Birthday 1992-06-20 Gender
Female Location Earth Member Since 2007-07-02 Occupation A Student/A Believer In God/Inspirational seeker and giver/Flower and Disney fantatic Real Name Meagan
Achievements Making it through life this far! ^_^ Anime Fan Since 6 years old Favorite Anime Chobits, Lovely Complex, Ah! My Goddess, Kobato, CLANNAD, Air, Hanamaru Kindergarten, and Saiyuki...and many more. :) Goals To live a life helping others Hobbies Reading, playing video games(Final Fantasy, Zelda, Chrono Trigger, The World Ends With You, Okami, and KH are my FAVS), and Analyzing Talents I play the trumpet, being a DISNEY fantatic, the ability to sing somewhat decent, and giving people adivce^^ innocent heart
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
hiya! how is everyone? i am very good^^how did your weekend go? i saw harry potter 5 yesterday. i thought it was the best one so far^^ i really like the movies and the books^^ J.K. Rowling sure has an imagination^^ lol. so who is your favorite harry potter character? i like Luna^^
anyway, yes my theme now is the sexy,,*cough* hitsugaya from bleach^^ hope u like it^^
well here is a quiz and a video^^ lol:
~What Colour is Your Aura?(Astonishing ANIME pictures!!!)~
The colour of you aura is Orange You are great in turning in to the feelings of others and treating them with sensitivity. You trust your inner emotion to guide you throgh life. You are a very emotional person. You tend to cry a lot, but not necessarily at sad situations, but at happy ones too! You express yourself with emotion. You are a beautiful, gifted person, who cares about her surroundinds. You love animals and care deeply for them. Take this quiz!
hello everyone! how are you? i am doing good. i am just really bored -_- i can't believe how fast this summer is going by. i start school on august 20. wont that be a joyous day -_- lol. at least im gonna be a sophomore and not a freshman. people were always so stupid, saying freshman are immature and such, but aren't they immature for saying that? lol
for band this year our theme is called "midnight". were playing dark, vampire type music^^ it sounds really cool^^ lol
here are a couple of quizzes u can take....
What Spirit Resides in you? (Beautiful, Detailed, Banner Results!)
~What do you believe yourself as?(Stunning ANIME pictures!!!)~
You believe yourself as beautiful, lovely person! People describe you as a beautiful person!!! You are very good looking, and charming, you love to smile, and warm people's hearts! You are very easy to be around, because you have a warm smile, that make people melt!!! Take this quiz!
hello! how is everyone? so, what are you doing this weekend? hopefully, i will be going to the movies, but other than that just online and talking with friends^^ i hope u have a fun weekend^^
my new layout is chobits^^ YAY! my favorite anime. it is such a good, sweet show^^ i like it a lot. if you havent seen chobits, GO SEE IT!!! lol XD
well, here are some random funny pics:
this has to be one of my favorites^^ LOL
so cute^^lol
random video:
OMG! I LOVE THIS SONG! but its super addictive^^lol the song is called "chihuahua"
hiya everyone! how are you? i am doing great! my root canal went well^^ im a little sore in my right cheek where he gave me the shot to numb that side of my face. so, i feel really good^^
so, yeah, has anyone seen the new harry potter movie? i am going this weekend with my brother(which he just turned 23 yesterday^^) so, that should be fun.i just hope he doesn't embarrass me like always. like picking me up in public and carrying me around the store bride its so embarrassing.
anyway, here are some funny pics.:
lol. nice.^^
hiya everyone! how are you? i'm doing great XD
yesterday i went to the movies and saw the new pixar film with a couple of my friends. we were like the only teens in the theater, and the rest were all these little kids. lol, we sat in the first row and were usually the only ones ever laughing. lol. and not to mention my friend went "OH SHIT!" really loud out of nowhere in the middle of the movie, which made us crack up laughing for about 5 minutes. lol
today i have to go to the dentist to get a root canal.-_- those are not fun. but, at least he will be making my teeth healthy^^
anyway, here are some random funny pics.
lol! GO AWAY!!!! XD
LOL! axel thats really nice.XD lol
axel and roxas dancing! lol ^_^
random video:
haruhi suzumiya ending^^
have a great day my precious souls^^
~innocent heart~
hello everyone!! i am in a SO much better mood today^^ thank you all for your sweet comments from yesterday's post^^ i love you all so much XD
ANYWAY, band went well. it was stupid, but at least i got it over with^^ so, later today im going to the movies with a couple of my friends so cant wait for that.
AND, do you like my new layout? you are probably thinking "Damn! Doesnt she ever just stay with one theme for more than just two days?!" lol. i just get bored and want to change it^^
anyway, here are some FUNNY pics:
LOL!!! poor sora^^
YAY! JACK!!! ^___^
(i had a ton of pics today^^ lol)
heres the random video of the day:
the new anime, romeo X juliet, the tragic Shakespeare tale.
hello everyone! how are u? im doing fine, except im kinda of in a not-so-happy-dont-give-a-care mood -_- idk. well, today i have a band rehearsal. yippee. im in the marching band for my highschool. i play the trumpet. so, im not to happy about going to that.
well, anyway, heres two random pics for you and the newest secret trailer for KH3.^_^
random pics.(they are so funny)
LOL!! XD sephiroth you are SO evil! lol
HIYA EVERYONE!!!! thanks to everyone who commented on my last post and for spreading the word. thank u! anime fans across america also thank u!! XD
and yes, i have changed my theme....AGAIN!!! lol
but dont be surprised if i dont do this often^^ lol. the theme is ichigo mashimaro. a VERY cute anime/manga^^
well, i have nothing to say,umm.....heres a random pic. and videos!!^___^
random picture....
its the ichigo mashimaro girls XD so cute!!
OMG!! everyone read what this lady sent to George bush about banning anime! its so stupid!!
heres the letter she wrote....
To: George Bush
Here in America, we live in a climate of moral decay. What is the cause of this? It is called "anime". Anime is a perverse, evil, insiduous form of animation from the dark land of Japan, and is corrupting America's youth at unprecedented rates. Here are a few examples of anime which are circulating on the Internet and may very well be in your home:
1) Ah My Goddess: A sick and disgusting show which causes children under the age of 18 to think they are capable of love. The main female character is clearly under 18, and is forced into a romantic relationship by an older man who "wishes" for her to be his girlfriend forever. He even KISSES her, and she appears NAKED. That poor girl must be so confused.
2) Love Hina: I'm not even going to mention the unspeakable, disgusting, pedophilic, pornograhpic events which transpire during this show, but suffice it to say, groups of young men on Love Hina-fueled rampages are raping children at a level unheard of since the 60s.
If you are a parent or a decent human being, I urge you to sign this petition to ban all forms of anime in the United States. Anyone who is found in possesion of anime should be arrested and jailed for an exhorbant period of time. Anime is a dark scourge upon our beautiful nation, and we don't need this Japanese filth corrupting the hearts of the children.
As a resonsible Christian, I demand to see this garbage removed from our nation. Please sign this petition and send it to George Bush, your Congressman, and the makers/distributors of anime filth and depravity.
Do the right thing.
The Undersigned
OMG!!! is that stupid or what?!
for one thing, cartoon network shows anime. if it was really that bad, do u think they would show it?its a kid channel.
and, Disney has anime also. i mean, howls moving castle, kingdom hearts,etc,
Also, how is ah! my goddess bad? half of that is false! she does not appear naked!!!
please spread the news and there is a petition u can sign online to not make bush ban anime, on this site
i don't think he would because of some stupid ladies letter.
also, she sounds racist. i mean, she keeps saying dark land Japan? WTF?! not very chrisitan like
that lady better watch it. we anime fans can get pretty mean/crazy XD
if u want to post this letter on your site, go ahead and copy it. we need to spread the word.
HIYA everyone!! yes, i have changed my layout...again! but it is dedicated to my sweet twin animegal84119! we both love gravitation a lot^^
also, we are making a new club! it is called the "Anime -randomness-club"^^ it will soon be ready for people to join! see the pics above for more info. so go to username Anime-random-club and sign the GB to join^^
PM me or animegal84119 if you have any questions about the club^^