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myOtaku.com: Inferno Wolf

Sunday, November 12, 2006

   Just wanted to update...
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Well, not really much to talk about. Just wanted to update. I'm over at my dad's house again. {and no, he still isn't paying his child support right]
My mom is doing better though, she trying to control her diabetes better.
I'm not doin' so hot in school though. My grades are declining a bit, because I'm having a hard time at home. But the teachers don't seem to understand that emotional problems can be more powerful than physical. -_- I wish that they understood. I'm also gettin' the crap beat outta me by the preps. One pushed me into a locker the other day, and I ran at her, but her friends got up in my face and stuff. I bet that if they knew what I've been through, they wouldn't pick on me like that. I'll be glad when I go to art school next year. I guess it's true, you don't really know how bad something is until it happens to you.
But I guess that I shouldn't tell sob stories so much. I could have it a lot worse. Some people are livin' in cardboard boxes, and only eat once a week.
Also, I have a CRAP LOAD of art to upload, but I can't upload it, because my dad doesn't have a scanner, and my computer doesn't have internet, so I'm screwed either way.
How is everyone else doin'? Better than I am I hope, lol.
Talk to everyone laters ^_^ Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

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