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myOtaku.com: imasyon

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

   back from austria!
sooo....there I am...back in Switzerland again...

boar, it was so aweseme in austria...
4 senseis...naginata and iaido...*o* we practised a lot though not so much as we did back in 2005 in switzerland.
mostly it was one training sword and one training naginata (hellebarde...I have no clue how you say this in english...>o< even that's not the correct term for it in German...). Nah, anyways, I even got to translate some things and spoke Japanese xD I'm astonished they even most of the time could figrue out what the hell I wanted to say xD~

ah, the people training there were aweseom too ^^
we played often "honour of the samurai"...it was really funny....we told a lot of jokes and had a good time there ^^

I even found someone who can draw really nice (though comic style, not manga)...anyways, he drew me some pics, and I drew him some pics... really nice ;3~

well, I really talked a lot with Walter...though not so much on the way back 'cause I was tired like hell....x_x'' nya, I hope he wasn't too disappointed on the way back >o<

I really learned much on this seminar...but I'm forgetting things allready =o= *curses her awful memory*
hope walter didn't forget everything eiterh xDD~ we'll see on the next training :D~

well, hope you guys had a super week...I was too tired to comment in the weekend ^^°

....so, have a great time and *hugs* :D~

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