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• indierockchild
• 1989-07-11
• Nashville, TN, USA (wandering around)
Member Since
• 2005-12-08
• Student/part-time mercenary
Real Name
• Susan, the gratest person you'll ever meet, but will most likely take for granted
• Obviously being myself
Anime Fan Since
• Right before high school, probably 2002.
Favorite Anime
• NANA (and pretty much anything by Ai Yazawa, but Paradise Kiss is a bit overrated and at times annoying), Fushigi Yugi, Hot Gimmick, Kare Kano, Mars, all that shojo jazz. And I do realize that all of these are manga. I prefer it to anime.
• To Live. To Love and to be Loved. And to move to Germany because right now, I'm not too happy with America.
• Arts, all of them
• Drawing, singing, being pretty damn cool.
| indie rock child
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Thursday, January 19, 2006
We FINALLY got snow. I was so amazingly happy. Tuesday, I looked out the window around 7Pm because the weather man said it would be snowing and, for the first time this winter, he was telling the truth! Yes! It was so cold, though. We got out of school Wednesday because of it, even thought it melted before noon.
Now, I am officially happy.
Stay warm, Susan
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Good Music (well, part of a song)
"Let me fall out of the window with confetti in my hair
Deal out Jacks or Better on a blanket by the stairs
I'll tell you all my secrets, but I lie about my past
And send me off to bed for evermore"
-Tom Waits
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Thursday, January 12, 2006
It's freezing.
For the past few weeks in Nashville, the weather has been suprisingly warm for January. Today, I step outside and, what a surprise, it was actually cold. My dad made a joke about it. "Wow. This is pretty cold for January." It can get a lot colder down here, like 19 degrees, but for some reason, mother nature has been messing it all up for us.
Maybe we'll get snow soon. I still haven't seen much. (Just a little falling from the sky, but never landing.) I hope we do.
I think Caleb is mad at me. I really wish he would at least tell me if he is so I don't have to wonder if he's died or something.
That's all, kiddies.
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Tuesday, January 10, 2006
Last one for today, I promise.
This is an awesome story. This chick is amazing. (and hello kitty is awesome!) Check it out!
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I swear, man....
I need to get cooler. Everyday I feel my "level of coolness" getting lower and lower. I'm supposed to be this super awesome person (accordng to popular opinion), but, damn, I just feel so... uncool. It's not a good feeling.
I'm not even on the 10 pages of most popular sites here! What's the deal with that?
I need a major mood lifter right about now...
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Okay... for real.
This is a good one, hopefully.
God. Justin is the Hills guy. He's one of them. There were two and they both flirted with me over the summer. I only saw them once. Then yesterday in Art, Justin asked, "Did you go to Hills over the summer?" "Yeah. In Madison?" "Yeah." "Oh. You're the 'Kroger sucks' guy, right?" "Yeah! I knew I knew you fro somewhere!"
It was amazing.
I got my English III book. *groan* That book sucks mainly because it's heavy and I don't use my locker. But I'm going to leave it in my dad's room. (He teaches here, if I haven't mentioned that already.)
Steven FINALLY called last night. We talked for awhile. He seemed nervous. I wonder why... ;)
Gah. 3rd block rocks.
Later all. Keep me updated.
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Monday, January 9, 2006
I have to be in class in two minutes, so this is quick. I have a new crush. Man, he's pretty awesome. His name is Justin. Well, the bell just rang. I'll write more later!
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Thursday, January 5, 2006
A Quickie before class!
Okay, so I have new classes this semester, right? Well, in Art II, my assigned seat is surrounded by hot guys. *heavenly music plays* And they're all out to impress me! *more music* And it's art! *ever more music* I think this semester will be awesome!
Well, that's about all the new... news. lol. I'll try to add more later. Until then, anticipate!
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Monday, January 2, 2006
New Years... jazz and... stuff... *Mumbles*
Hey all. How about it? 2006? Pretty cool if you ask me. I believe this year is known as "Year of Susan". lol.
This year I hope to become a better person. You may find it hard to believe, but I'm not perfect. lol. I must stay away from fudge and sushi (my weaknesses). Right now, I have a tray of sushi in the fridge. I feel fat just thinking about it. But I only get sushi so often.
"Memoirs of a Geisha" is probably the first book I've ever truly loved. The movie, so far, is pretty accurate to the book. Everyone should see it, especially if you're a member of this site.
Ziyi Zhang is gorgeous. (Kind of makes me want to grow up to be a beautiful Chinese woman. lol.)
Will is the coolest foreign guy I know. Long Live Wales, darling!
I hope everyone is doing well. Loves and the likes.
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Thursday, December 29, 2005
Alright, kiddies
Hey all. Sorry it's been forever. I haven't been able to snag a computer in days. Sooooo....
I hope everyone had a good holiday (whatever ya'll celebrate)! I had a good Christmas. I just can't remember much of it. I was half asleep.
God. I'm starting to really miss school. And JM. I wonder if he's forgotten about me yet. (I'm kind of hoping he will.)
I've been drawing like a madwoman lately. And they are all pretty good too. I'll try to post some if I get around to it. (Lack of technology can be a terrible, terible thing.) I've also started two new stories. I don't know how long I'm going to write on them, so I don't want to get your hopes up and say I'm going to post them.
Well, anyway, sorry this is so short. I'm on a time limit. Sucks, right? Well, if you want me, you know where to find me.
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