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Invader Zim, Cowboy bebop, getbackers, Rahxephon, eh, u know were im going
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Tuesday, October 19, 2004
New banner
click here for my site
Umm well nothing really important i have to say. My birthday is on november 4th. like 2 weeks from now. And i made a banner of soulfly. feel free to use it on your website if you wana. I will take any requests, e-mail me, leave a comment, or pm me for a request! Well cya.
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Sunday, October 17, 2004
OK i was at the Musium of Science in Boston, mike i wanted to invite you but my parents said no. And i saw the LOTR exibit, they had actual swords and armor from the movie, it was cool. then we went to a onitheatre (like a movie threatre cept with screens all around u and this girl in back of me kept kicking my seat! she was like 5!! grr! well cya click here
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Saturday, October 16, 2004
Going to start posting banners up!
WEll ive decided to make some banners of my favorite bands. And heres the first one, just of my username. Wana view all of them? go to my site: here Like what you see? E-mail me for a banner or an avatar request at: I will try and do the requests as soon as possible.

oh and lyrics of the day/couple days:
Soulfly: Bleed
What goes around comes around
You better realize
You kill life, you kill life
Why??? Why???
I see your eyes, I see your lies
I see you hide, inside...
What goes around comes around
Now it's your time
How long can you lie???
How long can you hide???
How long can you live with your soulbleed???
How long can you live with your soul...
Bleed Bleed Bleed Bleed Bleed Bleed
What goes around comes around
No more lies
You kill life, you kill life
Why??? Why???
I see a mother cry
I see a brother cry
Bring it on
Bring it
I'll make you bleed and you're bleeding now
I got my pride and that's all I need
I'll make you bleed with another blow without the radio
Don't take advantage of this process
You might have to digest a blade made for your ass to fade
I'm living on instinct
Never think when I'm rushin bones crushin
When I put your sorry ass in a package
You piece of shit sealed and delivered from a savage
And now you sweat because you're goin down
You envious clown fuckin' bleed
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Thursday, October 14, 2004
Tomarrow is friday
Yay tomarrow is friday! *dances* friday is awesome, cuze its the last day of school for the week! w00t! nothing really happend this week. Choi, did u make a friggin otaku profile yet? eh, ill check.
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Tuesday, October 12, 2004
ERR... got a 57% on my math test! WTF!!! all the stuff on the Study Guide wasn't even on the Test. ARG so pissed off, im almost failing school. Damit! im hoping for a job were u don't need to know about math (like a graphics designer) well, not much anyways.
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getting ready for a big post about inflames. dunno when ill do it yet.
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Wednesday, October 6, 2004
geeze, math test tomarrow and i don't know really anything of what we have to learn (to busy playing calculator games in class ^-^) well i gotta get off so i can STUDY. (i don't usually study cuze i pay attention in class, but i really want to get 1st in highscores, i got 3rd on it. if your wondering what game im playing, its pheonix 2.1. dunno, probally half of you have never heard of it.) well cya!
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Tuesday, October 5, 2004
some updates...
I got 2 new magna books, they are:
-get backers (book 4)
-yu yu hakusho (book 1)
I have total
-1-4 get backers books
-1 yu yu hakusho book
-1 cowboy bebop book
-1 akira book (don’t ask)
-3 saiyuki
Some other ones that I can’t remember!
-Invader Zim disc 1. (gunna get disc 2 and 3 soon!)
p.s. nice site para, love the invader zim ^-^
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Monday, October 4, 2004
Normal Day.
Mm nothing really to say. Got a math test on thursday... im not good at math at all. Too many numbers and variables. Lets hope i do good!
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Sunday, October 3, 2004
TOO many linkin park fans!
As ive noticed, there are WAY to many linkin Park Fans on the OB/MO. WHY is it?!?!?! I use to like them, like 4 years ago (they came out in 00') I mean, they don't even write their own music!!! i mean cmon, how sad is that?! Just somebody please say that there not obsessed with LP!
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