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myOtaku.com: ineXpressible

Friday, December 17, 2004

Self doubts keep playing through my mind, on replay. Suddenly I'm doubting myself. All because of one stupid incident. I'm caught in a cloud of gloom and its not going away. Everyone can tell that somethings bothering me, and most would fight to mask it, but i figure, why hide what you're feeling? You feel for a reason, to hide it is to suppress a part of yourself, to suppress your creativity, your soul. No Im not going depressed or anything of that sort, I'm just simply going through a period of self-doubt. I figure I might as well let it out now, instead of allowing my thoughts to manifest themselves into something much bigger and more destructive. I'm sure people would frown upon my choice of openness, but whatever, no one told them they have to like what I'm doing. If I cared what people thought on such a vain level then I would be in a hole, starving myself of companionship or in the popular group, conforming to the leaders' every whim. I refuse to sink to such a level. People who yearn for popularity yearn for nothing more than a one-way ticket to hell, because thats all popularity is...this really went off of my original topic...anyways I think I've said enough to satisfy my ranting urges at the moment. So for the time being.

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