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Thursday, April 6, 2006

Read other post first, this is part of my story.
I was sitting on a bench outside an organic grocery store. I wore a black, faux-fur coat, shaped like a blazer, the end coming to my waist, just above those thick hips. I was cold, holding my arms tightly across my chest, my legs crossed at the knee, foot bobbing in the air. I was nervous as well, and for a good reason. Today was the day I would be seeing Kyle. It had been over two years since I had last said goodbye to him. I wasn�t sure I would recognize him.
My eyes wandered around. I wasn�t sure when Kyle would get there, but I knew the time was drawing nearer every second. I had thoughts of disaster racing through my mind. What if I missed him? It was then that I saw a familiar car pull into the parking lot. I waited impatiently for the driver to emerge and start walking towards me. The driver was a man I didn�t know, but the eyes were a dead give away.

(Oh! The Suspense! Keep reading. I�ll be posting more. Don�t worry.)

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Dress rehearsal at nine o�clock. Don�t be late.
As the usual, currently, I will start with Baron. He came into art today and was really quiet. When I asked him what was wrong, he said, �I only got 45 minutes of sleep last night.� Then Bethany said, �She broke up with you, didn�t she?� He gave her a look. �Yeah.� So, Baron�s girlfriend broke up with him, but he seems to be taking it well. He said, �I should be sad, but I was really just like, �Dude, she woke me up!� And I was sleeping good, too!� Bethany said, �Well, that means you can go out with Susan now.� I got really quiet. Then she said, �I don�t think he heard me.� I eyed Baron. I think he did.

Well, today the German exchange students are coming. They�re only going to be here for a few weeks, no more than 2, I think. It�s kind of silly. I don�t see why they don�t just come the whole year like Melanie.

Can�t help it. I love foreigners. (Did you hear that, Ein?)

I finally have a printed copy of Will�s picture. He looks so cute. He�s such a sweetheart.

Mona, my friend in Germany, gave me her address yesterday. This means I can start writing her snail mail. I�m so happy about that. I asked my mom about mailing her. She said it would probably be a little bit more than usual, but no big deal and she was also like, �Who is Mona?� I gave her this shocked look. �My friend in Germany! I know I told you about her!�

I�m so excited. Summer is very close! That means I�ll be turning 17, getting a job, and be a rising senior in school! Then, after one more year, I�ll be graduating and off to college. I�m seriously considering going to the University of Tennessee at Martin. It�s like the smaller, more friendly version of UT � Knoxville (that�s where my sister goes).

Order of foreign countries to visit: Taiwan, Japan, Germany, Austria, Wales� and I might visit Burkina Faso. I know someone in all of these countries, except Japan, sadly.
(Taiwan: Melanie, Germany: Mona, Austria: Stefan, Wales: Will (and Ein. Lol), Burkina Faso: Elaine)

I want to make a movie, but I think I should finish a longer story first. My longest story (currently unfinished) is 27 pages. It�s a very loose autobiographical story, meaning some of the characters (all the main ones) are based on people I know and the characters relationship to the main character, Lynn, me, is synonymous to the relationship in real life. It�s the best I�ve written in a long time.

My room is still clean. That�s a great accomplishment for me.

I�m moving to Kyoto. Now. C�mon, Michelle, you�re coming with me. We are to be geisha and wear pretty kimono all day. Lol.


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Wednesday, April 5, 2006

   Listen up!
Open comment (you know who you are ;) ): I'm aware that "Memoirs" is fictional. I'm going to read the other book as soon as I have the time. God. That Mizuage stuff was messed up, huh? I think that was the most degrading part of the whole story, for women at least.

Baron and I went to �marriage counseling� yesterday. Paige was our counselor. It was hilarious. We had to name five things that annoy us about each other and five things that remind us of each other. Then we had a pretend argument that was so funny we were cracking up while we were having it.

Then I found an earring on the floor and I said, �Here. I found you a present.� Baron looked at it and said, �Whose is that?� Bethany spoke up and said �Mine.� Then Baron gave me this look and said �What the hell is her earring doing in our house?� I stuttered and then Bethany said �I was sleeping with Susan in your bed.� Baron did this fake blow-up and said, �I knew it! You�re cheating on me! You�re sleeping with Bethany!� I said, �No! She was drunk! I woke up and she was there!� A pause. �Where were you?� �I was working!�

Anyway, I thought I was wearing one pair of pants yesterday, these kind of faded Jordache jeans, right? Well, I thought they fit a little differently and throughout the day I was wondering if I was slimming up a little (which I am, thanks to an awesome fitness and diet plan I created two weeks ago). And then I looked at the cuffs of the jeans and they weren�t frayed. Well, that was the give-away. So, yeah, I just thought it was funny.

I think I want to live a few years in a foreign country when I�m out of college. I think I�ll go to Germany. It�s the one I know most about and my name is German for �small rocks� and my father�s great-great-great-great grandparents came here from Frankfurt. Plus, one of my best friends, Mona, is in Germany and says I should come visit her. I really want to. I might also go to Taiwan, because Melanie says I have to visit her someday. I definitely will. She�s an amazingly cool person and I will most likely cry my eyes out when she goes back home.

�She pressed her lips against a white piece of paper, and that was all that I needed. Then I saw what she wrote (�My heart is in my mouth�), and that was all that I needed.� �The White Stripes. The funny thing about this lyric: Rita Heyworth actually signed for a fan with this. How amazing is that?

I had an �argument� with Lisa about who we love more: Jack White or Jack Black. Well, obviously, I said Jack White. She really likes Jack Black though and I had to convince her that I liked them equally. Then we laughed about it and talked about our favorite White Stripes songs. We hit most of the albums, I think. We might have left out De Stijl.

I love Jack White like a little brother. (Again, if you aren�t a White Stripes fan, this won�t be funny, so hurry up and become one.)

Support local rock. All citizens of Nashville should know who the Pink Spiders are and what WRVU is. If you don�t, you can�t call yourself a true hipster. Point blank.

And for heaven�s sake, if you aren�t from Tennessee and have this morbid idea that all Tennesseans and Southerners for that matter have a super wack country accent and talk like this: �I�m fruhm Ten-a-say� you�re gravely mistaken.

I suffer from foreign accent syndrome. Baron says I sound like a German when I talk. I take it as a compliment. And I�m not doing it on purpose! I just have this speech impediment sometimes where my words slur or come out sounding foreign. But, hey, it�s obviously cool because Bethany told me to never change.

Yay. I�m cool.


P.S. Jai, before we became friends, said that she used to think I was one of the German kids we exchanged last year (my school gets like 50 Germans for a few weeks each year). I just shrugged and said, �Ich kann ihm nicht helfen.�

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Tuesday, April 4, 2006

I am at your service.
(Originally written on 4/3/06)

Hello. Sorry for the absence.

Baron and I were very clingy today. I think it�s the clingiest I�ve ever been with a guy since my last boyfriend. How amazing is that? And so, I present to you, Baron and I leaving Art II after a slight argument:

- That�s it. We�re divorced.
- Okay�Wait� What? Why?
- Nope. That�s it.
- Oh, c�mon. Why? What�d I do?
- Smiles. Okay. We�re not divorced.
- All right. Good.

I just got this little TV in my room with a built in DVD player. It�s sitting on my desk, a little ways from my computer. It�s the first time since I was about 6 that I�ve had a TV in my room. Back then, it was at the other house, and it was a little black and white one, no cable. My mom used to cut it on to wake me up. It was always the Flintstones. Other than that, we had three TVs in the house. Mine was the only one not in color. It didn�t last very long. I think I did something to mess it up. I can�t remember.

And, because I�ve made my room SPOTLESS and ORGANIZED for the first time in years, my dad took me out to buy �Memoirs of a Geisha.� YES! It�s so good. But again, I encourage everyone to PLEASE READ THE BOOK FIRST! I really wish I had! I think everyone should read Memoirs of a Geisha by Arthur Golden. I think it�s the only book I�ve read every single word of, cover to cover, without skimming once, including the reviews and publishing information. And there are A LOT of things the movie left out that really should have been in there. I was disappointed after I read the book.

I�m watching Saving Private Ryan now, though. I�ve probably seen a good majority of WWII movies, but not this one, amazingly enough. I should have seen it years ago. I just never got around to it.

I�m taking the ACT on April 8. I�m kind of breaking a tiny sweat for it, but I�ve never really been worried about national standardized tests. They�re all kind of predictable and I tend to approach them with a feeling of �well, I�ve got to get through this� most of the time.

For the past few months, my concentration has been placed on Chinese, because of one of my best friends, Melanie, an exchange student from Taiwan. (I learned how to write my name in Chinese. She thinks my Chinese is very good.) And, for a while there, all I thought about was China. And now I�m back to Japan.

A thousand members on this website just gave me a standing ovation. And I bow humbly.

Again, I must say, Will is the coolest Welsh man alive!

Keep me in your thoughts.


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Monday, April 3, 2006

   Oh man....
I am so in love with Will. He's the greatest. He just sent me this really long email, the longest he's ever sent me.

And I'm going to have to write ya'll more when I have more time.

Class is starting in five minutes.


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Friday, March 31, 2006

   Hey ya'll.

I listened to the Hives last night. I haven't listened to them in so long. I couldn't sleep, so I started doing some homework, and then my mom told me to go to sleep around 11PM, and then I grabbed a random CD and it was the Hives.

I love Wilco more. Much, much more.

I gave Baron a tattoo yesterday of something. I can't remember. It was a word in those big Old English letters. I'm getting tired of giving tattoos, and of Chelsey asking me to teach her how to draw. I can't. I was never taught myself.

I wrote Baron and he's going to write me back. I wrote him so much. It was like the letters I used to write Caleb. And now all my emails are super short to Caleb. Can't help it, though.

Anyway, talk to you all later.

clockwork faerie. I'm still working on getting a story on here. Sorry it's taking me so long!


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Thursday, March 30, 2006

Baby Baron
I cried yesterday for no reason. It's comething I haven't done since I was a freshman. I thought about it last night. And I wrote Baron about it. I think it means I'm in love again.

Speaking of Baron, it was so cute yesterday. He leand over on me, curled up, and said he was going to fall asleep in my arms. Then we started talking about how he looked like a baby in my arms, and Paige said, "A big overgrown baby." I laughed and said, "My big, overgrown, black, smoking baby." And everyone laughed. Then, at some point, he was doing something that was annoying Paige and I said, "Stop it, baby." And he gave me this look of surprise and said, "Did you just call me a baby?" I laughed and didn't answer him.

I'm going to give him a tattoo today. And he's giving blood Friday. We had a long talk about how scared I am of needles and of anything cutting into my veins. It makes me feel bad just talking about it.

But that doesn't mean I don't support giving blood. My mom works for the Red Cross. I told her they were having a blood drive at my school and she said, "You're not old enough, and even if you were, I don't want you giving blood like that." I told her about the whole needle thing and she just nodded and didn't say anything.

"Memoirs of a Geisha" came out on DVD Wednesday. It's a god movie, but I recommend reading the book first. It's so much better.

I'm so tired.


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Tuesday, March 28, 2006

When I woke up tonight
I said I�m going to make somebody love me
Now I know that it�s you
You�re lucky lucky you�re so lucky
-Franz Ferdinand
(The band, not the man)

I always remember to write.

Hey! I�m glad to be back. You have no idea how hard it is to spend eleven days away from the Internet and all my pen pals here and abroad. Everyone can relax, though. I know ya�ll were worried about me (well, those of you who care enough about me), but I�m fine, thanks.

I went to two (count �em TWO) state parks over Spring Break. Despite my total disinterest in the whole �nature is your buddy� thing, I actually had a good time. I think it was because Lisa was there. We actually stayed two nights in a wonderfully house-like cabin in Meeman-Shelby Forest State Park in Shelby County, Tennessee. I played so many hands of poker with Lisa and we ate so much Little Caesar�s pizza, I felt like dying. (We used to have Little Caesar�s in Nashville, but not so much anymore, sadly.)

We also went to Graceland. Lisa had a time when all she talked about was Elvis (let�s see� that was� last summer?). So, it was her third time, my first time, and it was awesome. Yes, yes, my children, go to Graceland and spend $70 on admission and cheap souvenirs. �Hello and welcome to Graceland� was what every single staff member we came into contact with said. We took so many random pictures while there, too. But it was so fun. Best quote. Lisa: �Take a picture of my head! We�re still in Graceland!�

I�m sure you all missed me. Sorry it took me so long. The internet is a marvelous thing when you can get your hands on it. But, hey, I�m doing pretty good for someone who only gets to use it for fifteen minutes before class every weekday, right? Sadness, I know, I should have it at home by now. I would have the most boss site if I had the net at home. You just wait until I ship off to college. Just wait and be amazed. Lol.

I think this is the longest entry I�ve ever written to any of my online diaries ever. Probably because MyOtaku is the best, right? Well, it�s the one that I�ve taken the most care for. And, you know, this isn�t really like a diary at all. It�s more like a letter to all those interested in my life, you, my readers. And it is for you alone that I even bother going to all the trouble of typing up a daily account of my life. You�re my sponsors, my adoring masses, my friends, and whatever else you wish to be called. I am at your disposal. Love ya, kids.

- Susan

P.S. I�m going to start putting excerpts from my stories on here somewhere. Let me know what you think about them. Maybe I�ll post the whole thing sometime. I told clockwork faerie about Christmas time that I would, so�

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Friday, March 17, 2006

   Yes. I wrote a lot. =)
Check out the new �scheme� for my site. It�s blue no more!
Anyway, my English teacher brought her kid to class today. He was adorable, and I loved him for not only that reason, but for the fact that he delayed our vocabulary quiz by fifteen minutes because he was �scared to be in a strange place� as my teacher put it. So, yes, I do imagine high school is very strange to preschool age children. I know it was for me when I used to visit my dad�s school as a child.
Little kids are awesome.
Baron is one of the most amazing people I think I�ve met in my life. James (a friend whose table I used to sit at last month) came to my table in art (where I sit with Bethany, Paige, and Baron), and said, �I don�t approve of your relationship with Baron.� I smiled and said, �Why? Because he�s the new black guy that replaced you?� James gave me this jokingly serious face and said, �Yes.� And then we cracked up, of course.
But seriously, folks, yesterday, we were arguing about something and I said, �Does this mean you don�t love me anymore, Baron dear?� He shook his head. �No. I love you forever� and ever� and EVER!� in this really demonic voice, by the way. And then he wrote it across his project in colored pencil.
Plus, I have a thing for Coca-Cola, and Baron bought me a Coke even if I didn�t go hang out with him in the guitar room. That�s something right there.
It�s a mutual love, and I love it. lol.
So, my collective, I must tell you, I�m so looking forward to this thing called Spring Break, which should be renamed �do whatever the hell you feel like for a week and on the Friday before, we�ll have parties and watch movies in class.� That�s pretty much what�s going down today.
I have a box of Wheaties in my backpack for my first block class. Breakfast of Champions. Share the love, cause God knows I love you.
But, the downside: I don�t know when my next post will be. The last possible day of internet exile is Monday the 27th, but, most likely, I�ll get some time at the library. I know you�re all just dying to know what�s going on in my amazing life, right?
Hint: That was sarcasm, but if you answered yes, give yourself a pat on the back and leave a comment saying you did so.
I hope I can get back to ya�ll very soon. Please bear with me and excuse my absences during the next week.
Oh, and, Becca, if you read this, please let me know. Thanks.

Love, Susan

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Tuesday, March 14, 2006

   Man, things are soooo good right now.
Okay. Let's see.

Melanie gave me a coin from Taiwan yesterday. It's soo cool. I think it has Chaing Kai-shek on it. I really like him. (Dunno why.)

I'm talking to this guy, Donald, who goes to my school through email. He doesn't know who I am other than I'm "Lyn" and I don't have a boyfriend. (And it's a "favor" for that bitch of a "friend" that wants me to help him get confidence and find a girlfriend. I can do both in one sweep. lol.)

Hey, clockwork faerie, MOH:AA is Medal of Honor: Allied Assault. It's a good game, but the graphics are a lot better on Call of Duty games.

Well, the downside of today is, my head hurts a lot and Caleb hasn't emailed me. =(


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