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Nashville, TN, USA (wandering around)
Member Since
Student/part-time mercenary
Real Name
Susan, the gratest person you'll ever meet, but will most likely take for granted
Obviously being myself
Anime Fan Since
Right before high school, probably 2002.
Favorite Anime
NANA (and pretty much anything by Ai Yazawa, but Paradise Kiss is a bit overrated and at times annoying), Fushigi Yugi, Hot Gimmick, Kare Kano, Mars, all that shojo jazz. And I do realize that all of these are manga. I prefer it to anime.
To Live. To Love and to be Loved. And to move to Germany because right now, I'm not too happy with America.
Arts, all of them
Drawing, singing, being pretty damn cool.
| indie rock child
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Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Wow. I must be doing something right. I've gotten four best answers this week alone on Yahoo Answers. It makes a person feel special when something like that happens, like my opinion really meant something.
Jason and I are, well, on the rocks, I guess. I'm not sure. He was annoying me, but he wouldn't take the hint that I didn't want him to bite the back of my neck (I hate that), and fall on my back like dead weight when my back is already hurting. There are other ways to show affection. Then, as soon as I get a little mad at him, he falls all over the nearest girl he can find, usually Angela. And then in the hall when I'm trying to make nice, he basicaly blames it all on me, like I'm the source of all this hostility. I just left him after 3rd. I didn't even care.
So, today might be a little awkward, but I think I can handle that.
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Tuesday, April 24, 2007
I see no one wants to read my amazing post. Shame on you. It's your loss.
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Friday, April 20, 2007
Stuff I was bored about last night...
Written: 4/19/2007
Start time: 9:53 PM
My head is a spinning cavern of thoughts right now and perhaps writing about them will get them out so I can sleep easier.
Prom is May 5th. I'm not going. It's going to suck. I think all proms do. My sister hated prom. Becca hated prom. I'm going to hate prom because I hate my school, not necessarily the school (although most of the time, this is true), but the people at the school who aren't my intermediate friends. Today I revealed the plan I made 3rd block to Angela 3rd block. My plan: to get clearance to use to mom's car to go get Angela and Jessica (possibly, because I talked to her about it and she said she wants to) and take them somewhere, like dinner or something, dressed up. I told them, "We should dress up, you know, in dresses? Tuxedo for Angela." And she smiled with a laugh and said, "Hell yes" or something along those lines.
I feel like I'm neglecting Jason. I've been spending a lot of time with Abby recently, but that's just because she's only in 3rd block every now and then because she can only skip her real 3rd block every now and then to get into my 3rd block. Abby introduced me to Lucus as her wife. It doesn't bother me, even though she may love me for real, you know, in that girl-loves-girl kind of way. Not just platonic love. I don't care anymore. I'm not a homophobe (my best friend is gay, for chrissakes), and I don't care if anyone wants to think that I'm gay. I'm not, I know I'm not, and that's all that matters. I think that comes with that new confidence I woke up with one day. I don't care about what someone says about what I'm wearing, or what I say, or what I do. I just wear it, say it, do it. I don't care, and it's a lot of fun that way.
Angela (my wisband (self made word combined "wife" and "husband" because she's such a dude) kept hitting me on the ass today. I think the count reached six times. And then we punched each other's knuckles for a few minutes. I said, "You're in a fighting mood today, aren't you?" and she said, "Yup." with that "giggle" laugh of hers. It's not really a giggle because Angela doesn't really giggle, but it was close.
Next week is Senior Week, which mostly means Senior "I get to hang out with my friends for seven hours everyday for five days straight" Week. Yay.
It's at times like these that I wish Caleb were here so I could go pretend to like coffee for an hour. But, as odd as this sounds, I actually wish Jose were here. God, I barely know this guy I've never met from the other side of the country, but I'm pretty sure I think about him more than I should. Maybe it's the fact that he's awesome. Maybe it's the fact that he's constantly bringing up my "relationship thingamabob" and how it's working out for me. Maybe it's the fact that I'm just bored with my surroundings and he brings something fresh to the mix.
I just want to wake up 23 and married with our kid(s) watching TV in the living room. Hopefully in Germany.
I've said this before. I want to have a little German baby. It'll be 75% German blood because its father will be 100% German and I'm 50% German. But, in reality, it'll be 100% German because it'll be born in Germany, maybe in Mona's little village of Langerringen. Then it will be a Bavarian baby. Ha. It will learn German with a Bavarian accent, and Mona can be its godmother. And I’ll fly home on holidays and during the summer (because I’ll be teaching English classes in the German school, or perhaps World History as I’ll be teaching here), so it can speak it’s second language, English, to my parents… with a Bavarian German accent, of course.
But, the way things are turning out, I'll marry a typical American guy and have a typical American baby who will grow up to hate the current president of its teenage years and wish to be in a foreign country just as much as I wish I were right now.
Man, I really could use some sleep.
Sincerely, Susan, who is currently contemplating on how this could be turned into my next great work: “Why I Hate George W. Bush, and other stories from the American-born German, Book 1”
(Sorry I went over my 1 page limit)
Finish time: 10:27 (counting all time spent daydreaming and messing with a hangnail on my thumb)
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Wednesday, April 18, 2007
I fell asleep wearing my contacts, so my right eye is bothering me today, but, to tell you the truth, I don't care.
Jose started emailing me again. There was a break in our "correspondance", probably because he was busy, but it's okay. I got two replies, and I'm happy, because he's uber cool and I love him for it.
My mom was impressed with my two day self given art project. She said, "Oh my god... You did this?" "Yeah, and this one, too." "Oh my god, you drew that, too? Wow. You could sell these."
It's taken her 17 years to realize my artistic abilities. She called me from Grandma's thirty minutes later to say, "You should really do something with your art. I mean, you've taken it to a new level."
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Tuesday, April 17, 2007
"And nobody saw me, all they saw of me was my bottle, and what they saw of it was empty" - Jack Kerouac
Jason gave me an empty Smirnoff bottle, one of the tiny ones, which he consumed over the weekend. He got it from Jai on Friday and I told him I wanted the bottle. So, I filled it with water and stuck it on my shelf. I have to put it somewhere else though. The second my mom sees it... well, you know the drill.
I've started drawing obsessively (a style, for those non-artists, but it kind of goes both ways) and completely in fine tip marker and pen. I'm really enjoying myself.
I hate it when my dad gets pissed off, especially when we're at school, and when I'm in his room using his computer... as in right now.
I woke up at 6:31. Mind you, I have to leave the house at 6:30. I think I got dressed and such in about 2 minutes. lol. Dad didn't even know I was still asleep.
Hello Kitty.
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Monday, April 16, 2007
Beck probably hates me because Saturday, when we were supposed to hang out, was kind of hectic for me. Long story short, I didn't get to hang out with her. And I'm pissed about that because I really, really wanted to, and if Beck's mad, I'm going to be in a world of hurt.
Please don't hate me!!
I'm getting sick. My throat hurts and my nose is running. I'm praying I don't get what Grandma had. It was terrible. She's better now though!
It's so cold in Nashville. I'm a bit sick of cold weather. It's mid April, people. Let's get some warmer weather here.
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Friday, April 13, 2007
Aw, Heather. I'm actually Mrs. Hamilton and Mrs. Henry... And I can't remember Abby's last name, but I'm married to her, too, or at least we're "engaged" because she loves me so much.
I don't know. Life is crazy.
My grandma's sick. I had to stay with her tonight with mom because dad's in Virginia for some teacher's dealie. I'm worried about Grandma though. She rarely gets sick with a cold, and Granddaddy was sick near the end (but he was sick for years before he died). So you can see my concern.
Plus, I'm prone to worrying.
It's so cold. Jean jackets weren't made to keep in heat, but they look so damn cool (at least mine does).
Peace, my children.
- Susan
P.S. Who's going to TN Ren Fest? If you're in the area, I can get you in free. There's a stack of free tickets in the office.
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Tuesday, April 10, 2007
And, oh, what happened then was this... (The Wizard of Oz)
We have to do this dumbass project for my math class where we give surveys and then find the results of the survey. I, personally, do not take surveys, usually, and hate making other people take mine.
It's due tomorrow, and I'm not even ready to be done with it.
I'm wearing my argyle green shoes today. They don't match anything I'm wearing, but they still look kickass.
My total hits are: 651. I must be getting somewhere in this small world of myotaku, seeing as I never talk about anime on here.
I think I'm going to fall asleep in at least one class, probably my second block, because it sucks.
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Thursday, April 5, 2007
Everyday I love you less and less
I love Kaiser Chiefs.
I just realized that all the guys I put up aren't really A-level attractive, except for Sean, but only in certain angles and situations. He's just adorable. That's the kind of cute he is.
And Conor holds too many memories of a failed marriage. ha ha.
I won't be back until Monday. Try not to miss me too much.
Happy Easter, whether your pagan or Christian, it goes both ways.
I'll have some spectacular post ready for you when I get back. Lisa's coming home this weekend, so I'll have a lot to talk about.
James Bond.
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Wednesday, April 4, 2007
Hot Frontmen/Muscians (this post is under construction)
Yeah, I'd hang out with these gents.
Jack White

Sean Lennon

Conor Oberst (without the long hair he seems to have grown since our divorce)

Ricky Wilson (of Kaiser Chiefs)

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