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myOtaku.com: imasyon

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

   ah, finally some time xD
ah, finally got some time to get on here on myo xD

well, two of my biggest concerns at university are over. I had my spanish presentation last thursday (and it was horrible, but I hope I can get the credit points anyway...I had to prepare for this shit a long time >-<) and the other presentation in the East Asian Art History course (this one was pretty good, and I think it wasn't so bad).
So at least I don't have any bg presentations anymore *sighs relieved*. I only have two smaller ones, another one in Spanish and one in Japanese - shouldn't be so difficult...at least I hope so xD

I'm more concerned about all these exams in december. I'll have one in Spanish (it's linguistics, so it's quite difficult and I don't understand anything. I'll have to read a whole book to understand what the course really was about...the ironic thing about this course is: even our professor doesn't understand anything...well, say, it seems so: she's always confusing termes and people who studied this some time ago or the one who does the tutoring, are correcting her all the time .-. so well..I think the best way to prepare for this exam is to read all the scripts and the book. otherwise I don't think I'll get what I need for the exam into my head *laughs*.
Then all the Japenese exams...translation...written expression...and GRAMMAR....>_< I'll need to learn a lot of kanjis (since I didn't do much for it until now), to understand what the text is about xD and to answer the questions concerning the grammar xDDD
nah, at least at translation we will have all dictionarys to our disposal ^_^

so I'll be more busy than ever from hereon - I'm really hoping that december 22th comes soon...then I'll only have one thing to do: the work which's related to the presentation I did in the East Asian Art History class ^^
the 22th I'll see some friends and we'll do kinda a anime-manga-christmas-party...this will be so much fun xDDD

well, you guys, hope you're doing well and see ya around ^___^

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