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Nashville, TN, USA (wandering around)
Member Since
Student/part-time mercenary
Real Name
Susan, the gratest person you'll ever meet, but will most likely take for granted
Obviously being myself
Anime Fan Since
Right before high school, probably 2002.
Favorite Anime
NANA (and pretty much anything by Ai Yazawa, but Paradise Kiss is a bit overrated and at times annoying), Fushigi Yugi, Hot Gimmick, Kare Kano, Mars, all that shojo jazz. And I do realize that all of these are manga. I prefer it to anime.
To Live. To Love and to be Loved. And to move to Germany because right now, I'm not too happy with America.
Arts, all of them
Drawing, singing, being pretty damn cool.
| indie rock child
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Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Angela and I are going to see "Happy Feet" this Friday. It's going to be awesome!
My life is stagnant at the moment, kind of like Paula's is.
My parent's anniversary was yesterday.
Who wants to see Casino Royale? I just want to see whether or not it's better than the one it's being remade from. But I'd have to see that one first.
I listened to Bright Eyes yesterday. It was on this mix CD I made. It made me feel funny, and most of you know why.
Where's Michi? I miss her comments.
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Monday, November 13, 2006
I'm finally going to get my email straightened out, so for those of you who've been sending me emails lately, I'm sorry. I want to reply, but I can't... until today.
There's a girl on here who asked if I had any kids. Not in real life, but... well, a long marriage to someone as cute as Conor... you know how that is. (And, Heather, you know about Caleb Jr., right? Cos he sure doesn't. lol.)
Jason is a bitch of a wife. I agree. I think I'm going to divorce him because Angela's a better wife. And she thinks I am too. lol.
I'm wearing my hair down. It looks half-sexy. Bleck. I'm going to get it cut soon.
I'm starting a new story with Jessica M., hopefully we'll find enough time for it around our other two. This is going to be an older one. Probably a Native American one. I'm on the edge of that and Ancient Egyptian. Probably the former.
Heather, please, come in contact with Jess and tell her to email me. I miss her more than anything right now. Please? I've been trying.
My life is near perfection, but there's still something missing. I'll never reach enlightenment, cos when that happens, I'll have to die.
- Your Susan
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Friday, November 10, 2006
Yes, you know I'm sexy.

You can never get enough Johnny Depp.
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Good News.
I "officially" married Angela today. With two rubberband rings.
She's my Henry now.
So does that mean I'm a poligimist since I'm also married to Jason?
They were arguing something to do with wives and such. Angela pointed at me and said "She's a better wife."
I'm so special.
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The movie, plans for the summer, and a happy ending
I saw a advanced screening of "Stranger than Fiction" (with Will Ferrel) last night with Dad. It's a pretty good movie, very different than any movie I've seen (and that's saying a lot), but good. I don't know when it comes out for real, but, when it does, I want you to see it.
Mona and I are planning our great journey. I'm going to Germany to visit her and stay with her for a few days, then we're both going to New York for a few days, and then she's coming back with me to Nashville for a few days, and then she flies back to Germany.
I have a feeling I've told y'all this before.
It's cool. She wrote me a letter a few weeks ago talking about all the cool things we'd do in Germany, like shopping, walking around her town, and possibly going to school for a day with her, because she'll "probably still be in school then." And she's worried that I won't like her in person. I told her I worry that she won't like me. It's a common feeling among penfriends who end up meeting each other, I guess.
Ich werde nach Deutschland bald fahren.
Love, hugs, and kisses (on each cheek), Susan
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Thursday, November 9, 2006
Hello lovers!
I put a paragraph on a tiny slip of paper in my prayer box. Hopefully He'll read them.
I think Gong Li is one of the most talented actresses in the world… period. Her emotion is delicious on screen, and she’s gorgeous on top of that. I think I’m coming to love her more than Ziyi Zhang, even though Ziyi will always be one of my favorites.
I’m starting a country list, but I don’t know as many international actors as I should.
My new favorite guy is Mike Rowe off “Dirty Jobs.” Watch out Anderson Cooper. You’re about to be kicked off the list (of Susan’s favorite TV personalities).
Man. Amaris was playing with a spider during lunch. She’d found it on the table and was playing with it. Neda and I kept yelling at her to just kill it or put it outside or do something with it. Finally, she put it down on another table and Neda smashed it with her planner. It was pretty funny. She just got up and went SMASH, and there was a very flat spider on the table.
Yay. Life is funny.
I gave Angela a hug before I said anything to her today. She said, “Did you miss me?” wish a raised eyebrow, and I nodded. “Yep. I did.” I don’t think Angela knows how important our friendship is to me. Maybe she does.
I absolutely love my new Zou Zou bag. It’s gorgeously me. And I really want a kimono… so then I can really be “Pinku-iro geisha-san.”
“When you’re walking down the street and a man tries to get your business, and the people that you meet want to open you up like Christmas, you gotta wrap your fuzzy with a big red bow. Ain’t no sumbitch gonna treat me like a hoe. I’m a classy honey, kiss ya, hug ya, love it, dirty, ghetto princess.” – from “Filthy/Gorgeous” by Scissor Sisters
They are in my personal top five bands right now. See? Nummer Zwei. That’s pretty good!
1. Babyshambles (Skyrocketed to the top)
2. Scissor Sisters (Very close to a tie with first place)
3. Tenacious D (Just because of the movie, actually, and because, well, they rock!)
4. The White Stripes (They’ll probably always be in the Top 5)
5. The Raconteurs (Jack… I love you.)
Nathan said he’d marry me. Well, obviously, but… I don’t know. It’s still nice to know.
(And, of course, I’m “married” to Jason. If that ever happened in real life… I don’t know. It’d probably work out for a little while, but I imagine we’d get divorced in the end.)
"Fuck Forever, if you don't mind. I'm stuck forever, stuck in your mind." - Babysmables
-Pink, baby
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Wednesday, November 8, 2006
I'm wearing a prayer box. It's a silver tube that looks like a little beer stein with a locking lid (like a stein) with a cross on the front and back, and you're supposed to say your prayer into it, or put it on a tiny piece of paper.
I put a tiny stick of incence in it. Lavender, because that holds a lot of sumbolic memories for me.
I'll try to post a picture. It's really cool man.
It was the mentioning of roasries by aoi-geisha-san that made me think to talk about it.
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Man. I should talk about religion more. I got 7 comments on that post. Whoo hoo!
I watched A total of four movies in the past two days. "Big Fish", "The Incredibles" (I didn't finish it), "Der Krieger und Die Kaiserin" (for the 100th time), and "Memoirs of a Geisha" (Also for the 100th time).
"Big Fish" always ALWAYS makes me sob. I can't help it. I just sit there, watching how sad/sweet the ending is, and I'm breathing all funny and tears are rolling down my face.
Pink Kimono.
My email isn't working right now, but I hope I'll get it fixed by later today. Yeah. I hope.
Lisa's back in Knoxville. I miss her more than ever. We're making T shirts for the Tenacious D movie. And we're *hopefully* going to the Raconteurs concert here in a few weeks.
She said, "Jack White is going to be HERE!" and I said "He lives here, duh!" (Yeah, Jack White lives in Nashville. How cool.)
gtg. I love ya'll.
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Thursday, November 2, 2006
Schokoladenkäse. Anekeln, aber es ertönt abkühlt auf Deutsch.
Liebe, Susan
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Mein Gott!
Have you ever even thought about being Catholic before? I'm thinking of incorporating some of their beliefs/rituals into my hybrid religion.
And I really want a rosary... I don't care. I just want one.
"Clutching at your holster guns. Praying on a shooting star, that I can be wherever you are." - The Raconteurs
There is only one man in this world I can see myself marrying... and he knows who he is.
Cold. So cold today. Freezing.
Today is the most random entry this site has ever had. I appologize.
I'm starting a manga. Wish me luck.
Irena is one of the characters, but don't even know what her background/story is going to be.
The hit man story is the best one I've ever written with Jessica. When it's over near completion, I'll probably post some of it for ya'll.
Conor owes me child support (lol).
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