's the university of science....don't know how to say this in Enlgish....) and then we went to the sports section below, where we played a slightly different version of pool, it was funny ^^ he won, but only 4 to 3, so for being the first time for me playing it, it wasn't bad at all xD).
Well, then I thought I had a lesson on 1 pm, but the start is in a weeks time *sigh* Well, THEN came the INTRODUCTION to the library of the arts history institution of the university. It was BORING, and I mean REALLY boring....I really was was made in two parts. The first part explaining the signatures of the books etc. etc. and I felt like a 5 year old child being taught about how using the books and everything. This was horrible. But REALLY horrible was the second part: introduction on how to use the searching engine for searching the books you need....I slept after 5 minutes....(and the chair was NOT comfortable). Well, so I was half asleep and half awake...and after this ETERNITY of things practically everybody knew already, I still had two hours of Spanish course....which was cool, 'cause I could draw! xD
Just in case you were wondering about the party...xD I was invited to a party tomorrow of a colleague of mine ^^ After that I'll go to my auntys place and finally will be able to begin the sith season of the X files....*jumps all around the room*
well, you may have noticed, that I'm not on that schedule is different from last year u_U I have university from Tuesdays to Fridays, from morning till evening (I'm always at home at 7:30 pm) It's also getting harder, 'cause I have more homework than ever to do...^^'
nah, I'll try to post and comment as often as I can ^^
so, have to go now ... so have a nice end of week and see ya! ^^
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