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myOtaku.com: ineXpressible

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ineXpressible's real name is Tj...well thats as real a name as Tj says any of you are getting. Quick note about Tj, she speaks in third person. Why you ask?
a) Tj finds it fun.
b) Once Tj starts talking in third person it becomes a very hard habit to break. And Tj doesn't have the motivation to stop because it simply doesn't bother her...only her peers. *smirks*

Tj would like to also state that she is from...CANADA!!!!!!!! and that George Bush is 'narcissistic ninny' that enjoys making a mockery out of human intelligence. And Tj would also like to say, "STOP COMPARING GEORGE BUSH TO A MONKEY!!! HOW WOULD YOU FEEL IF SOMEONE COMPARED YOU TO A CRAZY PRESIDENT?!" *eye twitches*

Any way, Tj thought it would be only fair to quickly say, this journal and basically everything on this site is only used when Tj is in a 'mood'. Y'know, when you feel deep, sad, overly happy...on a mood high! Most of the content of this journal is how Tj feels when she's in a ranting mood. Tj's not normally THIS cynical, though she can be so if she wants to... Anyways, this is just my inner thoughts. Nothing more, its not one of those, pity me I'm so depressed journals...

Tj's Outtie...


Friday, January 7, 2005

Only Ashes
Piece by piece, and bit by bit
I'll break this down for you, real slow
But i can't whisper all of this
And i can't seem to let this go

So i'll watch the matches, turn to ashes
I'll watch the matches, turn to ashes

I can tell its your turn, i smell the sulfur so clear
And fire's a beautiful sound
And the wings that you burn turn to ashes my dear
And ashes just fall to the ground
Yeah we're only ashes

Narrow...is the human mind. We're raised and fed on one idea of right. Anything beyond that idea is wrong. Anything that doesn't fit the normal category is bad. It's not bad. It's fear! Humans are driven by fear. Fear of rejection, fear of humiliation, fear of exclusion, and therefore, everything that doesn't fit perfectly into our perfect little world is wrong. I hate it, I despise being human. Why? Because by sticking up for someone I could be putting my own life in danger. By trying to make someone else's world better, I could ruin my own. Face the facts, no matter how hard you try, you can't change the cruel fate, that humans are the most primitive of all species, and the least trustworthy. Whatever happened to trust, belief, faith, honour, loyalty? What happened to morals? I can tell you what happened, they were never there to begin with. They were a facade, words made to describe those that made everyone else feel special. No matter how hard you try, you'll never come out innocent and unjaded. Someone is always waiting around the corner to ruin your naive views on humanity...

Perfection...is a flaw in itself. The minute you reach perfection, is the minute you deem yourself an outcast. Jealousy runs our minds. We're the most vicious species; animals kill because they must, humans kill because they feel like it. What if the closest thing to perfection is imperfection? We're only fooling ourselves when we try to make something perfect. Never say somethings perfect...once the initial wonderment wares off you'll find flaws. Thats the way it always is, its perfect before you see it with your eyes. When you look at something with your heart you can accept it. But when you look with your mind and your eyes, you...can't. Don't lie, to call something perfect is a lie...

Part and part and inch my inch
You'll have your mile when its through
Incinerate whats left of this
And torch the part of me that's you

So i'll watch the matches, turn to ashes

Hate...is spiteful word in itself. Just say it...say the word hate. It sounds harsh, cold, malicious no matter how softly and gently you try to say it. Why must we hate? Why can't people accept? People are killed because another person is unable to accept them for who they are. Homosexuals, blacks, asians, caucasians, natives...all we see is what we want to see. We see enough to judge and leave be. Why can't we look with our hearts? How can you laugh at someone elses expense when you know that the forced laugh on their face will fade the moment they reach the confinements of their room? I wish I could make a difference, I truly do. But, I can't. After all, I'm human. The one thing I hate most.

Forfeit...would you really be willing to forfeit your life to eleviate some one elses suffering? Stand up to a bully, save the day. Sounds simple, I do it all the time. But at what cost? What if one day, I choose the wrong bully to stand up to? It happens, a friend of my moms, her son (i think it was) was killed because he stood up to a bully. Is it worth it in the end. Is it really worth your life to cease the pressure on a person's life for one day? There are other ways to make a difference. Talk to that person. You don't have to confront to solve a problem. How hypocritical of me. I'm constantly standing up for the underdog, when I myself am an underdog in terms of popularity. I have one friend. I refuse to give into the socialistic ideas that every person you've ever spoken to is a friend. If you look at acquaintances that way, then I pity you, because you are obviously caught up in materialistic views of the world. Trying to make yourself appear to be more than you are. We all know how I feel about conformity. I despise it. Yet, I don't do anything to make me a non-conformist either. A good quote to ponder...
If there is anything the nonconformist hates worse than a conformist it's another nonconformist who doesn't conform to the prevailing standards of nonconformity. - A conformist
And how true is it. To be a non-conformist you have to conform to their ways. No matter what you do you're conforming...I know I'm contradicting me. What I hate is media conformism. When people do something to be someone other than themselves. Punks-conformists, goths-conformists, preps-conformists, nerds-conformists...Yet, what if they truly feel thats the only way they can express themselves? Stereotypes lead people to NOT be who they are. Because a true goth, one that isn't goth for the image, may not want to dress that way even though thats how they feel most at home. Why? Because they don't want people to think they're following a trend. And what's with this whole teenage depression trend? I know...I know...contradicting myself. I say, 'why do people hate and form images without seeing with their hearts' and yet I see the trend of depression and make my assumptions automatically...forgive my...I'm only human *sadistic smirk*. But I don't understand it...how can feeling shitty be an option? How can you want to feel like dirt on a regular basis? I'm a hypocrite and I know it. But at least I'm an honest hypocrite, and at least I vent my thoughts... I still have alot to say...but I suppose I'll save it for another post. I may use these words again though. They mean alot to me...


I can tell it's your turn, i smell the sulfur so clear
And fire's a beautiful sound
And the wings that you burn turn to ashes my dear
And ashes just fall to the ground
Yeah we're only ashes

I can tell it's your turn, i smell the sulfur so clear
And fire's a beautiful sound
And the wings that you burn turn to ashes my dear
And ashes just fall to the ground
Yeah we're only ashes

Only Ashes -Something Corporate

(I also apologize for any spelling errors...)

Current Mood: Frustrated with Humanities lack of empathy...

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Thursday, December 30, 2004

And I'd give up forever to touch you
Cause I know that you feel me somehow
You're the closest to heaven that I'll ever be
And I don't want to go home right now

And all I can taste is this moment
And all I can breathe is your life
Cause sooner or later it's over
I just don't want to miss you tonight

Find...something that makes you who are. Something that makes you different from everyone else. Something deeper than your unusual eyecolor, or your uber long neck. Something thats you and only you. Be it your dreams, or your ways of thinking. There's something that makes you who you are and once you find it you'll be able to live.

Tears...are always seen as a weakness. But what if crying is a strength? What if the people who refuse to cry are the weak ones. They are the ones who are scared what people will think of them if they cry. They are the ones who fear being weak. People who cry aren't afraid to express, aren't afraid to go somewhere where most people wouldn't go.

And I don't want the world to see me
Cause I don't think that they'd understand
When everything's made to be broken
I just want you to know who I am

Broken...is how you can feel sometimes. Sometimes when the stress takes over you just can't stay whole. Sometimes the only way to become better is break. It makes you stronger, makes you more durable.

Crazy...is what everyone is a little bit of. Some people are crazier than others, some are barely crazy. It all depends on perspective. I'm crazy, not mentally, well unless you count the fact that I love dreams...Last night I had the best and worst dream I've ever had in my life. I can still feel the immense fear that gripped me. If i remember the good part I can still feel the happiness. The calmness...the serenity, the fear, the anger, the betrayal...That dream had every emotion I've ever felt in it and I can still see it perfectly, just as vividly as I saw it last night. I don't think I'll ever forget...


And you can't fight the tears that ain't coming
Or the moment of truth in your lies
When everything feels like the movies
Yeah you bleed just to know you're alive

And I don't want the world to see me
Cause I don't think that they'd understand
When everything's made to be broken
I just want you to know who I am

Iris -Goo Goo Dolls

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Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Music Music
I'll be writing till I'm dead or maybe till I'm alive
All the emptiness I've bled has only helped me survive
Something melted inside when the tones hit my pulse
And stifled the idle eagerness to grow into my clothes
No one that I know is any longer good at actin'
Like they comprehend the motive uncoated to feed the corroded passion
Actually needs to stay eye level with the rest
That's the least I deserve for the love that I've shed
I've trudged through the sediment in search of the rhythm
Dove soul first to bathe nude in its abyss
Paid dues and made music my religion
Now I listen, close my eyes, and forget I even exist
I sing a bastard's tune, inspired by the noise
The ship made before it sank and was finally destroyed
I flaunt the grin of a man made for disguising a boy
Who tried to avoid showing the cry in his voice
But there's something special about the notes that he hears
Those scales are redemption, unraveling repressed memories
And when he breathes, a new energy enters and consumes him
To heal his wounds and unseal his doom
If only I could make you understand
But words are just words so I can't
The universe's deepest art form keeps my heart warm with influence
I tell ya
Ain't nothing quite as beautiful as Music
To be an angel, you gotta earn your wings
To control your own, you gotta burn your strings
To hit blackjack, you gotta turn a king
But to live forever, all you gotta do is learn to sing
I get a pleasure that's inevitably immeasurable
And I won't let it be rejected by no man
Why does it have to be so damn difficult
To live in the frame of a game that will slit your throat?
But I've dug in the mud in search of the drum
Dove soul first to bathe nude in its abyss
Stayed true to the music, now my favorite thing to do is
Close my eyes and forget that I even exist
I hold this fistful of degenerate ideas
For every genius that was murdered in the name of Jesus
Still deaf to the bells that claimed to free us
But I pay homage to my melody ‘cause she's the sweetest
The core of our spirit is naked
The form of its lyrics are sacred
Blanketed by the original sound of the inner vibrations
I'm floating on the soft clouds of positive creation
See, I can look at a painting and admire the colors
Or appreciate any type of art that I discover
But what I dig's invisible
It's my teacher and I'm its student
I tell ya
Ain't nothing quite as beautiful as Music

Music Music -Eyedea & Abilities

This is just the lyrics of a song I stumbled upon in search of well...a song with inspiring lyrics ^_^ This is so beautiful. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did.

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