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Nashville, TN, USA (wandering around)
Member Since
Student/part-time mercenary
Real Name
Susan, the gratest person you'll ever meet, but will most likely take for granted
Obviously being myself
Anime Fan Since
Right before high school, probably 2002.
Favorite Anime
NANA (and pretty much anything by Ai Yazawa, but Paradise Kiss is a bit overrated and at times annoying), Fushigi Yugi, Hot Gimmick, Kare Kano, Mars, all that shojo jazz. And I do realize that all of these are manga. I prefer it to anime.
To Live. To Love and to be Loved. And to move to Germany because right now, I'm not too happy with America.
Arts, all of them
Drawing, singing, being pretty damn cool.
| indie rock child
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Thursday, May 24, 2007
Gott im Himmel
Hey ya'll. Sorry I haven't updated in ages. I've been on myspace a lot lately, and that's probably why I haven't gotten around to updating on here. I'm sorry.
I love myspace, and that means I'm falling a victim to mainstream America. Grrr.
But, I don't know. This site has been a part of my life for two years now, so I think I owe it some respect and dignity, and that I should stay on it for as long as I possibly can.
I'm changing the background soon. I love Harrison Ford, but I change too much.
Oh, and I got my hair cut. I'll be posting a picture soon. Hee.
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Friday, May 18, 2007
I'm graduated, man. How flipping sweet is that? I gotta go to Beck's graduation on Sunday. Flipping sweet as well.
I don't know much else to say, other than I'm awesome and so is Beck... and so, yeah. We're awesome together.
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Tuesday, May 15, 2007
I wish I could write more about the amazing amounts of fun I'm having this week driving Lisa around in her car, but I can't because we're parked at a meter, and I have to get back there soon (the library's lot is full). Downtown is amazing, but today, it's pushing it.
I love all of you. The time is coming when I won't have to worry about where to get the internet. Be patient.
I'm thinking about calling Matt. Alex said I should. I think I am. I told him I probably wouldn't, but now I've told him I will. So, lucky Matt.
Silent Hill 3 sucks ass.
I love Rebecca Mitchell.
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Wednesday, May 9, 2007
I hate school, no, seriously... I hate it more than words can describe
And I'm sounding a bit emo, but right now, I'm depressed. I think I'm entitled to at least one sad day, right? I mean, after months of being happy happy happy, I should be allowed to be sad for 24 hours.
It's not senioritis. It's me being so sick of school. I'm sick of Jennifer and Chad and their heads full of fluff and conceit. I'm sick of being pushed in the fucking hallways. I'm sick of wanting to sleep but being unable to. I'm sick of this building. I'm sick of everything.
I don't even want to go to my own graduation. That's how bad this is. I just want them to hand me my fucking diploma so I can go home and sleep. I don't want to wear white. I don't want to wait behind 350 seniors for my name to be called. I don't want to be so pissed of I end up cussing out my principal.
I just want to go. I just want to get out.
And what hurts me more is that I won't be graduating with East, and that probably half of them don't even remember me at all. It hurts that only three people have decided to keep in touch, Alex, Becca, and Heather, and the rest don't give a shit. It hurts because there some people over there that I loved and cared about, and still do.
ON A LIGHTER NOTE I'm driving for the rest of the week. My parents are going to Knoxville to see Lisa, my sister/best friend, graduate and they're leaving me the car. I'm taking Angela home Thursday and Friday, I might even take her to school if she wants. I don't have anything better to do.
Friday, I'm leaving school early. Maybe I'll go get an engery drink and lay down in a big empty field in the park. Maybe.
I have to get rid of this feeling. I have to make myself happy.
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Monday, May 7, 2007
Things to do this week, I guess...
For all of my readers: I never get tired of watching Indiana Jones, but the only one worth watching multiple times is "Raiders of the Lost Arc". The first one is okay, the second one is shit (not really shitm just annoying, very annoying). As hard as this is for me to say, I think the second one sucked because they took out Nazis and added some weird Aztec-Mayan BS.
Oh, and to the real yojimbo: Inuyasha is written by a GIRL, not a guy, and her name is Rumiko Takahashi. I'm sorry, I'm just sick of people saying she's a guy. (Even if I don't read or watch any of her stuff.)
This week, I get to drive myself to school on Thursday and Friday because my parents are heading out of town to see my sister graduate on Friday. Whoo. I'm not really that excited. I mean, I like driving, but not at 6 AM. And I'm living with my grandma both of those days.
Dual residency is a bitch. I keep leaving shit over there and think about it once I'm home.
I'm going to sleep.
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Friday, May 4, 2007
Okay, okay, OKAY!
Waking up is getting harder for me. I keep staying in bed, swearing at myself to get up. The mental battles I go through each morning don't help. They just make me even more tired.
I've started revising, editing, and typing (in script form) the story I was working on with Jessica. I will admit, I do call that story my child because I've put so much work into it. I've got a lot of work ahead of me. It's over 100 pages and we're still not finished with it. I'm going to have to come up with a conclusion this summer. That's going to be a bitch.
I'll be back on Monday. I know you get tired of hearing that, but this August, I won't have to say that anymore.
One more week, and then I'm THROUGH with public schools. Danke Gott.
See you.
P.S. Is role cooler than Indiana Jones that Harrison Ford has played? I don't think so.

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Thursday, May 3, 2007
Sick, Sick Sick
No my dears. The movie in question was actually "Labirynth" (minus two points for spelling errors). The conversation was held between Jennifer Connelly and David Bowie.
Everyone's getting a "majorly sucks ass" cold. My mom had is, my grandma had it (I was worried sick about her, and that was the week of Becca's prom), Jason had it, and now Becca. And I feel like I'm getting it. Wouldn't surprise me.
Hey, Beck. Do you remember the year long cold I had 9th grade year? I was sick every damn day!
I've survived pnemonia. I'll be okay.
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Wednesday, May 2, 2007
Oh, ha ha. Lisa said she checked my myspace and asked me who Jose was. I said I didn't put that up there. But she was talking about myotaku. Not myspace. I haven't been on myspace in months.
And yesterday's post was anything put impressive. It was the sheisse of the sheisse.
I think I'm getting a cold. A cold in weather that has been in the high 80s. Life is not fair.
Name that movie. If you guess correctly, give yourself 5 points.
"It's not fair!"
"You say that quite often."
I'll write something great tonight and post it tomorrow. I'm sorry I haven't been Ace lately. I'm just too tired to think and I don't have enough time to just wing it.
"Let's have a ball and a bistuit baby." - The White Stripes
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Tuesday, May 1, 2007
I think Jannik is the coolest Dutch guys name ever. I'm writing a story about a guy named Jannik now.
I still love Jose. I got an email from him on Alex's phone driving down gallatin road. That was awesome. If I had a cell phone, I would be doing that all day.
gotta go. Time for "class".
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Friday, April 27, 2007
Things I have accomplished this week
1. I survived the worst “almost break-up” moment of my high school career with Jason on Wednesday, where more than once he sword at me with hate, but we made up like adults by talking about what was bothering us and ended the day with a beautiful reconciliation and renewal of love.
2. I got my driver’s license and drove solo for the first time to “Rich” by the YYYs.
3. I went ice-skating at the Sportsplex and skated alone for about ten minutes before grabbing desperately onto Ryan’s hand yelling, “Please, God, don’t let me fall down, Ryan!” (I had fallen earlier for approx. 15.34 seconds on my side, which left no pain of distinguishing marks on my skin.) Plus, I didn’t cuss out Amanda Nelums for smiling at me while we were there.
4. On Monday, Thelma asked me if I would go for Angela (my “wife”) and I replied with, “She’s too girly for me, meaning, she doesn’t fit my sexual preference, meaning, she doesn’t have a penis.” (Note: Angela is anything but girly.)
5. I found out that Bjork Kaiser Chiefs, Bright Eyes, The Bravery, and Modest Mouse all have new albums out.
6. Speaking of Bright Eyes, I read Spin in the grocery store and ended up buying it for an article about Conor’s new album. I still can’t believe that bitch is 27, I mean; I know he was born on February 15, 1980 in Omaha, Nebraska, but damn! Twenty-seven?
7. I learned to stop falling for a cute smile and a series of cute compliments, but, I’m still in rehab for it, so don’t expect me to stop talking about how awesome Jose is anytime soon and how I made him blush and why he asks me about the price of movie tickets here.
8. I was a regular human being towards my ex-boyfriend (a re-bounder), Justin, on Wednesday and didn’t act like a total bitch, and actually had a good time talking with him. Turns out we’re going to the same college and he’s going to be an engineer.
9. I made very spontaneous plans with Alex for this afternoon. (And I made this post only 1 page long. Yay.)
I’m going through my friend’s list again. If you’re reading this, you probably won’t get the boot, just make sure you comment so I know you’re still alive out there and don’t delete you by accident.
Love, in the purest sense,
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