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• massechusettes
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• 2005-04-24
• artist,poet...student
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• it's now secret.shhh.^.~
• oh!i got an award for a poem
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• sailormoon
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• naruto(i luv kakashi),inuyasha,fushigi yugi,fullmetal alchemist,cowboy bebop,supergals,karekano,dnangel,wolf's rain,witch hunter robin,getbackers,azumanga daioh!,revolutionary girl utena,and many more!
• i want to create comics
• drawing,writing poetry,going on gaia,talking to spirits,the usual.
• singing,talking to spirits,acting like an idiot,appoligizing way too much.^^;
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metal-inuyasha (11/29/05)
Words of wisdom
*that might get you killed*
1#zombies are fun,,,so go play with one
2#comment on my post, so i don't need to hunt you down^_^
3# when in a car, do not eat a hat
4#if you stop by,,,ummm,,then,,hmm,,,,well, i don't know, but as i said in number 2,,COMMENT,,BUWAHAHA
5#being random is fun for all,,,,ok,,maybe thats just me^^
i will now be going
you can pm this one any time you want
see ya
~may Peace be with you in a world of Zombies
EdwardElricThe2nd (11/16/05)
*Hey! awesome site!! Love it! Do you wanna be meh friend??? Drop by meh site sometime. I'm not one of those stupid ppl that demand to be visited everyday, but just like once a year would be nice. lol n_n So yeah...n_n' lol hope we can be good friends! ttfn! CULATER!
Idiots do cool things.
That's why it's cool.
"They say that catching a mere rabbit takes every bit of a lions strength..."- Edward Elric
� � �
�� Fullmetal �heer�o King knowz bestiestz. d� watz rite & don't do da drug�! �.� thanxie�! n_n
- �our friend �dw��d�l�̢Th�nd ♣♠♣♠
BlackfireDA (10/26/05)
hiya luv da site keep it up
plz drop down ma site n check it out oh n i hop u dont mind me addin u in as a friend n i hop u do da same
jennifer92 (10/18/05)
Hiya! Nice to meet you! My name is Jennifer but you can call me Kitsune. I like your site! The Avi is so cute.I hope you don't mind but I added you.I hope we can be good friends.Come by my site it Suxs but I try my best As You Already Saw it! .I am always here to support ya! If you want PM me sometimes I love to talk alot and I am always here to help anybody.I love Yu-Gi-Oh the most i like Kisara Bakura,Ryou,Yami,DMG,DM,Mana,
Mahadao,Seto,Joey,Marik,Yami Marik
,Valon,Mai and alot more! To many to list.I mostly like bakura!! i think he is hot! ^//^ Another thing is people call Me Kitsune Kisara.T_T' I have no idea why they call me that.Oh and the Avi it looks sad well my whole life is sad a depressing so it goes well with my life oh and it is Kisara YAY FOR KISARA!!! o.0' i am sorry i am just a bit hyper.I talk to much see what happens i am going to shut up now.well have a great day bye!
P.S. I am so so so so so so so so sorry about the Long GB signing! o.o' I tend to talk away to much i didn't mean to.....I suck at this.By the way i can't stop saying this...YOUR SITE ROCKS!! Thanks for the support I haven't been feeling well and I am trying to be hyper...PM me sometime. ^.^ Well Buh Bye now
gothfreakgirl (10/11/05)
thanks for the comment, i like your site too!
Chocobo Knight (10/09/05)
Thanks for signing my guestbook. So you are CuteKilala's friend? I think I have seen you around.
Nice site. I still like Pokemon too. I watched it ever since it first came to Britain. ^_^
FullMetal Alchemist is AMAZING! I just wish what happened in episode 25, never happened.
I'll add you as a friend. _
GTHaloPLayer (08/11/05)
thank you for signing my gb you got a great site yourself very...............................................................*long time passes* oh sorry mesmerized by the blue,anyway what was i saying...whocares,well take care and Cya later
Kcrystal (06/01/05)
Hi I'm Kc luv your site will u sign my GB. Hope u don't mind me adding u as a friend.
msyugioh123 (04/29/05)
hello come to my site
CuteKilala (04/28/05)
Thanks for signing my guestbook. I'm adding you as a friend. I like your site.^_^
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