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myOtaku.com: indie rock child

Monday, January 30, 2006

   Sicker than... well... I'm sick.

My throat started hurting around 12:35 (estimate) Thrusday. I think I was in lunch. I'm used to having to shout over the extremely noisy cafeteria to my friends, and raising my voice to empasize something comedic. So, I wasn't expecting the sore throat to turn into whatever this it I have.

Now I sound funny. I always sound funny when I've got gunk in my throat. One time it was so bad, my sis said I sounded like Bobby off the Brady Bunch when he hit puberty.

Come to think of it, I really did.

But, anyway, today there was a red horizon, which most likely means something bad is going to happen today. If it involves Justin, I'm going to cry tonight. (Nah, probably just be really sad.)

Well, until next time, study loud.

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