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Nashville, TN, USA (wandering around)
Member Since
Student/part-time mercenary
Real Name
Susan, the gratest person you'll ever meet, but will most likely take for granted
Obviously being myself
Anime Fan Since
Right before high school, probably 2002.
Favorite Anime
NANA (and pretty much anything by Ai Yazawa, but Paradise Kiss is a bit overrated and at times annoying), Fushigi Yugi, Hot Gimmick, Kare Kano, Mars, all that shojo jazz. And I do realize that all of these are manga. I prefer it to anime.
To Live. To Love and to be Loved. And to move to Germany because right now, I'm not too happy with America.
Arts, all of them
Drawing, singing, being pretty damn cool.
| indie rock child
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Tuesday, July 24, 2007
What he said...
"Isn't that lying?"
"Well, it kinda isn't... I kinda got a girlfriend in the works."
"That's awesome."
"You think so?"
"Totally, yeah."
And then he smiled at me... real nice, and had that little twinkle in his eye he always has when I look at him.
Plus, he rubbed my back and gave me a slow, hold it, high five.
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Saturday, July 21, 2007
I love you, Neda K.
"Hell, you've dated Jason, what's left to lose?" Hilarious.
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Thursday, July 19, 2007
“And I’m beginning to like you. It’s a shame. What a lame way to live.” - TWS
Please read in its entirety. I really need some serious feedback on this one, okay? PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE READ ALL OF IT! (I know it’s long, but you’ll be doing me a big favor!)
I’ve known Andrew Clement for two days now, and it’s damn near breaking my heart already. Lisa dislikes him. She says he’s always flirting with everyone (all the girls, that is, which he kind of is), that he talked about some underage girl or something, and that he’s not a good guy. I like him. I really do. I did when we first met each other in the break room, when I was asking him where to put the shelving unit I had just brought back there and Kristin introduced us.
I don’t care if he flirts with everyone… really… although I wish he didn’t sometimes. And, I don’t know. It’s kind of weird. I feel like I’ve known him a lot longer than two, going on three, days. And I know that if Lisa doesn’t like him, there’s no way I’m going to be able to try and get closer to him… I wonder if I should just give up this early and call it what it is. But, this could be something really great… I don’t know… I feel like that White Stripes song. The following excerpt from “A Martyr for My Love for You”:
“I could stay awhile, but, sooner or later, I’ll break your smile. And I can tell a joke, but one of these days, I’m bound to choke. And we might start to kiss, but I feel like I can’t go through with this. And I bet we could build a home, but I know the right thing for me to do is to leave you alone. You’ll probably call me a fool, and say I’m doing exactly what a coward would do. And I’m beginning to like you. It’s a shame. What a lame way to live. What can I do? Well, I hope you appreciate what I do… I’m a martyr for my love for you.”
Please tell me what you think I should do.
These quotes are placed here for your consideration. If you don’t want to read all of these, you don’t have to, but might help you paint a (blurry) image of what I’m dealing with here. (Some of these are really funny, or maybe only funny to me because you would have had to have been there.)
Kristin: “Have you met Susan?”
Andrew: “Not formally, no.”
Kristin: “Well, this is Susan.”
Andrew: *extends hand in handshake* “Hi, I’m Andrew.”
Susan: *shakes hand* “And I’m Susan.”
Andrew: “Cool. A lot of people confuse me with Will.”
Susan: “Well, you do have a W in your name… That could possible throw some people.”
Andrew: *laughs* “You’re right.”
Susan: “I was at the Chinese place today and I thought about you. There’s this food there. Happy Family. I was like, ‘Ten-thousand happiness!’ And no one got it. I was like, ‘This is funny! It’s an inside joke, and it’s funny!’”
Andrew: *laughs* “Wow. We’ve known each other for, like, one day and we already have an inside joke.”
Susan: “You broke my heart.”
Andrew: “I think we have some super glue around here somewhere.”
Susan: “For what?”
Andrew: “To fix that heart I broke… or maybe some duct tape…” *laughs*
Andrew: *has just said one of those “Your mom!” lines* “I’m just kidding. Seriously, though, don’t take anything I say like that seriously.”
Susan: “And what if I do?”
Andrew: “Then, I’ll probably regret saying it.”
Susan: “Yay. You came back to help me fold shirts. I feel so special.”
Andrew: “Aw. I made you feel special. I did something right.” Pause. “Does that mean you’re easy to please?”
Susan: *semi-disappointedly looks at him*
Andrew: “Oh, great. I, like, totally undid the specialness, right?”
Susan: “Okay. That’s it. I’m leaving. I’m going to the back of main street (part of Old Navy’s layout), and I’m taking this cart with me.”
Andrew: “Good. Then I won’t have to pay cart support.”
Andrew and Susan: *talking about something similar*
Aleisha: Wow, Andrew finally found somebody who likes the same weird shit he likes.
Susan: *has just said one of her signature phrases*
Andrew: *laughing* “That’s really odd.”
Susan: “What? Are you saying I’m all obscure now?”
Andrew: *still laughing* “No, I just like the way you say things, like the words you use… That was cool.”
*Moments later*
Susan: *holding three pairs of green boxers* “These boxers are green… why are they green?”
Andrew: *laughs* “What are they supposed to be? *imitates Susan* ‘Why are they green?’”
Susan: “What?”
Andrew: “No, that’s just really funny… That’s great.”
Andrew: “It was kind of cool because my initials are ABC.”
Susan: “Let me guess your middle name.”
Andrew: “Good luck.”
Susan: “B… Brian?”
Andrew: “No.”
Susan: “Ben?”
Andrew: “… Freakishly close.”
Susan: “… Bern?”
Andrew: “Burn?”
Susan: “Yeah, like B-E-R-N, like Bernard.”
Andrew: “I would die if my middle name was Bernard. But Bern kinda fits my pyro tendencies.”
Susan: “I like Bern. It’s a cool name, really. Okay, give me a clue. Second letter.”
Andrew: “E.”
Susan: “Ben…. Third letter.”
Andrew: “N.”
Susan: “Ben! I mean, c’mon! Okay, third letter.”
Andrew: “J.”
Susan: “… Benjamin.”
Andrew: “Yeah. That’s why I was like you were so freakishly close with the Ben. I thought the J was going to throw you.”
Susan: “No, I had a guy in a story I was writing named Benjamin.”
Andrew: “Let me guess. You called him Ben for short.”
Susan: “No. Benji.”
Andrew: “Oh.”
Susan: “I really like that name.”
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Saturday, July 14, 2007
1 plus 8 plus 9 equals 18.
Yeah, I turned 18 on July 11th. Whoot.
I went to buy a present for Angela (because she got me somefin, really) and I kept finding cool shit that only myself, Lisa, and Becca would understand and appreciate. So I bought her Deathnote vol 1 in hopes that she doesn't have it already. Hopefully soon I'll get to buy that cool 60s Dr. Evil (NOT FROM AUSTIN POWERS!!!) doll and dress him in the Sighn kahn (or whatever) outfit I bought the other day. He's so awesome and bizzare.
I hope that Becca will be able to share in my joy some day of dressing Dr. Evil as a crazy luger carrying Turkish dude with pointy shoes.
The cats aren't around anymore. I think they've moved up the creek some. Eitherway, I'm pissed at them. Ungreatful little things.... and I still miss them a lot.
I'm getting married to Bennor Fuurmann... I just have to kidnap him first. lol.
Love from the legal side,
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Saturday, June 30, 2007
The day TigerStripe died
Yeah, SatanBitch, the name I've given to that damn dog next door to my grandma's has killed, completely shredded, my poor little TigerStripe. But at least the other two survived. The blessed angels.
We called the cops on them because Animal control is a bitch and wouldn't do a damn thing about it. I just wanted that dog away from my kittens. They were gone for hours and then finally showed up. I was so relieved they were still alive, even if the little gray one has a strach under her right eye. I'm just glad she's alive.
When I figure out how to, I'll post a video of them playing. It's adorable, really. I never thought I'd like cats this much.

These little devils have made me lose sleep, mainly because I keep watching them and trying to get them used to me. But I love them so much!
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Saturday, June 23, 2007
“I’m a grown-ass wuhm-aaaaan”
Matt found me at the mall last night, mainly because he asked what I was doing and I told him I was going to the mall with Alex and then he came, too. He brought his best friend Jaime (or Jaime brought him, I don’t know), which was really great because I got to see the real him.
So… In less than two hours…
This is what I found out about Matt.
• He thinks donating money to a good cause (i.e. helping third world countries) is quote “stupid.”
• He thinks that Buddhism and trying something new is quote “stupid.”
• He thinks that I’m quote “stupid.”
• He carries a confederate flag on his person.
• He doesn’t like homosexuals.
• He thinks having a little childish fun makes a person childish, with quote “What are you guys? Twelve?”
(Oh, and he thought the fact that my AWESOME purse came from the 60s was stupid.)
And, this is what I found out about Jaime.
• He thought it was cool to donate money to a good cause.
• He didn’t really say anything about Buddhism or trying something new.
• He thinks I’m cute/cool (as his text to Alex stated).
• He doesn’t carry a confederate flag.
• He didn’t seem offended by homosexuals, since he was cool with Alex.
• He was having a little childish fun before I was and responded to Matt’s question with, and I do quote, “Yeah. What’s wrong with that?”
Plus, he plays guitar (like, for real guitar), and is relatively cute, in that “Aw, I really like you, you’re so cute” kind of way. PLUS! He actually did give a damn about me. He took us to Gibson just so he could play for me (or us, or whatever, I was still there), he handed me his phone so I could listen to a song of his that he recorded playing, he asked me what kind of guitar I thought it was (and I got it right with the correct response acoustic), and he actually talked to me. HE TALKED! Heaven forbid Matt could say something other than to mutter dislike in whatever I was saying. I don’t care if he obviously liked me (as Alex noted), he doesn’t like anything about me from what I’ve observed. It’s one thing to think a girl’s cute and like her for her looks, but it’s a totally different thing to like the girl for who she is inside and out. And to include her gay best friend in the conversation.
Bottom line, Jaime wants me to call him. And he gave Alex his HOME phone number for me to call him (I have his cell, too, anyway). I’m really glad Matt brought him along. It may suck for him because I would never date a guy who is that much of an asshole, but it’s really great for me. As Alex said, “He might be the one. You never know.”
God, how great would that be? And… AND… I didn’t meet him on myspace. I met him IN PERSON for the first time. I think I’m officially set for the rest of the week. I’m so calling him. Deffinately.
With a heart full of fluttery butterflies,
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Thursday, June 21, 2007
Happyness is Happiness with a Y
I just got a new flash drive, so it’s back to longer, more intimate posts. Lucky you. But the problem is, I have absolutely nothing to say. I guess I’ll just have to ramble some, huh?
Well, let’s start with current events. I’m going in for a job interview tomorrow (or Thursday, since you’ll get this after I write it) (Update: I didn't get the job, but I might be a cashier there within a week. I'm thinking of applying again at Old Navy and then killing myself. Update: I would never kill myself). It’s for Bass Pro, which is not really my kind of store. I have never been hunting in my life and the thought of killing a living animal like that makes me a little sick. Yet, even so, I’m not a vegetarian. I guess because I don’t have to see the animal die. I don’t know. I was considering becoming one once. I think I’m cutting out pork. Going kosher, I guess, even though I’m not Jewish.
I don’t really know what I am. The only real family religion that’s present is Christianity, and even then it’s not as strong as it could be. That’s the one thing that bothers me about myself. I don’t have a religion that I can claim as my own. It’s like, there are certain things that I believe and then there are certain things that I don’t. And I’ve yet to find a religion that fills all of those. Another thing is I don’t like to be told what I am and what I should believe in. Maybe that’s why I find so many Christian groups offensive.
I guess I’m single again, though it’s kind of weird. My boyfriend took me off his myspace (I just deleted him) and stopped calling. Really, to be honest, I’m relieved. I wanted him to break up with me, so I wouldn’t have to do it. I know that sounds horrible, but he wasn’t the kind of guy I wanted to spend forever with. I knew when it got to be April that I wasn’t going to stay with him over the summer, that I wasn’t going into college with a boyfriend. I mean, college is where you find yourself and I don’t need emotional baggage going into it. Another thing, I just wasn’t really happy with him. He was kind of annoying me. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I really care about him because we’ve been friends for a long time, but he just…. Grrr! I didn’t want to kiss him, I didn’t want to hold his hand, I didn’t want people to know I was with him because, what the hell, I was still looking when I was with him! That’s terrible, I know, but I know I can do better, and I deserve better than him, too. Ha ha. I’m not mad at all about him “breaking up” with me, or whatever happened. Seriously. I know I sound like that.
I guess I’ve said too much. If you get to this point and were expecting more, I’m sorry. I’m tired, and I have to go to sleep… Because I’m tired. Lol.
Best wishes,
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Tuesday, June 19, 2007
What happens on myspace.... becomes public domain
I guess we're broken up, then. He took me off his top whatever friends. But, it's okay. I felt a bit relieved, and then I deleted him.
I might be getting to see Matt soon. I'm happy about that. I've been meaning to call him back. He had some awesome plan he was going to share with me, but then I forgot to call, so I never heard it.
The only person I've seen since Abby's party is Angela. Oh, and Justin R. today, but that's different. Justin Mayhew called me out of the blue (ferreal) the other day. So bizarre. Apparently he wants to hook up, and thinks I'm him ex-girlfriend, despite the fact that we never went out, ever, ever, ever.
Jose's online! YAY! Gotta go.
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Saturday, June 9, 2007
(I've put up a new picture because I'm tired of looking at myself with long hair that I no longer have. I don't have a new avatar to put up yet, so I'm just using a premade avatar from the internet. How lame.)
Today's post is brought to you by an email I was sending Jose. Enjoy:
Not a whole lot.
Oh, guess what? I had a really interesting dream last night. I was meeting with some friends at the mall (like we were camped out? I don't know why, but everyone was sitting or lying on the floor), and I was talking to my friend Alex and this really, really hot hispanic guy was sitting behind me, and he started getting all close to me, and everything.
He said, "Don't tempt me." or something because I was like, "What the hell are you doing?" because I didn't know him/
That's about it. I just can't get that image out of my head. I wanna know who it was, and why Alex was there. See, Alex is my best friend for like... ever, and he's gay, so I figured the dude was his friend, or his boyfriend or whatever, but the fact that he was messing with me, was what confused me.
Blah blah blah.
I'm trying to get a job. harder than it sounds, really. I'm just not enthused (sp) enough to get a job, I guess. I want one, but at the same time, I don't.
Anyway, I've been running around to estate sales with my sister. Getting stuff for my adult life, I guess. I'm going to be 18 in less than a month, (I think). July 11th.... what's today's date? That's horrible that I don't know.
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Sunday, May 27, 2007
I finally watched "The Queen" last night. Good movie. I really enjoyed it. And it renewed my love for James Cromwell, an excellent, excellent actor in my opinion.
The keyboard I'm using rattles. Public computers. Grr.
Been busier than a bee lately. Hopefully things will calm down... hopefully.
Matt wants to hang out with me. I don't know when, or if I can, or if I want to. Sigh.
I'm going to lie down.
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