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• milk.tea141
• 1994-06-03
Member Since
• 2007-07-11
• Taking People's Souls ((You're Next!))
Real Name
• Vickie! But you can call me that or Rain-chan, or Kiki-chan!
• Er...>__>
Anime Fan Since
• Either my first anime was Pokemon, Sailor Moon, or Digimon
Favorite Anime
• Currently...Kanon 2006 and H2O: Footprints in the sand
• publish a book!
• Drawing, Writing, acting...Singing perhaps?
• Same with hobbies~
| InfiniteRain141
Monday, September 24, 2007
And it's Monday Again (___ ___)
What's up people? Nothing much for me...just school again -__-|||
Anything exciting happen? is always very interesting xD
- [ Chinese School ] - O_O Holy crap man! So we were doing this play which was completely stupid >.> I mean I had to be an old man..haha crossdressing! But I had to have a fake paper beard taped to my chin U__U But at least I wasn't the couple which was played by both girls!
Yes, I'm fully aware that in the old days, the guys played the girls, and there's nothing wrong with other people playing different gender don't complain about how unknowing I am >.<
- [ World History ] - Nothing much...>.> I could feel my throat growing sore...
- [ Chorus ] - Urgh..I definitely formed a sore throat U_U Noes! But I did, and I still do.
- [ Math ] - Ooh! So we get to cover books today ((I know like four weeks into the school year)) but alas ((My math teacher says 'alas' WAY too much! T__T)) I have a new addition to my already heavy baggage of school stuff. ((Sorry, I couldn't describe it any more..specific xD))
So for like the morning classes, 1st-4th, I have TWO 2-inch binders, ONE 1-inch binder, TWO textbooks, and a few folders and stuff...
And get this...we get to go to our lockers before the last TWO classes!! O___O Can you say CRAZY?!??! I know seriously right?!??!
So for afternoon classes, I have a 2-inch binder, a textbook, a notebook, and a few folders. -__- That's why I'm running for I can at least change some stuff!!! >.<
- [ Choral Drama ] - This Friday in this class will be the last time we have a quiz in a while...Yay!!! ^____^ So I'm happy for that..
- [ English ] - You're probably skipping over this right? Not reading my entry >.> I feel so hurt..I know some of you do, but...yeah >.< Oh yeah so for English this is what happened.
Mrs. M ((English Teacher))-Tyler are you talking about a boy that's name start with a T, perhaps? *Looks at Trey who is not exactly the most...well-behaved student in this class*
Tasha *speaking up*- Don't forget Thomas!!
((Michael's real name is Thomas)) Michael-Thanks a lot Tasha!
Mrs. M- And what about girls too? *Talking about Tasha*
Whole Class including me xD- Oooooooooh!
haha lol xD A "gifted" moment is how you would say it I guess haha! I have had these people in my class since 3rd grade because we're all in gifted english, so you could say we know each other very well.
- [ Science ] - How could I say as usual..
OHEMGEE! O__O Okay so this happened when I asked the vice-principal to sign my paper for Sca in order to put my name on the ballot. >.> Darn you Mr. J!
Me- Excuse me, Mr. J, can you sign my paper please?
Mr. J- I know you, you're Vickie right? *all the while he's talking, he's smiling*
Me- O_O Um...Yes...
Mr. J- Do you know why I know you?
Me-Umm...O__O No why?
Mr. J- Because you got a referral to the office.
Me- O_______O *Thinking-holy crap!! NO!!!!!* ((Because if you have gotten a referral you cannot run for SCA))
Mr. J- You're in Mrs. M's class right? Yeah she said you cheated on a paper or something
Me- ((When I later told Mrs. Miller this, she laughed and said why would she recommened me for SCA and give me a referral, but right now, I was like *WHAT?!?! WHY?????*)) O____O You're...kidding right???
Mr. J- *Takes the paper to sign* Just joking with you
Me-WHEW! *Thinking-I'ma kill you!! ((Just joking of course...*twitch*))
Yeah..this was a long entry so I'm ending it here!
Always and Forever Finding Little Adventures In School,
V i c k i e
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