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Nashville, TN, USA (wandering around)
Member Since
Student/part-time mercenary
Real Name
Susan, the gratest person you'll ever meet, but will most likely take for granted
Obviously being myself
Anime Fan Since
Right before high school, probably 2002.
Favorite Anime
NANA (and pretty much anything by Ai Yazawa, but Paradise Kiss is a bit overrated and at times annoying), Fushigi Yugi, Hot Gimmick, Kare Kano, Mars, all that shojo jazz. And I do realize that all of these are manga. I prefer it to anime.
To Live. To Love and to be Loved. And to move to Germany because right now, I'm not too happy with America.
Arts, all of them
Drawing, singing, being pretty damn cool.
| indie rock child
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Wednesday, November 1, 2006
Ich fühle wie Sprechen von Deutsch heute.
Deutsch ist onw von den kühlsten Sprachen, meiner Meinung nach.
Irgendeine Sprache aber Englisch. Althought Englisch ist hübsch abkühlt in sich.
Politur ist kühl auch, aber ich kann Politur nicht sprechen.
Klar. Ich fühle kühl. Ich weiß, dass ich kühl bin. Und deswegen macht Sie.
(Oh, and P.S. Lisa is sending me a live version of that song! I love Babyshambles for life!)
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Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Babyshambles. This is the song I wish I could play on my site!
What Im saying, what I'm saying
Whats the use between death and glory?
How d'you choose between death and glory?
Happy endings, they never bored me
Happy endings, they still don't bore me
But they, they have a way
They have a way to make you pay
And to make you toe the line
Sever the ties
Oh I'm so clever
But cleverly wise
Fuck forever
If you don't mind
Oh can we fuck forever?
Good pal of mine, of mine, of mine, of mine, of mine
Oh whats to tell between death and glory?
Whats to tell between death and glory?
New lab-our and Tory
Pergatory and no happy families
Oh, so what I'm saying
What I'm saying
No, its not the same
Its not supposed to be the same
Oh, I'll tell you about the way
The way they make you pay
And to make you toe the line
Sever the ties
Oh, you're so clever, oh yeah
But you're not very nice
So I say fuck forever
If you don't mind
'Cause I'm stuck forever
Stuck in your mind, your mind, your mind,
Do you mind?
Oh they have a way
A way to make you pay
And a way to make you toe the line
Sever the ties
Oh so clever
And so very wise
So fuck forever
If you don't mind
I'm stuck forever
In your mind, your mind, your mind,
Do you mind?
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Monday, October 30, 2006
Ver dammt. Ver Dammt.
I sent Caleb and email saying he's never going to email me again, and he sent me one back saying "That is not true! I have a bag full of excuses... But I can't think of a good enough one."
Why can't I get over him? I say I'm through with feeling for him, but then he comes back with his "I still care" ways and I fall back into dismal.
I wonder if he still looks like a bum. Probably.
It'd be easier if he would stop being so damn nice to me. But I don't want that to happen.
I'm in an endless loop.
Going on year 4.
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Friday, October 27, 2006
It's not easy having yourself a good time
Greasing up those bets and betters
Watching him make dough for letter
Fuck and Kiss you both at the same time
Smells like something I'd forgotten
Curled up, died and now it's rotten
I'm not a gangster tonight
Don't want to be the bad guy
I'm just a loner baby
And now you've got in my way
I can't decide whether you should live or die
Oh you'll probably go to heaven
Please don't hang your head and cry
No wonder why my heart feels dead inside
It's Cold and Hard and Petrified
Lock the doors and close the blinds
We're going for a ride
It's a bitch convincing people to like you
If I stop now call me a quitter
If lies were cats you'd be a litter
Pleasing everyone isnt like you
Dancing jigs until I'm crippled
Slug ten drinks I won't get fickle
I've got to hand it to you
You play for all the same rules
It takes the truth to fool me
And now you've make me angry
I can't decide whether you should live or die
Oh you'll probably go to heaven
Please don't hang your head and cry
No wonder why my heart feels dead inside
Cold and Hard and petrified
Lock the doors and close the blinds
I'm going for a ride
Oh I could throw you in the lake,
Or feed you poisoned birthday cake,
I wont deny I'm gonna miss you when you're gone
Oh I could bury you alive
But you might crawl out with a knife
And kill me when I'm sleeping that's why.
I can't decide whether you should live or die
Though you'll probably go to heaven
Please don't hang your head and cry
No wonder why my heart feels dead inside
Cold and Hard and petrified
Lock the doors and close the blinds
We're going for a ride
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Thursday, October 26, 2006
(I finally got that song, Michi! WHEE!)
To my *regular* readers (all FIVE of you): I’ve been trying to keep an effort of replying to everyone’s site who’s on my friend’s list and has updated recently, but, do you have any idea how tedious it is to respond to over 20 people? I’ve decided that I’ll only be responding to those who are kind and gracious enough to respond to mine. I’ve been neglecting some of you in the past, but no longer!
I thank you for taking time out of your busy lives to actually READ my post. And I thank you as well for understanding my limited Internet access drastically affects the commitments I have made to this site and to you. I prevail over this technological impairment, and I hope I always shall.
Coming to IRC in less than10 months:
• College, which brings unlimited internet from my future laptop
• Better posts
• More complex posts
• Improved site styling
• Picture posts and online photo albums for all my regular readers (a special plus for you guys who actually care).
• FAN ART! So I can join the ranks of Michi, because we all know that Blue is higher on the first letter based scale than Pink. ^.^
• MSN or AIM for those who want a more personal friendship (Finally, says Will)
• Better comments on all your sites
Plus, IRC will become open to more International readers (already begun on my new correspondence profile).
I’m so excited about the future of this site! It’ll finally get the attention it deserves, and, like a well cared for plant, it will finally blossom into the little ass kicker I’ve always wanted it to be.
And perhaps I’ll make it to Senior Otaku and reach 1000+ hits. Those are the highest goals for my site to reach next year, if not by first season change the following year.
Yours evermore,
Additional note: If I could adopt any child in the world right now, I would definitely have no hesitation in choosing little Barbriana from the kindergarten class I visit every Tuesday. That girl is the cutest girl I’ve yet to meet, from her little black braids (with little clips at the ends) to her tiny pink sneakers. And I got to help her write her alphabet yesterday, which was adorable. Imagine a little girl’s voice saying, “I can draw all those letters. Wanna see? Wanna see?” Just adorable.
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Monday, October 23, 2006
Hey Beck. Maybe it was on WRVU. They had a "Wilco Hour" because the DJ said if he couldn't get tickets to their show that someone should send him a T-shirt. Well, someone did, and so he had "Wilco Hour". I was so happy.
And to the rest of the world. I left 4th block on Friday, not because I'm sick, just because it was pointless (we were going to have a stupid pep rally, so I left with Dad, who has 4th planning). BUT! HEY! I BOUGHT NANA 4!!!! WHOO!
And I'm so happy.
Randall's mom invited me to Christmas. I feel special.
Mona's letter finally got here. I'm incredible happy about that. She always writes the best/cutest letters, even though she says she doesn't, that I do. I say we both do.
She sent me a picture of her dog, and her and Andre in Italy. It was adorable. And "Little Mona" which is baby her. So cute.
Love to all my wonderful fans,
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Friday, October 20, 2006
Don't forget: Read my other post too!

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If you live in TN and watched the news last night, you would have heard about my school and how we had a protest/walkout. Two kids got arrested. I'll tell more later.
Hopefully I'm going to get NANA vol. 4 soon. I've been waiting almost a half a year for it!!! I just wanna find out what happens between Shoji, Hachi, and that adorable little Sachicko (sp).
Oh, and if Nana ever gets her senses together and goes after Ren. Hell, I would.
Babyshambles rocks hard.
I love Wilco. This is one of my favorite songs. It was actually my first Wilco song a hundred years ago (not really).
Someone loves you, and I know who.
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Thursday, October 19, 2006
You know what? I wanted to put up Steady as she Goes, but I couldn't because they don't have the Raconteurs on their site. Facist Bastards. (lol. I just like saying that sometimes.)
YAY! Randall's maybe going to take me to go see The Nightmare Before Christmas in 3D! I said, "Hey. It's coming out on the 20th." "Okay. So?" "Dude! That's one of my favorite movies!" "Oh, well, I'll have to see how much tickets are then." "Well, it's IMAX, so probably 40 billion dollars... just about."
I got a new watch. It takes getting a new watch to make you feel poor. I went to Dakota in the mall, but I didn't like any of theirs. So then we were walking to the car through Macy's and I saw some in there I liked. They were "on sale", so I asked the lady to let me see one. She handed it to me and said, "This one is $475." I almost stopped breathing. I set it down while she went to get a calculator to find the sale price and told Dad, "Well, it was nice to hold it." Sale Price: $389.
So, my watch looks practially identical to the one I held at Macy's. I got it from Wal-Mart for $10. Fuck yes.
I'm going to me middle class forever. Just because.
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Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Man, the Scissor Sisters were playing here, in Nashville, last night at 8. I wanted to cry just a little.
I finally got music to not screw up my profile, so I'm going to put a new song up soon. I wanted to put the White Stripes up, but I found the Buzzcocks, and I like this song a lot.
I'l probably change it a lot.
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